after the case was underway, I agree. Why did the DI give the "Panda's and People " a complete rinse and change "Creationism" to Intelligent Design" in all the text??
Why did DI sponsors underwrite the costs??
I think your (of late) interest in Dover hs been adjusted by the post trial bullshit tours these clowns have been mounting since 2007. Face it, they are a bunch of liars about what Dover represented to them and no matter how much theyve tried to distance themselves, I dont think they will ever live that down .
BTW, I sat in a lot of the testimony along with a few other cience faculty members.
Weve also followed up the BS that has been printed by DI in the last 10 years. Its as good as it gets re: "If you cant lose honorably, just lie your asses off"
Be careful bout what you read. Id suggest some of the free press like the Harrisburg Patriot or the Philly Inquirer. (They had no dogs in the fight and it was motly done as a feature or investigative reports about our "Strange beliefs'.
It not so much that DI was involved (mostly clandestinly except for the leadership and testimony that would b in alignment with DI'd "Wedge Strategy"). Actually, the DI needed some big event to consolidate it's wedge strategy. Howard Ahmanson, a savings bank heir and a devout creationist, dropped in the funds for the "Slick start-up" of DI's mission and communication network. It was here where the Behe's, Berlinski's Dembski's Myers etc and Austens got their connection. the whole thing started at a conference in 1993 at Pajaro Dunes the estate of the Ahmanson's, where Phil Johnson and his "darwin on Trial" was made into a structure of what became the DI shortly after that.
DI's footprints were all over Dover. Mr Buckingham , now being vilified as a" drunken , authoritarian, mission directed Creationist who was a little nuts" was, originally given the credits for getting the concept of aGODLESS ID on the case docket.
Then, because he bspoke the same shot that Dembski said a decade earlier ("Christ must be at the center of any theory of science...).That was where the DI began its pull out of the case (BUT, it was already several months into the depositions and discovery and all the way to 2 days into the testimony. I can see how the DI website would claim that they were "against the case ". They were , when Buckinghm stated to the papers that "were gonna dea; with this godless evolution"
Yep, Id run too if Ise tryin to hide the facts behind my club
Ps this boat i a hotspot. We may not leave till late because, (believe it or not) The mid bay winds are high and weve got some rooky sailors on board