sorry. I didnt see that you added more
Quote: Two identical items are more complex than one.
Thats a backward concept. When new genes occur many species can evolve based upon birth rates most;ly. Thats why the general forms in the geological record occur as tiny creatures and general creatures that evolve species . When a batch of evolutionary pressure occurs, the genus with the most species will survive because they can afford to lose members without losing the genus. Humans are adapted thinly to an optimal environment of heat and solar energy.If the environment extends beyond these optima, we are more in trouble than are cockroaches.
Quote: Two identical items are more complex than one.
I dont agree you are merely saying that there are several different bauplans that can adapt to any environment. Many species have devolved and many species have remained essentially the same through geologic history. The horshoe crab, for instance, could make a living today and has done so relatively the same creature SINCE almost 320 million years ago. The issue of "inferred complexity" is well handled by David RAups book "EXTINCTION, bad luck or bad genes". Its a statistical romp through paleontological evidence as example of several modes of multi variate analyses.
Quote: Why do live forms change into completely different existences if their survival is the most important thing ? Surely it suggests a group effort on the part of life rather than an individual species effort ?
Small changes (and some not so small changes) confer adaptive success to a changing environment. Many of these adaptive changes, when isolated within the genes that are involved, also can confer entire new body plans as a side "benefit" .For example, the carabidae beetles were evolving in the Silurian and fossils show that the wing plans changed as the insect seemed to grow. IN todays analysis of insects where we see evolution occuring , we see that immunity adaptation to specific insecticides is a function of something in the HOX gene compliment. These genes show that the insects achieving this immunity, also show a change in their wing shapes and legs (in several cases).
We had discussed the studies of arctic foxes which were chosen and selected (artificially) for tolerance to humans, actually, over a period of about 30 years, as they became friendlier to humans,the foxes also began showing changes in their body plans, they developed piebald colors, floppy ears, and faces that were examples of "neotony" (retention of puppy like features). Many genes control one expression and one gene can control many expressions
Quote: The when does evolution start in your opinion ?
I agree with Darwin pretty much. "Life " evolves. To create life is not evolution but genesis (bio or abio, natural or ID---you are allowed to pick 2)
Quote: talking about whether mass extinctions are an artifact of sampling or not Not so. Geologically cataclismic is confusing to the average person. On the geological time scale, there can be ample time for species to evolve. It is too complicated to go into here, but the way statistics are collected for species extinction could also be the reason for mass extinctions.
Well, ya got me there.In concert with your criticism of statistical sampling methods I have to reluctantly agree to a point. Ive been a constant critic of the writings of Gould and Eldredge on the proposal of "Punctuated Equilibrium". Ive always maintained that they were merely artificing the fossil record based upon gaps in the sedimentary record and they were (unknown to them) merely playing some autocorrelation game in their sampling methods. (Goulds own field site for his PE examples , used the marine Devonian of New York and he looked at the evolution of a bunch of Spiriferans ( brachiopods sorta like little clams). He proposed PE based on the changes that apparently occured in the species in a very quick time. It turns out that, after 25 years of sediment tracing, his field site was actually mostly an erosion surface so that the "quick passage of evolution " was actually a hiatus in deposition.
HOWEVER, real mass extinctions arent mere statistical goofs. They are the recording of the EXTINCTION of a bunch of species that, at some short geological period of time more than 10% of the existing fauna just dissapear in the fossil record. Its hard to imagine screwing up some sampling to discover that a whole bunch of mammals or reptiles just went extinct. The KT boundary is an example. The end of the Cretaceous was a time called the Maastrichtean period and it was about 4.6 million years long. During that period,most all of the remaining dinosaurs disappeared as did 5 of the 8 mammal taxa and several bird suborders and a few marine nautiloid species. These guys just vanished in a 5 million year period. During that period the stratigraphic record shows that the planet was insulted by
1opening of the ATlantic this changed the oceanic gyres and streams and caused temp changes planetwide
2Several bouts of vulcanism that exuded acidic naterial
3 a big cosmic "smackdown" occured at the end of the MAastrictean
4Accordsing to Eulers theorem, the rapid change in the plate rotation geometry allowed several areas to become miid latitude desertified areas and other areas like AUstralia, were actually in the middle of the ANtarctic so the dinosaurs that DID happen to adapt to frigid temps , were winnowed out and extintified over a period of time
I take no position about the cause of the KT mass die off. Theres plenty of controversy in tha Princeton U folks have produced some damn good evidence that nthe dinosaurs died as a result of multiple catclysms and not just one.
BUT, the fact is that e can pick out mass extinctions oin the fossil recod and we can deduce HOW it happened from the stratigraphic recod, without much doubt . WE argue over details not whether it did or dint happen
Quote: It wouldnt do for a living animal and it wont do for the past. Imagine finding a mule skeleton and saying it is a species. That is just an example, but you get the idea.
Sorry to be a stickler but there are many fossil "Species" that are determined to exist based upon one specimen. I dont make the rules and although it gets hard keeping up with the cast, thats why we use bigass computers with huge graphic capabilities.
Quote: Then may I reassure you that my knowledge base comes from before wikipedia was thought of.
I wasnt reffering to you, my but we are touchy. I wouldnt have spent time being this "paleoavuncular guy" if I was referring to you.