Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2003 12:11 am
Sister now brands our soldiers as Killers and torturers when she wrings our hearts with stories about Ali and the poor burned girl.

Yes, sister, life can be hard.

I remember when thousands. Far more than those who were killed in Iraq died in thefire storms caused by our bombers when they destroyed Dresden in World War II.

When the gates were opened at Buchenwald, no one dared to say a word against those who bombed Dresden.
Apparently, Sister thinks that Saddam really didn't murder those hundred of thousands in Iraq who defied him.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2003 12:59 am
I would respectfully submit that Sister Joan would make a much more effective statement if she could give proof that her statements were indeed in accord with reality.

Opinions are fine but when they go over the top, as Sister Joan's opinions have, "unsourced" statements like hers are ignored as the cranky ruminations of a partisan.
0 Replies
John Webb
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2003 01:37 am
I must admit to finding her version of reality far closer to the truth than that of Dick Chaney.

To slightly paraphrase one example "We won the war so easily because Saddam hid his Weapons of Mass Destruction so well that no one, not even the Iraqis, could find them". Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2003 01:58 am
Italgato -- Do you have any references to support your statements?

Or are you really talking about yourself, rather than Sisten Joan?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2003 10:15 am
Italgato wrote:
Mc Gentrix- Sister Joan and Frank APisa are obviously afflicted with the terminal Liberal disease- Unsupported Generalizationitis.

You have made cogent comments only to be "corrected" by Frank APisa.

Frank APisa and Sister Joan are incorrect more often than they are right.

Let us examine her position and Frank APisa's comments carefully.

First, they said that they wanted Bin Laden dead or alive. Then they said that it doesn't matter, Our mission is greater than one man.

This rambling of Gato's is so jarringly muddled, I feel almost embarrassed to be responding, but of course, I shall anyway.

Neither Sister Joan nor I said we wanted Bin Laden dead or alive. Neither of us said it doesn't matter. And neither of us said the mission is greater than one man.

That stuff was all said by the administration. Sister Joan commented on it -- and I commented on what Sister Joan said.

Don't you know how to read, Gato?

Sister Joan and Frank APisa cannot find, in any transcript, the statement that the Administration does not want to find Bin Laden dead or alive.

Neither of us said the administration does not want to find Bin Laden. Why are you making up stuff like this?

Ohh, I know why. You can't argue against what we actually said, so you are going to pretend we said something else -- and argue against that.

Jeez, I just explained to McG that you shouldn't do that. It makes you look like an idiot.

The rest of this post was so amateurish and convoluted, I am not going to touch it. Take a refresher course in writing and re-post if you really want a response.

More to come. I'll take each of your posts in order.

This is really fun.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2003 10:23 am
Italgato wrote:
Then sister Joan says: They say that those weapons probably don't exist. Maybe never existed.

Sweeping wild exaggeration and generalization.

I am unaware of any statement made by anb administration spokesman which said that the weapons never existed.

May I be so bold as to ask for a link to a quote?

I must really conclude that no link means it is a fiction>

I await the link.

Well, they certainly have said that those weapons MAY not exist -- and they certainly have said that some of the weapons speculated about -- MAY never have existed.

And they have not come up with any weapons of mass destruction so far.

Where are the weapons?

And since they have not be discovered -- the administration has been trying to downplay that part of their manufactured justification for the war -- and in effect are saying "It doesn't matter.

So to suggest that the comments were "Sweeping wild exaggeration and generalization" is itself a bit of sweeping, wild exaggertion on your part.

Try not to do that, Gato.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2003 10:25 am
Italgato wrote:
Sister Joan says:

Except that it does matter, I know we are not supposed to say that. I know it is unpatriotic.

I respectfully ask Sister Joan or Frank APisa to provide evidence to show that saying "Maybe it does matter" is viewed as unpatriotic by the official statements of the administration.

Failure to provide evidence is due cause for throwing the statement into the worthless unsourced claim bin.

C'mon, Gato.

There have been administration stooges on TV week after week talking about how criticism of the administration is, in effect, unpatriotic.

If you haven't heard it, perhaps you ought not to be watching cartoons on Sunday mornings and watch the several news and analysis programs.

You will soon understand what Sister Joan was talking about.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2003 10:36 am
Italgato wrote:
Then sister Joan sets up what can only be called a "Howler". A sweeping unsupported generalization.

She says that it matters that the infrastructure of a foreign nation that couldn't defend itself aginst us has been destroyed on the grounds that it was a military threat to the world.

I hope that the good sister is aware of the meaning of the word, Infrasrtructure. It means- basic supporting institutions of a country, his includes offices, schools, and the means of maintaining the country, electricity, bridges, waterways, energy sources.

Note sister Joan says: The infrastructure has been destroyed because it(Iraq) was a military threat to the world.

Words have meaning.

The infrastrucure? All of it? None was left?

Destroyed? What does that mean/

By whom?
The USA or the saboteurs?

This paragraph by sister belongs in the Unsupported and unsourced generalizations bin.

I don't even understand what in hell you are arguing here. Want to give it another try?

And try to read with undestanding -- if you are capable.

It sounds to me as though you started this thought trying to suggest that Sister Joan was saying that "the infrastructure" was a threat to the world. That seems to be the only logical reason for that third paragraph.

Then it seems like the light finally dawned -- and you realized that Sister Joan was referring to Iraq being the threat -- not the infrastructure. But you didn't have the common sense (or you were too lazy) to revise the third paragraph -- and then went into a bunch of questions -- which really seemed designed to avoid actually having to deal with the issue out-front.

But let me answer your questions of avoidance:

The infrastrucure?

Yeah, the infrastructure.

All of it? None was left?

No, not all of it. Lots of it. Yes, some was left. But there was a lot less than before we started.


Yes, destroyed.

What does that mean/

Look it up in a dictionary. You'll find it in the section for words beginning with the letter "D."

By whom? The USA or the saboteurs?

By both, I imagine.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2003 10:39 am
Italgato wrote:
Then sister proves that she has been listening to the left wing crazies.
She tells us that Life support has been cut off.

Medical Insurance Cancelled

Food Stamps cut off
Day Care programs eliminated


so that we could, she says, spend the money on sending an army to do what did not need to be done.

I must really be forgiven for saying: What utter tripe!!!

First of all, I would ask the good sister to GIVE EVIDENCE ( fIGURES- Dollars and cents) to show that any of the programs she alludes to were cut.

Now, we must not play the usual Democratic games.

Some of the left wing will ask for a ten percent increase in funding for some idiotic program and when it is reduced to nine percent they cry

cut, cut cut.

I want to see evidence that the programs that sister mentioned were indeed cut

I also want to see EVIDENCE that the money that was allegedly cut from those programs was TRANSFERRED TO THE MILITARY BUDGET.

Such evidence will not be forthcoming since it does not exist.

Another wild generalization based on useless conjecture rather than fact.


This enterprise is costing lots and lots of dollars.

The dollars could have been used for more productive projects.

Sorry if you cannot see that, but hey, it doesn't make you a bad person.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2003 10:40 am
Italgato wrote:
Sister now brands our soldiers as Killers and torturers when she wrings our hearts with stories about Ali and the poor burned girl.

Yes, sister, life can be hard.

I remember when thousands. Far more than those who were killed in Iraq died in thefire storms caused by our bombers when they destroyed Dresden in World War II.

When the gates were opened at Buchenwald, no one dared to say a word against those who bombed Dresden.
Apparently, Sister thinks that Saddam really didn't murder those hundred of thousands in Iraq who defied him.


She did that???

Funny that I missed that part.

Perhaps you can do what you've asked others to do -- provide some evidence that she did.

If not, I will have to assume this is just one more wild exaggeration on your part.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 02:10 am
FrankAPisa- You must really understand that Sister's essay is a piece of trash. You don't. The reason that it is a piece of trash is that she does not give evidence for her statements.

You do know what evidence is, don'tyou FrankAPisa?


Ok I'll play your game.

Sister is absolutely correct in her statements although she gives no evidence.

Now, I will go afield to show how ridiculous that is.

I will state that William Jefferson Clinton raped Juanita Broadderick.

Handle that one with the same guidelines that you handle the UNPROVEN starements that Sister made.

The problem with the left wing is that it will accept any piece of garbage which furthers its agenda but will discard anything from the right which might have more veracity if it hurts the leftwing.

People whose mental capacities are insufficient do not understand that charges that are made must be PROVEN.

The idiocies concerning the cut off of programs are just babblings. There is no proof that the programs were cut.

There is no proof that the money used for Iraq would have ever been transferred to those programs even if Iraq hadn't existed.

It is you that can't read,Frank A Pisa.

Sister said ALL. ALL> ALL. Stupid Generalization.

The infrastructure she referred to was the infrastructure of Iraq.



The ball is in your court. You have to find someone in the administation who said- Maybe it does matter is Unpatriotic or ELSE ASK SISTER TO QUIT THE STUPID GENERALIZATIONS.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 02:15 am
I am asking that Frank A Pisa or Sister find a quite from a member of the administration that said the Weapons don't exist. The WMD's. I am asking Frank A Pisa or Sister to find a quote from a member of the Administration to find a quote that WMD's maybe never existed. They wont since WMD's were used to gas Kurds in Northern Iraq by Saddam.

Sister andFrank a Pisa Lie.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 02:22 am
Perhaps the dollars could have been used for more productive projects, but the admininstration with the assent of the Congress( you know, Sister and Frank A Pisa, the Congress did back the President in his liberation of Iraq- look it up). But sister and FrankA Pisa have selective amnesia about that since some of the left wing Senators including Kerry voted for sending our troops to Iraq.

Sister didn't mention( I wonder why) that money is sometimes used well( as in Iraq now) and sometimes it is wasted as when Scumbag Clinton used missles to bomb Baghdad to take the people's minds off of his impeachment.

The difference??

Clinton did not get the Congress's approval--

Bush did.
Frank A Pisa and sister conveniently forget those little details.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 02:36 am
Frank A Pisa cannot understand what sister wrote.
She wrote.
"First, they said that wanted Bin Laden. But they didn't get him. So now the tell us that it doesn't matter. Our mission is greater than one man."

Sister knows, I hope, that her quote is out of context.

The reply , It does't matter did not mean that THE ADMINISTRATION DID NOT WANT BIN LADEN.
It was a reply to the question of Now that you have failed, what will you do.

The answer was there was no failure since the mission is greater than one man.
Anyone who believes that the mission was only one man is an Idiot but some of the left wing in the press were trying to make it look like a COMPLETE failure for not catching Bin Laden.

The idiots in the press kept saying that Afghanistan would be a quagmire.

In the book "Bush at War", Rumsfeld is quoted. He jammed it right up the nose of some of the left wing reporters.

"At his November 27 briefing to the news media, Rumsfeld took the position that this outcome had been certain all along. "I think that what was taking place in the earlier phases was exactly was planned" The suggestions that things had not gone well initially were informed. "It looked like nothing was happening. Indeed, it looked like we were in a " and he asked the press to join in-"All together now, quagmire."

Yes, Frank a Pisa- "uniformed" as you and sister are.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 02:51 am
I really think Frank A Pisa is unable to read. I will quote sister. If Frank A Pisa can read, he will correct my quote if it is indeed incorrect.

It matters that the infrastructure of a foreign nation that couldn't defend itself has been destroyed on the grounds that it was a military threat to the world"

The sentence above is a sterling example of sister's generalizations and lack of attention to the meanings of words.

Frank A Pisa obviously doesn't think that words have meanings.

Sister says- "A foreign nation that COULDN'T DEFEND ITSELF."


Iraq did defend itself. Not well but it did. Over a hundred of our troops died when it was defending itself.
An obvious error, one of many,that sister made and Frank A Pisa missed.

Then, a sweeping idiotic generalization.

A foreign nation..has been destroyed.


Destroyed- definition-"To reduce to useless fragments" "to extinguish"

Maybe Frank A Pisa and Sister should begin using Dictionaries.

Iraq wasn't destroyed.

Someone without an agenda like Sister and Frank A Pisa have would say, areas were devestated or fifteen buildings in Basra were destroyed but no sweeping stupidities like- "A foreign nation..has been destroyed."

In World War II( I wonder if Frank A Pisa or Sister ever heard of World War II), we dropped atomic bombs and "destroyed" ( Yes,destroyed) large parts of the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima and yet one cannot find and history that says Japan has been destroyed.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 02:55 am
Sister says: It matters to families whose life support systems were ended.

I challenge sister to PROVE that life support programs were ended because our soldiers were sent to Iraq.

A hysterical unproven statement- Which Frank A Pisa missed- didn't read? agrees with?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 02:55 am
Short memory?

This is quite a shift from the months after the terrorist attacks, when bin Laden was treated to daily mentions by Bush and colorful phrases such as "wanted: dead or alive." But now, with bin Laden's status unknown, invoking his name only reminds Americans of the failure to apprehend him.


"I want justice,"

"And there's an old poster out West, I recall, that says, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive.'"

Wanted dead or Alive
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 03:03 am
Sister says:

( It does matter) to families whose medical insurance ran out"

SIster must prove that the families' medical insurance ran out because the funds were diverted for Iraq.
She does not.
'She gives no data on how many families medical insurance ran out.

She give no data on why the insurance ran out( if it did).

She gives no data on how much money the US government held back that was supposed to go to help people with health insurance( if such a program was indeed in place)

She gives no evidence that some compassionate Senator like Ted Kennedy said:

"The money going for Iraq is causing families' medical insurance to run out"

If sister had done so, i would have put more stock in his clearly hysterical message.

She did not!

And Frank APisa mis read that one also.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 03:06 am
Sister says "Whose food stamps were cut off"
She gives no proof. She does not show that the Food Stamp Money was indeed cut off.. She does not prove that the food stamp money was then transferred in the Budget from Domestic needs to Military.

If she had, I would have agreed, but she wrote idiocies without giving proof.
And Frtank A Pisa missed that one also.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 03:12 am
The sister said:

( It matters to the people) whose day care programs were eliminated so that we could spend the money on sending an army to do what did not need to be done"

No proof. No documentation. A sweeping generalization.

Sister did not prove that any day care programs were eliminated>

She did not show that the money was transferred to the military budget.

What Sister and apparently Frank A Pisa do not realize is that the President has no authority to spend money. He or she must get the approval from the House and Senate.

Did Frank A Pisa and Sister miss ALL of their Political Science classes??

The House and the Senate approved the expenditure of funds, Sister--write your letter to them............
0 Replies

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