Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Sun 10 Oct, 2010 05:16 pm
@reasoning logic,
Pssst, I was as flummoxed as you EM, I was not laughing WITH spendi.
It seems that, when the only guy who understands his runon Brownian movement sentences, is HIM, Why does he believe that its the rest of the world that is of low IQ?

Reply Sun 10 Oct, 2010 05:25 pm

Do you not realise fm how stupid that makes you look? Really. That the remark of em's was stupid does not seem to matter to you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Oct, 2010 05:53 pm
spendius wrote:

You've got it all wrong em. It makes perfect sense. It isn't my fault if you can't follow it. fm knows what it means and it was him it was directed at.

Farmerman just wrote he was just as flummoxed as I was. Post on top of page reads:
Pssst, I was as flummoxed as you EM, I was not laughing WITH spendi.
It seems that, when the only guy who understands his runon Brownian movement sentences, is HIM, Why does he believe that its the rest of the world that is of low IQ?

So except for yourself, does anybody know what you mean? And you can't explain?
Reply Sun 10 Oct, 2010 06:03 pm
Why does he believe that its the rest of the world that is of low IQ?

Goodness gracious me!! You are even stupider than I thought. What I wrote was only aimed at the high IQ end. You admit to being flummoxed and it was easy. I have refrained from explaining it because I know you will misinterpret that as well. But never mind. Those who understand evolution will have understood it. Not that it takes much understanding mind you.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 10 Oct, 2010 06:03 pm
Does that mean that you are as stupid as fm in the eyes of spendius or am I understanding this all wrong? I can only guess that because that some may look at me as less than them. "I am wrong in my view points. I am cool with that, Think as you wish as I can easily reframe from emotions!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Oct, 2010 06:12 pm
Here it is again--

I never went near any pharmacy fm. Isn't pharmacy anti-evolution?.....
...I was in the sharp teeth side of the business. Evolution at high speed.

If you read it slowly and concentrate on stopping your lips moving as you do so it should unravel itself.

Maybe not-- Never mind. It's a good laugh. Don't bother with Tristram Shandy mate. It's way beyond you. As evolution theory evidently is as well.
Reply Sun 10 Oct, 2010 06:14 pm
Farmerman just wrote he was just as flummoxed as I was.

I wouldn't boast about that if I was you em.
Reply Sun 10 Oct, 2010 07:05 pm
You wrote
fm knows what it means and it was him it was directed at.

It ain't so. No boast, a fact. When the elephant man says "reframe" you can tell he means "refrain" so there's some sense in what he says. What you say makes no sense.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Oct, 2010 09:53 pm
I never went near any pharmacy fm. Isn't pharmacy anti-evolution?.....
...I was in the sharp teeth side of the business. Evolution at high speed.
Thats just the jibberish of a feral chipmunk. Being "near" a pharmacy had nothing to do with my observations of you. I was trying, at least , to understand that, since you arent familiar with any of the terminology of analytical or research chemistry, perhaps you were a "Chemist" (which I understand ,is what you people call a pharmacist). If you were, I could understand why you werent clever enough to tear Francis' comment apart, when he posed the "enigmatic" 6.02X10^23 on ya.
SO, as far as anything else you may observe or utter in your "Punditistic posture", I aint buying. By your inability to even recognize the most fundamental constants of "your" self proclaimed calling,Youve lost any hand youve been trying to fool us with. Youre just a damn fraud old man.
I suggest that, to the other correspondents,Anything that you may hereafter post on the topic at hand isnt worth reading nor does it contain anything of value, unless you, like an infinite number of chimps, just happen to randomly press a series of keys that actually DO make sense.

Reply Mon 11 Oct, 2010 05:28 am
spendius wrote:

Here it is again--

I never went near any pharmacy fm. Isn't pharmacy anti-evolution?.....
...I was in the sharp teeth side of the business. Evolution at high speed.

If you read it slowly and concentrate on stopping your lips moving as you do so it should unravel itself.

Maybe not-- Never mind. It's a good laugh. Don't bother with Tristram Shandy mate. It's way beyond you. As evolution theory evidently is as well.

You're talking to yourself and you don't even know it?
Reply Mon 11 Oct, 2010 06:30 am
You're talking to yourself and you don't even know it?

How have you managed to arrive at such a definite conclusion as that em? There are 75,575 views of this thread and but for me it would have faded away a long time ago.

Your own post disproves its content. As do all the posts responding to my posts.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Oct, 2010 06:48 am
Look fm. That number didn't register on my consciousness at the time. I'll readily admit that I wouldn't have recognised it if it had. It is a very distant memory and I never had any experience of its use. Wasn't it calculated before isotopes were discovered? Isn't the number different in other numerical expression forms?

For goodness sake don't try maintaining that challenges to the teaching of evolution are invalid because of this trivia. For all we know you stuck the number in the post into Google and worked yourself backwards in a muck sweat.

Is a pharmacy anti-evolution or not? Leaving out cultural evolution which the teaching of evolution will do to avoid confusion.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 09:31 am
An interview with Eugenie Scott of NCSE in the October 11, 2010 issue of The Orange County Register:
Q. Why not allow creationists to teach their views as science in public schools?

A. It's always a good idea for students to exercise their critical thinking skills. But under the guise of giving students all the information for critical thinking, and letting them come up with conclusions, religion is trying to be slipped into public schools. This is a sham, even for those who think this is valid science. The scientists tell us claims of scientific support for special creation are invalid. So why would we deliberately teach students information that the scientific community says is not accurate?
What we should be doing is having students exercise their critical thinking skills by evaluating issues that are actually in contention: How does speciation take place? Do you need geographic separation, or not? Are neanderthals really ancestral to Homo sapiens? Are dinosaurs cold blooded or warm blooded? Those are real questions in evolutionary biology that scientists are debating.

Q. How does politics enter the picture?

A. If you talk to scientists -- go to Chapman or any other respected university -- you will find evolution taught matter-of-factly. There's no controversy over whether evolution happened. Living things have common ancestors. And it is, in fact, the organizing principle of biology.
Science teachers know they are expected to teach evolution. But because of the social controversy, many times teachers get pushback from parents or students or, most unfortunately, administrators, which is why I refer to this as a political issue.

Q. What is the new approach creationists are using?

A. Every time creationists have tried to get some kind of creationism into the schools they've been smacked down by the courts. The creationism du jour, if you will, is 'Don't mention the 'C' word at all.' Present evolution but then balance it with the teaching of evidence against evolution. Which is really just what they call creationism these days. This is a back-door approach. By not mentioning any form of creationism, it's a way to try to avoid the constitutional challenges that have killed off all the other efforts.

Q. California seems to have few active controversies over evolution in public schools at the moment. Do you see the potential for such problems in Orange County?

A. Let me put it this way. We tend to have the most problems in parts of the country where there's a lot of religious conservatism, and certainly Orange County would qualify.
Problems arise over textbooks, and California schools use the standard, commercially available textbooks. California's scientific education standards are very good for evolution. It's treated properly; it's treated as science.
Texas is what they call an adoption state. In Texas, the board of education approves a list of textbooks for local districts to spend state money on. We want to make sure we are working with allies in Texas so that the topic of evolution is included in a responsible way.

Q. What is the latest controversy over creationism?

A. We're very concerned about a new law passed in Louisiana, which I'll be talking about tonight, which again compromises the teaching of evolution in this back-door creationism fashion.

Q. If people in California and Orange County are not seeing major local controversies over evolution, should they just relax and not worry about it?

A. Decisions about what to teach in the classroom really come about at the local, school board level, and even at the local classroom level. So the teacher who gets a lot of email from parents -- 'You're not really going to teach evolution, are you?' -- is less likely to teach evolution than one who doesn't receive that pressure. It's a real grassroots movement, which if course makes it really difficult to counter. Which is why NCSE works at the grassroots.
I think it would be a mistake to look at the newspaper and say, 'No creationism today. I can relax.' Because the creationist activity that matters is what's happening at local school districts and pressure on local teachers -- which never makes the newspapers.
Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 03:05 pm
The creationism du jour, if you will, is 'Don't mention the 'C' word at all.' Present evolution but then balance it with the teaching of evidence against evolution. Which is really just what they call creationism these days. This is a back-door approach. By not mentioning any form of creationism, it's a way to try to avoid the constitutional challenges that have killed off all the other efforts.

I hqve no problem with thiw actually. It sharpens the searches for any remaining evidence. QAs long as the "arguments" are not manufactured from myth.
The present arguments like those of Mr Ralph above, can stand scrutiny because there are huge batches if data and evidence that counter his point. (LIke DNA from specific clades apparently"not" showing any evidence for evolution).
As one involved in education, I dont fear anything that NCSE is railing against here. I think the war has been won, but overshot by Dr Scott.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 03:30 pm
A. If you talk to scientists -- go to Chapman or any other respected university -- you will find evolution taught matter-of-factly.

The goalposts have been moved wande. In the first answer he refers to "public schools". Now he switches to universities and to "scientists". Even I have no argument about evolution being part of university courses. I have taken care in all my posts to be only referring to schools and to adolescents.

And only the other day you were quoting "scientists" I don't suppose Mr Scott wishes us to "talk to".

That sort of thing makes me suspicious of his motives.

Evolution science is not so difficult to catch up on in further education. It is the insistence on teaching evolution in schools that is causing the opposition to take a more extreme stance.

How does speciation take place? Do you need geographic separation, or not? Are neanderthals really ancestral to Homo sapiens? Are dinosaurs cold blooded or warm blooded? Those are real questions in evolutionary biology that scientists are debating.

Yes, and some people are debating about the waste of resources involved in scientists debating such matters after all this time. It pays scientists to be debating these things. What use is it though. What can we gain from deciding how speciation take place or geographic separation, or whether neanderthals are really ancestral to Homo sapiens or whether dinosaurs are cold blooded or warm blooded? They look more like Hobby-horses.

It's a political issue alright and we know where the NCSE is coming from on it and why.

We want to make sure we are working with allies in Texas so that the topic of evolution is included in a responsible way.

There you go. "Allies" in science!!!!?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 04:49 pm
youve been able to almost achieve an upright stance.
Your lack of knowledge is staggering. Upright walking occurred almost instantaeously. You have been in awe at too many "science" displays where they show people gradually walking upright. Does science ever get it wrong, Gomer the Turd ?
Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 04:58 pm
Upright walking occurred almost instantaeously

You DO realize that I was dumping on you ? I wasnt arguing LEakey and Johannsen's hypotheses with a colleague. Obviously then, you still live in the trees of the savannah.

OH BTW, heres what you were referring to from my last weeks post to you

I heard that , lately, youve been able to almost achieve an upright stance. Thatlls sure take a load off yer knuckles.

Theres no evo/devo position taken in this statement. Actually I didnt realize that you HAD left the trees until you fessed up. Still, itll take a big load off yer knuckles ANUS.

Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 05:00 pm
Weve got even more interesting fools to mock , you are irrelevant to this discussion ANUS.
Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 05:02 pm
Youve got it all ass backwards as usual
Again, you demonstrate no real knowledge of what is being discussed. What makes you think I agree with everything anyone else says ? Is this based on what you do ? Run with the pack ? You went from a Catholic education to being bullied by society drop-outs at Uni. No wonder you go on and on about yourself, arseholes and ****.

As a real scientist,
There you go again. Having one degree (if you do) and doing pedestrian work ( not research) means you are NOT a scientist. Not the other way around....do you see now ?

I am curious about what gets yer goat about our concerns for the US public education system.
You are right to be concerned. Science and religion mix at a cost to both. One is concerned with the physical world and the other with the spiritual world. As someone who likes abstract works of art, I thought you would have a better idea of the difference between the two.
My concern is fools like you antagonise matters by sneering at other people's beliefs. Have you heard of a thing called diplomacy ? It is all the rage in solving differences. Rocks dont do it, do they ?

My argument has nothing to do with Spendi's. He has his own course. Didnt they teach you when you were becoming a world famous scientist to distinguish and analyse ? Do you see the header ? That means I wrote it. You need to respond to Spendi's posts by responding to Spendi. Iknow, you find it hard.....but keep trying.

Gomer the Turd must seek help.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 05:12 pm
with a colleague
Delusions again ? A colleague ?

Obviously then, you still live in the trees of the savannah.
Racism again ? Care to tell everyone why you dont like Oz ? I can understand you not liking the church after being sodomised all the those times, and I can understand how it affected your education and you never qualified at anything thus leading to your delusions of being a scientist, but I can not understand where the jealousy and fear of Oz comes into it.

By the way, why do you always bluster so and try to bluff your way out of making an error ? You do that a lot. You have real bad ego problems.

Gomer the Turd must seek help.

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