Poor clueless Gato.
It must be horrible to struggle with thoughts like these with so little brain power.
Okay, let's take this one at a time -- and I will go slowly so that you can keep up, Gato.
Sister Joan wrote an excellent essay -- and McG came along and called it fiction.
I responded and showed him that all the items he called "fiction" were not fiction at all. The fiction was in his distortion of what Sister Joan said.
Now you have come along and essentially said the same thing as McG -- and I have shown that the things Sister Joan said were not fiction -- and that such fiction as there was in this thread came from the distortions you and McG have made.
Now, in a piece of trash posting, you are claiming that Sister Joan's essay is a piece of trash. And the reason you say it is a piece of trash, Gato, is because "...she does not give evidence for her statements."
Gato, sit down for a second while I tell you something that is going to buckle your knees.
Many, many fine essays contain statements that are simply statements. Many, many fine essays do not contain any evidence. Especially when the material being covered is self-evident.
You then went on to write:
Quote:You do know what evidence is, don'tyou FrankAPisa?
Proof!!!! "
Oh, Gato, that would have every so much more effective if only you were correct.
But you weren't.
Evidence sometimes can be proof -- but to suppose that evidence is proof is really evidence of ignorance. Not proof, mind you, but evidence.
Often evidence is miles away from proof. Evidence often is circumstantial - and is anything but proof.
It is a good idea, Gato, before sarcastically insinuating that someone does not know some truth that you are about to reveal - that you actually have some truth to reveal. Otherwise you can come away looking like a fool
In any case, you then wrote:
Quote:Sister is absolutely correct in her statements although she gives no evidence.
My, my, my! What a brilliant attempt at appearing both intellectual and open-minded. Too bad it clashes with so much else of what you have said previously.
McG said this about Sister Joan's comments:
Quote: Wonderful fictionÂ…
And you Gato -- ahhh...you! Here are some of the things you said previously about the statements you now call "absolutely correct."
Quote:Frank APisa and Sister Joan are incorrect more often than they are right.
Quote:Sweeping wild exaggeration and generalization.
Quote:I must really conclude that no link means it is a fiction.
Quote:Then sister Joan sets up what can only be called a "Howler". A sweeping unsupported generalization.
Quote:Such evidence will not be forthcoming since it does not exist. Another wild generalization based on useless conjecture rather than fact.
C'mon now, Gato, which is it???
Are Sister Joan's statements actually fiction, wild generalizations, conjecture, sweeping unsupported generalizations, incorrect...
...or "absolutely correct?"
Please, somebody.
Come help Gato.
I feel uncomfortable being in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.