Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 30 Apr, 2013 11:51 am
God ruined it by providing the ten commandments, then contradicting all of them with more stories about his love for mankind.

He's guilty of sins against his own commandments.
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 02:48 pm

How often have you seen members f one religion killing members of the same religion in war? Look for a group that follows this: "By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves.” (John 13:35)

I know you cant be a Nazi because weren't they Christians fighting other Christians?

I will be honest and say that I thought that all religions went to war with others who shared the same beliefs but I heard that Jainism were very peaceful but I am not sure.

Are you Jainism? I hear some of the males do not wear clothes. That seems kinda cool not having to worry about laundry.

cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 02:55 pm
@reasoning logic,
You wrote,
males do not where cloths.

It was good for a laugh. Mr. Green
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 03:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Yea I am really good at misspelling, You should be use to it by now. Idea
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 03:06 pm
@cicerone imposter,
God ruined it by providing the ten commandments, then contradicting all of them with more stories about his love for mankind.

CI are you aware that the ten commandments that Christians call the ten commandments are not the true ten commandments according to the bible?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 03:08 pm
@reasoning logic,
I should, but it's not that frequent that folks on a2k misspell. farmerman misspells because of his arthritis, but usually not the words you misspelled.
Mr. Green
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 03:23 pm
@cicerone imposter,
farmerman misspells because of his arthritis, but usually not the words you misspelled.

What can I say? I am one of a kind.

You may not have an interest in what the true ten commandments are but if Christians truly do value intellectual honesty they should listen to this atheist who will help them to understand what the ten commandments really are.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 04:29 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
I know you cant be a Nazi because weren't they Christians fighting other Christians?
Those other crhistiasns were French, British,American. . . .
More recently, the massacres in Rwanda saw the machetes lined up brother against brother.
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 05:57 pm
Those other crhistiasns were French, British,American. . . .
More recently, the massacres in Rwanda saw the machetes lined up brother against brother.

Would you please share more of your thoughts and links with us because many of us may not do the research that I do at times to understand your point?

One of the most jarring aspects of the genocide in Rwanda is the fact that due to the ostensible success of Christian missionary efforts in that country during the 20th century, it had become one of the most thoroughly Christianized countries in Africa. Estimates before the genocide put the number of Christians in Rwanda at almost 90% of the population. The idea that a nation comprised largely of Christian people would become a killing field where neighbors are slaughtering each other in huge numbers, where grown men who attend church regularly would pick up machetes and hack to death entire families, including the children, should strike us as utterly bizarre. How could people who are supposedly followers of Jesus, attending church, listening to sermons, and receiving Christian education, act in this way? There is a gap here between the designation "Christian" and the behavior of the individuals so described that is so huge as to constitute a chasm. It is obvious that the efforts of the missionaries did not include a catechesis in basic Christian ethics that was effective in precluding the possibility of such massacres. What would such a catechesis look like? This is the question I seek to address.

Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 09:39 pm
@reasoning logic,
This is the wrong thread for this topic; but I can't really figure out if another one would be better. I've gone through my old topics. Some are better than others.

The bottom line here is the deficiency of the clergy, who for thousands of years have twisted the word of God for their own ends. One of the worst consequences of that is that well meaning folks like CI and Frank use these false teachings as strraw men to impugn the truth
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 09:51 pm
What you are claiming is that only you have the correct interpretation of the bible. Who gave you that "power?"
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 09:55 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Please interpret the following message for us.

(Matthew 27 v 51 - 52) NIV

51At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split.
51The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.

People were raised from the dead when Jesus died?

If this is the case, why was Jesus' ressurection so special?

I know v53 says they came out of the grave when Jesus was raised from the dead, so what happened to them in the 3 days between?

Were they still buried alive?
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 10:03 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
What you are claiming is that only you have the correct interpretation of the bible. Who gave you that "power?"
Not only me. I have a few million fellows, among whom I am the least. Not too many show up here, though.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 10:09 pm
Do you belong to some kind of cult? Mr. Green Drunk Drunk Drunk
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 10:15 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Do you belong to some kind of cult? Mr. Green Drunk Drunk Drunk
You may have heard of Jehovah's Witnesses. I believe but I'm hardly a good exaample
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 10:21 pm
What you seem to be saying is accept things on faith. Ignore the facts which are that the Bible was written by men who claim that they were inspired by God. Evolution is accepted by thinking men but religious men claim the earth is only 10,000 years or so old. So who is right? The religious Bible thumpers or science?
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 10:24 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Please interpret the following message for us.
(Matthew 27 v 51 - 52) NIV

51At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split.
51The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.

People were raised from the dead when Jesus died?

If this is the case, why was Jesus' ressurection so special?

I know v53 says they came out of the grave when Jesus was raised from the dead, so what happened to them in the 3 days between?

Were they still buried alive?
I think it best to quote the work of others:
Tombs Opened’ at Jesus’ Death. The text at Matthew 27:52, 53 concerning “the memorial tombs [that] were opened” as the result of an earthquake occurring at the time of Jesus’ death has caused considerable discussion, some holding that a resurrection occurred. However, a comparison with the texts concerning the resurrection makes clear that these verses do not describe a resurrection but merely a throwing of bodies out of their tombs, similar to incidents that have taken place in more recent times, as in Ecuador in 1949 and again in Bogotá, Colombia, in 1962, when 200 corpses in the cemetery were thrown out of their tombs by a violent earth tremor.—El Tiempo, Bogotá, Colombia, July 31, 1962
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 10:34 pm
RABEL222 wrote:
What you seem to be saying is accept things on faith. Ignore the facts which are that the Bible was written by men who claim that they were inspired by God.
RABEL222 wrote:
Evolution is accepted by thinking men but religious men claim the earth is only 10,000 years or so old. So who is right? The religious Bible thumpers or science?
It seems to me that, at one time scientists believed in phlogiston and Joseph Priestly was scorned. So, be careful how high you elevate the findings of science. Religious men may claim the earth to be 6000 or 10000 years old. Buts anyone who would take the trouble to read Genesis 2:4 would soon discern that the creative days of Genesis are simply unspecified periods of time as in the expression "my grandfather's day". Add to that the oft ignored fact that the 7th day has not yet ended and many years are allotted for the creative period, which BTW, did not begin until Genesis 1:2.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 10:51 pm
It's easy to "elevate" the findings of science, because they can be observed, described, identified, and explained. It's methods always seeks to improve on its findings through investigation, and has a way to improve on the knowledge of our environment and natural phenomenon.

There is a level of confidence in science that can't be matched in human knowledge.

Reply Thu 2 May, 2013 03:38 am
Evolution is accepted by thinking men but religious men claim the earth is only 10,000 years or so old.

Strawmans of that nature are obviously much more welcome to you than they are to me. I have the impression you would not want ever to be without them.

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