@cicerone imposter,
Quote:Science has nothing to do with vanity. You make the claim that "he hasn't a scientifid bone in his body," but fail to tell us what that is.
I know science has nothing to do with vanity. I was talking about ros. Not science.
Of course I told you what that was. It was ros asserting that there are no scientific arguments opposing the teaching of evolution when there are in the three scientific areas I mentioned but which he has himself defined as non-scientific for the purpose of proving his assertion. His circularity is self-evident and implies the closing down of university departments using tax dollars to teach sociology, psychology, anthropology, political science, art and aesthetics of any sort, and any other subject where the principles cannot be explained by the use of instrumentation.
He breaks the first rule of the scientific method. How can anybody propose a hypothesis to somebody who has shut himself off from positions he doesn't want to know about. He has no right to be on a science thread.
If ros lived at an altitude of 5000 ft he would assert that water boils at 202 degrees F. If he has on Ignore people who live at sea level he would say exactly the same thing about them. That there are no scientific arguments against his assertion that water boils at 202F.
If you want people who break the first principle of the scientific method, as all you anti-IDers constantly do, in charge of science education then you will find yourselves opposed. The last thing science needs is bigotry on that grandiose scale. It boils down to science being what you say it is and the rest of us know what that leads to. Bloody totalitarianism is what.
And you still haven't answered my questions on the control of the masses and the effect of the election on the teaching of evolution.
And there's a further question. You said that people who won't answer questions put to them should not be on the thread and you have not answered those questions and they have been put to you more than once.
And ros doesn't take questions at all. So why are you and ros still on the thread?
In fact, hundreds of unanswered questions have been asked of anti-IDers on this thread and the other one of wande's.
The one about control of the masses, your subject, is a crucial question. As you raised it, and not for the first time, perhaps you will be good enough to address yourself to it.