think about it. What reserch is actually going on with an ID basis If any were planned, youd be serching foor evidence that supports your belief and the resarch would "ignore" thaise areas that refute ID. SOrt of when nat selection can be seen to be related to cataclysms or environmental changes. the relationship of such changes are what? Part of your algorithm fantasy. How is this accomplished?? And if it is why isnt anyon out there looking for the algorithm??
Saying something and evidencing something are two different things. meth naturalism omits having to pay "dues" to some sponsoring god.
Quote: How did ID Become the philosophy police?
when you begin claiming that an "intelligence" is behind everything , then you go out for coffee because you dont want to discuss how you know all these things. Every argument you claim as evidence surrounds some Biblical reference so far. "Intelligent Design is so because the Bible tells me so"???. at everything???
As far as the rest and the "cant you see that this is how a n ID would work"...Thats meaningless ipsedixitismic prattle.
In this thread, the point has been , and remains "AFAIC'd" the challenges to keep religious teaching of science OUT of chool curricula. I keep having to draw you guys back into the fray because you wander all over the sty with some lame arguments about how "Science is a religion", or "ID is visible all over", among some of my favorite listenings.
The courts have so far, rebuffed such scholastic advances that the Creationists (and their IDer descendents) have been trying to make ever since Scopes. Its not over by a long shot, since, right now, in the Florida legislature there are 3 bills (interconnected in their web, so that if one fails, it has enough clausal separation from the other two). These bills are a "honed down" fine tuned series of laws that allow individual suits . In one case, the ACLU has had to take the side of the IDers because their case has become a state constitutional thing and the IDers dont really preach the merits of ID. They are really a bunch of well crafted pieces of legislation and have dropped much of the ID crap so its not an issue of science v religion and "establihment clause". Its a matter of oppressive govt on the "Free expression " clause. I believe itll be lost incourt because the IDers will have to explain the reasons for why they are being oppressed (Which, if Im still not too dumb, means that they WILL have to admit that ID is a religion, because why would you need to be prtected under the free expression clause if theres nothing religious in there).
I think itll be interesting but, as Ive said before, a total waste of our money. (Course Florida only has immigrants and old farts and I dont work in the mines anymore)> So we shall see.