Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 03:50 am
Theres that annoying chirping again.

Why do you keep going out of your way effemm to make yourself look a silly ass?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 03:53 am
Thats way different than what we were fed. So Dr Reiss has resigned under pressure?

Yeah- ignorant pressure from "experts" on your side of the fence.
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 04:59 am
If you knew how petulant and childish you seem . . .
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 07:40 am
I apologise Ed. I'm sorry what I said has caused you to make such a silly bloody fool of yourself.

You don't seriously think I take the slightest notice of things like that do you? It's just an all-purpose reflex. It serves only to tell us something about yourself.

A 50% Ignore. You put me on Ignore. Then you thought better of it and in a fanfare of trumpets blazing the anthem of magnanimous man, and for which some fool gave you credit, you took me off. The next best thing is the meaningless blurt. The out-pulled tongue. I got that from a barmaid last night. Most nights actually.

Anyway- glad about the "seem". Thanks.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 08:43 am
State Board of Education chairman and creationist Don McLeroy said in a recent AP story that he was "sick and tired of people saying we're interjecting religion" into the classroom, though he supports restoring the "strengths and weaknesses" language and working some form of it into the proposed standards for chemistry and astronomy.

How silly, the creationist is "sick and tired" of people complaining when they try to inject religion into the classroom. So he's working hard to expand religion into chemistry and astronomy as well. What a moron.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 08:45 am
Editorial: Science only in science class
(Waco Herald Tribune, October 03, 2008)

This should not be necessary: A group of scientists from Texas universities speaks out for teaching science in public schools.

The group calls itself the 21st Century Coalition. It doesn’t want winks and nods to religion in science class.

In question is newly released proposed science standards which remove previous wording that required schools to teach the “strength and weaknesses” of scientific biology, particularly as relates to evolution.

That wording is code for and could be a cue for so-called creation science.

Some adherents to the Biblical creation theory say that gaps in the evolution model discredit Darwin’s theories.

Of course, the gaps in their own explanations of human and animal origins are so gaping as to rely only on explanations in the Bible.

The chairman of the State Board of Education, Don McLeroy, is a self-described creationist. Though he says he does not support teaching creationism or intelligent design in class, he does support bringing to light the “strengths and weaknesses” of evolution, as has been state policy for some time.

He also argues that science “should be redefined to include supernatural (religious) explanations and phenomena.”

Explaining and investigating “strengths and weaknesses” of any theory is inherent in scientific inquiry. But having such language in state standards, as has been the case for several years, is code for those who want religion to have a foot in the door when Darwin comes up.

Taking that phrase out returns science in its pure form relative to the mandate from the state.

The new proposed standards are the product of official Texas Education Agency work groups made up of teachers and academics nominated by the State Board of Education.

This is not just a state issue. Ever since textbook monitors Mel and Norma Gabler rose to prominence, Texas educational standards have had nationwide ramifications.

Being the second largest purchaser of textbooks behind California, what Texas requires of its materials dictates what a lot of publishers end up including.

The problem with requiring the “strengths and weaknesses” of evolution is that it tends to discourage in-depth treatment of the subject in text materials.

Once again, acknowledging the shortcomings of scientific theories, no matter what they are, is one of the essences of science. But when the objective is to inject matters spiritual, we are not talking about science. We are talking about religion that wants a seat at the table.

Not in science class.
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 08:53 am
The chairman of the State Board of Education, Don McLeroy, is a self-described creationist. Though he says he does not support teaching creationism or intelligent design in class, he does support bringing to light the “strengths and weaknesses” of evolution, as has been state policy for some time.

He also argues that science “should be redefined to include supernatural (religious) explanations and phenomena.”

This guy gets better by the minute.
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 11:56 am
He also argues that science “should be redefined to include supernatural (religious) explanations and phenomena.”

He probably means half an ounce of kinnikinik blown up each nostril. One really ought not to limit one's understanding of supernatural phenomena for one's own convenience and comfort. It's unscientific to approach these things in one's bathroom mirror.
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 12:36 pm
"I'm a strong supporter of free enterprise."

George W. Bush. Oct 3 2008.

That's a supernatural and religious incantation designed to usher in communism painlessly.

I suppose the $700 billion (plus) will be administered by people very much like the members of school boards.

It's amazing how you save yourselves from economic catastrophe by voting not to have it. Everybody knows that you can stave off bankruptcy by borrowing money off your grandchildren. From what I heard, and I watched a lot of the debate, if one can call it that in view of half the time being taken up with speakers congratulating their fellows and thanking them for their hard work, the beneficiaries mentioned were all non-productive citizens.

What will the recipients of the first cheques do with the money?

The Dow behaved in a fashion which confounded the financial experts we were watching.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 03:21 am
No one has adequately discussed, or even listed, the "weaknesses" of the science behind the theory of nat selection. Any weaknesses that Im aware of, are actually areas in which ongoing research will help better define the mechanisms and patterns of selection.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 04:32 am
The sheer mindless naivety of it.

It's proponents can't defend it unless they play at home.

Its boring, simple and repetitive explanations.

The money wasted on continually trying to prove it.

Its capacity to delude people into thinking they are scientists.

Its incongruence with Christian civilisation.

Its justification of immorality.

The succour it provides for eugenics.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 05:03 am
I rest my case.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 06:38 am
Night night then.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 11:00 am
It's the same people who promote evolution as the ones who have dropped the financial system in the ****.

The city has but one objective. To lay waste the countryside. Do that good and you can obviously live it up without productive effort. Just with talk. And when stumped in argument sweep their head clean with a facile "I rest my case."
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 04:40 pm
I admit that its a display of my facility in the language that bests you spendi. However, you do give us such ammunition as the previous snippet

It's the same people who promote evolution as the ones who have dropped the financial system in the ****

Thats such a vacuous vapid pile of excreta that weve come to expect from you as a continuous serving of what you have convinced yourself, is passing for wit or deep thought. You are just a total fool.
Now go out an get yourself gassed for another evening you homely bit of forest duff.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 05:01 pm
Moth to a flame. Tsk tsk.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 05:11 pm
Thats such a vacuous vapid pile of excreta

Well-- I did a little research you see effemm. nimh provided the answer. It's rough and ready I'll admit but it does show that the same people who promote evolution are the very selfsame as the ones who have dropped the financial system in the ****. Give or take a wine bar or two and some Qualludes.

farmerman seems to be a rather inappropriate username don't you know? You are either a city slicker or one of their dupey lickspittals and lackeys.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 07:08 pm
Twit, now everyone is aware that almost anything you say is just a pile of dung. You are such a sick puppy that you believe the crap you spew.

I wonder what youll say next?
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 04:00 am
Whatever it is it is sure to cause you to "pop out" with another meaningless explosion of outraged sensitivity.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 04:41 am
Then stop posting nonsense. I know that youre at least minimally educable, and that you have opposing thumbs (Ive been told that youve reached this plateau by virtue of being able to lift a pint glass to your facial anus)

SOber up yet? Its SUnday AM so you can lie abed and renounce your pursuit of strong drink, and make resolutions to find decent employment and to thus stay off the dole. Ive hope for you old piece. All real change begins with the recognition of ones own shortcomings. Good luck twit.
I shall now resume my participation in the substance of this thread. Ill check in with you in a week or so . Toodles.

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