Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2016 07:30 am
He did give us a link to his religious manifesto about physics. He just is doing his best Peter impression here with his denials. It seems he thinks that rooster won't crow.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2016 04:23 pm
You still have not explained how under your theory an electron gun works. I have asked you to do so. Rather than doing that, you simply repeat your same unsupported garbage over and over. I have cited real world examples that fit the normal model better than your idiotic one. If you were really interested in understanding something, you would respond and correct your model to fit known observations.
A direct current, electrostatic thermionic electron gun is formed from several parts: a hot cathode, which is heated to create a stream of electrons via thermionic emission, electrodes generating an electric field which focus the beam (such as a Wehnelt cylinder), and one or more anode electrodes which accelerate and further focus the electrons. A large voltage between the cathode and anode accelerates the electrons. A repulsive ring placed between them focuses the electrons onto a small spot on the anode at the expense of a lower extraction field strength on the cathode surface. Often at this spot is a hole so that the electrons that pass through the anode form a collimated beam and finally reach a second anode called a collector. This arrangement is similar to an Einzel lens.
The heating of the cathode forces the electrons out into the surrounding layers of the ether till finally the difference in energy density in the ether (etheric pressure similar to air pressure on a balloon) is overcome by the kinetic energy of the electron, and it can no longer be held in its pulsating atomic orbital (the balloon explodes). https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2f/P6M0.png/800px-P6M0.png (note the shape of the atomic orbital in this image of a high energy hydrogen atom, and how a structure to the ether surrounding it explains that shape) The electron would be expelled into a cloud in the space, or ether surrounding it, and eventually each electron will tumble and find an opposing particle spinning in the opposite direction to form one of the two dimensional strings that construct all matter and space. It will either become a piece of space and disappear, or join an ion in matter. To get the particle to the anode, (where there are a bunch of ions) an electric field is created. The electric field adds energy and order to the volume of space occupied by the field in the electron gun.
Maxwell’s Equation can be written in any form. The various forms are just different notations for the same thing.
The equations define the Force (magnitude, and direction) on an electron, due to (Electro-Magnetism)
and how Electrons effect (Electro-Magnetism )

E and B are Vectors (A vector has Magnitude and Direction, and can be defined for Any number of Dimension )

The Important part of this Theory are:
1. Define the (magnitude and direction) of Forces On an Electron or other ”Charge carrier” .
2. E must be perpendicular(right angle) to B always and everywhere.
3. moving electrons (charge) cause a magnetic field.(perpendicular to E)
4. predicts the existence of 2 Fundamental Universal Constants (ε0, and C) :: ( NOTE : C = 1/sqrt(ε0* µ0)
5. Partial Derivatives (dE/dX), (dE/dt) must exist and must be less than infinity.
6. An Electron is anything that has a location and a charge. ( location, charge) = Charge Carrier

As stated in 2 E must be perpendicular to B in always and everywhere. What is it about the structure of space that makes that so? I believe it is because space is made up of virtual particles that are two dimensional strings intertwined at a 90 degree relationship to each other. As energy is added to the field the virtual particles of space, they are forced to line up like gyroscopes because of the 90 degree relationship of the strings constructing the virtual particles of the vacuum of space. This lines up the virtual particles in the electric field into a gear train running in one direction, rather than a jumbled up foam where regular matter and space interact. As the electron is expelled from the atom, it enters the gear train of virtual particles constructed by the electric field and travels down it like a particle caught in a water current. Due to the opposite polarity of the anode, the electron beam is attracted to it as the electrons are in need of a particle spinning in the opposite direction to complete the opposing particles structure of the strings that construct both space and matter.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2016 04:26 pm
I missed the manifesto, thank Dog.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2016 04:27 pm
He reveals more and more often his religious point of view, but remains dishonest about it.
I honestly believe intelligence is behind nature, and part of it. I can talk about it without bringing up my religion. It just so happens I wrote it into my musings, because that is how I thought it up. Some day I might rewrite it and take religion out.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2016 04:32 pm
Do you really think that dodge will work? This "intelligence" to which you refer would require an explanation, never mind evidence. Personally, i have no doubt about who you think the source of that intelligence is.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2016 04:55 pm
You need to learn to express it in Mathemathics. Then the ambiguity of concepts will disappear and any errors revealed.
I can only do the math as if space and matter were constructed of solid particles. The particles are really more like fluid bubbles filling all space so, that math becomes extremely difficult, therefor I can only get close in backing out the constants. Note, all particles are called quarks, that is not correct, electrons should be leptons in the following in the section titled ohms volts and amps to the section titled the weak nuclear force: http://embeddeddimensions.com/#_Toc435250723

The concepts revealed in the math of physics also needs a picture of how matter space is constructed of to give us gravity, and the constants of physics. I am offering a picture to fit the math that is already done.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2016 05:04 pm
Do you really think that dodge will work? This "intelligence" to which you refer would require an explanation, never mind evidence. Personally, i have no doubt about who you think the source of that intelligence is.
It doesn't matter who I think built it. Look at the structure of matter and space I propose and see if it fits observation. The structure could have popped out of nothing for all I care. I am not the first believer to come up with an idea. Don't let my belief system on the origin of the structure of space and matter prejudice your opinion of the structure. Intelligence is part of nature. You are intelligent, and you are part of nature. I believe in, and respect your intelligence.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2016 07:54 pm
Come on guys. You know there was a guy in the sky who said let there be, and it was. So much simpler that billions of years of so and so begat so and so. It also takes much less gray matter to understand?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2016 07:57 pm

The concepts revealed in the math of physics also needs a picture of how matter space is constructed of to give us gravity, and the constants of physics. I am offering a picture to fit the math that is already done.

I havent heard so compelling a explanation since Dr Irwin Coreys TED talk.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2016 08:28 pm
Sorry about the poor grammar I need to do a better job of editing . The concepts revealed in the math of physics also need a picture of how matter and space are constructed to give us gravity and the constants we observe. Can you explain how gravity comes out of the interaction between the space-time Continuum and matter, besides saying the space-time continuum is warped? I am offering a picture. The space time continuum is more than warped, it is a change in spatial density like a change in the barometric pressure pressure in a thunderstorm causes wind. This would make gravity an etheric wind blowing towards every piece of matter. Everybody keeps asking for a theory to go along with intelligent design. I think the picture explains the math. What do you think the picture looks like? Why is the fine structure constant the number it is? Why is the gravitational constant what it is? There has to be some sort of geometry or structure to everything for these constants to be constant at all times, and the numbers that they are.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2016 08:30 pm
this is about evolution not some understanding you belive you may have about modern physicst.
"Theories" start with a pile of facts and data that wind up bcoming evidence. The "Theory" follows, (it does NOT lead the parade)

We dont "Think up" a theory and then try to find evidence, tha's what the IDesr do. Darwin had at least 13 notebooks on his findings discoveries analyses etc. This , t least 5 to 20 years before he drafted his first chapter of "the Origin...". (He also had at least 7 other full notebooks on related issues that were inserted into hios later editions and later works published under other titles.

He had a detailed analysis of Malthus in which he developed the bases for the components of naturl selection.


PS, I commented on the first sexual reproduction in animals from the description of fossils of Funisia dorothea a post Cryogenian annelid that displayed sexual dimorphic phenotypes. Plants were using sezual reproduction for a billion and a half years earlier (Yes plants have sexual reproduction, thats why we have male and female Ginko trees and holly bushes and bacteria)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2016 08:34 pm
You are contradicting yourself again. How can electrons be expelled under your theory? You claimed electricity is simply the rotation of atoms. Now you are posting that electrons are expelled with a large electrical voltage. Didn't you claim electrons exchange places with quarks?
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2016 08:47 pm
When an electric field is added to the ether by lining up the axises of the virtual particles that construct it, the particles fit tighter and spin faster increasing the energy density of space thus increasing the etheric pressure holding the atoms in the atom. If the order established in the ether is surrounding a conductor that order of axis alignment is transferred to the atoms in the conductor. Electrons are held in the atom by the surrounding ether, or etheric pressure. Temperature is the measure of how fast the particles are moving in the atom. Electrical voltage increases how fast the electrons are moving. Once the atoms is heated enough that the etheric pressure can not contain the momentum of the electron, it is expelled.
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2016 01:29 am
What would that ether be in which "axises" [sic] line up? The luminiferous ether? You crack me up.
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2016 02:54 am
Yes and I describe why the Michelson and Morley experiment did not detect the Luminous aether. I think the Higgs boson might be the virtual particle tthat the aether is constructed of. What do you think the Higgs boson looks like? Is it matter or is it space? Or is it where matter and space interact, since it gives matter Mass?
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2016 07:26 am
You said the electrons act as teeth on the gears. What happens to a gear if it loses teeth? It stops spinning because it has a dead spot.

Once again, we see your model explode and fail to work in the real world.

Electrons are held in the atom by the surrounding ether, or etheric pressure.
That's an interesting statement.

You stated this about electrons -
You are right an electron is a lepton. In my picture of an atom an electron weaves into the atom and changes places with the quarks of the proton.

If electrons are in the protons how can they be expelled?

Where exactly are these electrons in your model? Are they gears? Are they in the protons? Or are the expelled? It seems you are arguing that all 3 things happen at the same time. Your model only gets more and more idiotic the more you try to explain it.
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2016 10:54 am
I think space is made up of interlocking and pulsating, virtual particles which are made up of four virtual quarks. Those virtual particles are a two dimensional universe of their own embedded in the three dimensional universe of the ether. You combine two of those virtual particles and spin them on axis between them and they become a 3 quark 3 antiquark 1 electron 1 positron 3 dimensional piece of matter that is a three dimensional universe of its own, with the two dimensional universes of the initial two virtual particles they were constructed of embedded in it. Giving you 5 spatial dimensions in the universe of the atom with two of the 5 embedded. You then have 5 spatial dimensions in the universe of the ether with two dimensions embedded in the universe of the virtual particles it is constructed of. Add the dimension of time you have 11 dimensions total.(string theory)
You said the electrons act as teeth on the gears. What happens to a gear if it loses teeth? It stops spinning because it has a dead spot.
They act like gears and couple at a distinct angle and ratio, giving us the fine structure constant. The angle and ratio is always the same, because of the two strings arranged in a 90 degree relationship (virtual particle) structure of everything. the quarks, electrons, or virtual quarks are like gears, they are not actual gears. They are more like bubbles or points of space defined by there spin. Since the structure of space and matter is similar except that it takes 8 particles or two groups of two string to make apiece of matter and only 4 particle or two strings to make a piece of the ether, they can change place with the quarks, electrons, or virtual quarks in the real or virtual particles they are interacting with. All the particles are the same and interchangeable the location defines there mass and name. In the ether they have no mass. In matter they have the amount of mass that there momentum can transfer to the ether as it is expelled from the atom. Since a particle in the electron position is already interlocked, at least partially with the ether, the ether is already experiencing most of its momentum in the interaction so as the electron is expelled very little extra momentum is transferred to the ether, thus the big difference between the mass of protons and electrons. Naked singularities or individual quarks, electrons, cannot exist and always find another particle spinning in the opposite direction to pair up with, even if its across the universe either in an ion of matter or a virtual particle of space. So there are no dead spots, an adjacent particle in an interacting ion, or a virtual quark or from a virtual particle of space(higgs boson) fills the spot while the electron that was expelled fins its antiparticle.
If electrons are in the protons how can they be expelled?

Where exactly are these electrons in your model?
The electrons are electrons only when they are in contact with the ether. As an electron weaves into the atom it rotates through each of the three quarks in the proton spots. As it is weaving in a proton quark weaves out and becomes the electron. there is always three quarks in and one electron on the outside. Inside the layer of protons are all the neutrons that under normal circumstances never come in contact with the universe of the ether, but are trapped in the universe of the atom.
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2016 11:27 am
Wow. What a bunch of gobbledygook that only reinforces the fact that your "theory" makes no sense.

it takes 8 particles or two groups of two string to make apiece of matter
So an electron is made up of 8 particle and 2 groups of strings when it is expelled from an atom? How can something that is made up of 8 particles and two groups of strings have 2 or more versions of itself in a particle that is only made up of 8 particles and 2 groups of strings?
Wouldn't an atom, which is a piece of matter, at that point be made up of at least 16 particles and 4 groups of 2 strings? And since it

As an electron weaves into the atom it rotates through each of the three quarks in the proton spots. As it is weaving in a proton quark weaves out and becomes the electron. there is always three quarks in and one electron on the outside.
Then how can it expel an electron since there are always 3 quarks and one electron and electricity is not the moving of electrons but the axis spin of the 3 quarks and one electron.

So there are no dead spots, an adjacent particle in an interacting ion, or a virtual quark or from a virtual particle of space(higgs boson) fills the spot while the electron that was expelled fins its antiparticle.

That statement implies that an electron gun can't work and yet it does and has for over 75 years. Electrons have mass. Electrons travel at high speeds. Electron sent by an electron gun can hit other atoms.
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2016 09:08 pm
So an electron is made up of 8 particle and 2 groups of strings when it is expelled from an atom? How can something that is made up of 8 particles and two groups of strings have 2 or more versions of itself in a particle that is only made up of 8 particles and 2 groups of strings?
Wouldn't an atom, which is a piece of matter, at that point be made up of at least 16 particles and 4 groups of 2 strings? And since it
Sorry I meant to say the smallest atom hydrogen not an electron.
Then how can it expel an electron since there are always 3 quarks and one electron and electricity is not the moving of electrons but the axis spin of the 3 quarks and one electron.
An electron is expelled when its momentum can overcome the etheric pressure holding it in the atom. It remains an electron until it finds a free antiparticle (which could be an incomplete virtual particle of ether) or an ion in matter. It could travel a long distance before that happens, especially in a vacuum.
Reply Sun 24 Apr, 2016 01:41 am
You are seriously delusional.

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