Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 11:42 am
Scientists have found another planet like earth orbiting another sun that has the conditions for life called Kepler 22b.

I'd like to hear from the creationists who believe humans on earth are the children of god?
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 11:52 am
@cicerone imposter,
That would be boring ci. We have heard it all many times. What would be much more interesting is to hear from materialists who believe humans are the children of the industrial process.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 01:00 pm
You would have to resort to such nonsense, because as science provides more facts that disproves the bible, creationism just gets more irrelevant.
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 02:36 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Is it hard for you to accept that you are a child of the industrial process? A series of mechanical operations energised by biological tensions for which there is no known non-teleological explanation.

Nothing can "disprove" the Bible.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 02:42 pm
It has many times, but people like you must rationalize away common sense and logic to continue to "believe." It's no wonder you are so confused about most things!
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Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 05:05 pm
Is it hard for you to accept that you are a child of the industrial process? A series of mechanical operations energised by biological tensions for which there is no known non-teleological explanation.
You are just in love with your own voice no matter how silly and stupid you sound.This paragraph doesnt even hang together under scrutiny. Are you hammered again?

Nothing can "disprove" the Bible.
Nothing like leading with your ass. Thats not even worth any rebuttal. Id probably let my border collie take a shot at it but Im afraid shed get impatient with your masturbatory writing style
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 05:44 pm
Neither of those responses even attempt to address the points I raised. What you need to do fm is provide evidence that the paragraph doesn't hang together under scrutiny. Asserting that to be the case is simply not good enough.

And you might explain how you can "disprove" the Bible.

And you are your border collie's sap in case you don't know.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 05:48 pm
You don't have a point that needs to be answered, because your questions doesn't relate to the subject under discussion.

If you don't understand why the bible falls apart at the seams, disproving it is an oxymoron. It disproves itself from the many errors, omissions, and contradictions. If one of the commandment is "thou shalt not kill," why does god command its followers to kill those who do not believe in him?
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 05:50 pm
It wouldn't take an average border collie long to work out how to get fm catering for its basic needs I shouldn't have thought.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 05:52 pm
Your's would be a pig.
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Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 06:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,
If one of the commandment is "thou shalt not kill," why does god command its followers to kill those who do not believe in him?

God is subjective just like the rest of us. We were greasing up to Gadaffi and then, hey presto, trying to kill him. God has mood swings too.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 06:10 pm
He has mood swings that kills millions of lives at one wave of his wand.

He's a just and loving god....
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 06:18 pm
@cicerone imposter,
That's right ci. He wanted you to have a nice home in California. That's just and loving don't you think?
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 06:39 pm
A nice home must include the "good" people who live in it. The "value" of the house is irrelevant unless you have lost your home, are ready to lose your home, or are homeless.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 06:40 pm
And you are your border collie's sap in case you don't know.
She's read Spengler thoroughly and didnt see any of the thingsyou always allude to. She stated that, respectfully, you must be either mistaken or else quite impaired.
My dog is scottish so shes rather laconic in prose. She usually gets it right on though.Shes quite glib.
Reply Wed 7 Dec, 2011 06:21 am
When she comes on heat do you allow evolutionary forces to take their natural course or do you apply theologically motivated precautions. There is no foresight anywhere in evolution. No family planning. No missionary taught techniques.

I presume, in view of her having the run of your library, that she holds a special position in the farm menagerie. A more honorific position in your domestic hierarchy than those reared for consumption and only second to the lady of the house. One assumes she has been trained in the niceties of status relations, the dog I mean, along the lines of the ancient distinctions of worth, honor and repute and readily lends herself to the facilities of a range of invidious comparisons between you and all who have the misfortune to interact with you. Dogs are very like slaves in that they exhibit the gift of unquestioning subservience and are alert to their master's moods and they commend themselves by affording many opportunities for the play of the propensity for mastery which we all know is highly developed in your own person as your avatar so clearly demonstrates.

As you must have noticed with your keen scientific nose, wives also function in a like manner in the patriarchal scheme of things where they act as a sort of advertising hoarding for their owner's capacity to pay and thus put forth to the world his estimable pecuniary worth: the most decorous fashions being those that render the wearer incapacitated for any economically useful effort.

Waste= Status and Use=Odium is a well known scientific law. At the point where Status relations have become a national religion the banking crisis is inevitable. I say religion because it is a fond belief that organisms which fundamentally consist of a tube with a hole at each end can scarcely be differentiated in any other way.

What name have you chosen for your border collie? Does she round up sheep?

Reply Wed 7 Dec, 2011 08:47 am
When she comes on heat do you allow evolutionary forces to take their natural course or do you apply theologically motivated precautions.
I consider my quantum theory. Evolution , when watched, is no longer natural selection.
Reply Wed 7 Dec, 2011 09:39 am
In that case it might be useful if you explained to your fans what evolution is now. I think some of them believe, admittedly half-heartedly, that Natural Selection is precisely what Evolotion is.

It wouldn't do at all if you are all talking about different things which might, for the purposes of simplicity, be subsumed under the head of Degrees of Wobbling.

From your answer I presume you treat your border collie with a similar solicitude that many people treat a daughter. Although I have known people who were more solicitous in these respects with their high-bred bitches than they were with their daughters.

Also, indeed, with dogs proper when they have a reputation which their owner seeks to jealously guard. His snobbery prevents his dog from getting as much nookie as it might if he allowed slatternly and sluttish bitches anywhere near him. And then he says he loves his dog!!!! (expressed with falsetto incredulity). Can you believe that fm?
Reply Wed 7 Dec, 2011 09:51 am
With that post, youve admitted me into the darker world that is spendi's home.
I think that youd have been happier in Victorian times. That would allow you to more publically display your quirks . Today I just read your posts and go tsk tsk, poor spendi.

PS, had you comprehended my post, you would not have had to ask the dumass question you did. It started by referring to QT and then followed up with "Evolution, WHEN OBSERVED is no longer natural selection. Maybe someone else can explain it to you
Reply Wed 7 Dec, 2011 10:20 am
But I can watch evolution and still see it as natural selection. A busy pub in the last hour of business on a Fri. or Sat. night is a far superior laboratory than those Skinner and Watson spent so much time in. Especially if one is familiar with the neighbourhood which it serves. Noting down what rats do in mazes is like counting sacks of potatoes in comparison.

It is your Omnisience Complex which is leading you astray. You mean watching from above evolution. That somehow, a magical process I assume, Natural Selection is held in abeyance due to you watching it.

I'm watching it stuck in the sweaty, heaving, grunting of it.
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