Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Sat 6 Dec, 2008 02:05 am
I have barely got started and I'm put on Ignore by these proponents of academic freedom. Can you not understand that Ed? Really? If I bother them so much that they have made themselves look silly what do you think would happen in schools were headbanger evolutionists to be let loose on the kids.

Only the religious find evolution controversial, its their problem made everyone's problem.
Headbanger evolutionists? That's a good one spendilicious. If Christians didn't get all bent about evolution they'd be doing something productive, Christians and Evolutionists alike. The religious have made a mountain out of a mole hill. Which is quite funny from where I'm sitting because it's not like religion isn't controversial in itself.

Wow, what if your all wrong, should we teach that to kids in school. End every science class with, 'but, this could all be bullshit, ID, Evolution the lot, it's not like they're in anyway useful in this day and age'. Apart from the fact that evolution has some semblance of evidence. The evidence for ID sounds like a bunch of hippies went down to the beach after a joint and said 'wooOoo, look at the spirals on this shell, their so perfect, I bet somethin' designed em'.

Made themselves look silly? That's a good one spendilicious.

'Hi, I'm George and I believe the world is six thousand years old. Not enough people take me seriously so I'm gonna ram my shaft of truth down the throats of school children until their parents moan like whores.'
'Hi, I'm an evolutionist and I sit around all day studying ancient fossils while getting harassed by people that believe there's an invisible pervert in the sky.'
Now THATS silly. <enter crazy sadistic laugh here>

Christians need to stop wasting their time and energy. I'm a hypocrite I know, but aren't we all.
And evolution needs to stop . . . doing anything, who cares where we came from, how is it important?

How is any of it important? It takes my breath away that so many people could be sucked into such a maelstrom of unproductive garbage.
I'm a hypocrite I know, but aren't we all.

Humans are hilarious.
<sits back and lights a cancer stick>

You have barely got started? Your right! Ya didn't even answer my question from my last post. You replied with "What are ya concerned about then?", If you have issues understanding my post, that's your problem, or mabe you couldn't answer because it would make you look like a douche (I know, cause I'm the KING OF THE DOUCHE), not that ya need any help (hint, hint as to why people ignore you).

Here's an easy one, what color are your underpants?
Spendilicious loves to think that he bothers everyone.

Let the Christians loose on the kids and lets make GOD WARRIORS.
And they can have lil' god warrior babies.
Fighting the 'good' fight against the EVIL evolutionists.

Funniest nationwide sit-com ever.
Reply Sat 6 Dec, 2008 06:37 am
Only the religious find evolution controversial, its their problem made everyone's problem.

Well- yes- scientists find nothing controversial. How can facts be controversial? That's part of my argument. That these are not evolutionists on here. They only pretend they are. They are actually patriarchal bourgeois twits with wives, family photo albums and correct Christian dress and table etiquette and tart's knicker's curtains at the windows. And they cannot explain what lingerie shops are for.

They have taken up with anti-Christian ideas for personal reasons associated with rejection of Christian discipline, probably in the sexual field, and have argued for them using strong language everywhere they went to an extent that they can't back down from without loss of face and then when they are up against somebody who knows a bit about the subject they have no answers and so run to the assertion, insults and the Ignore button.

They have convinced themselves that it was not for personal reasons but in the service of pure science, about which they know nothing, nor about the social consequences of science as a way of life, adultery, perversion and price gouging being incoherent concepts to science, and they have repressed the knowledge that they took the anti-Christian position far too casually and solipsistically in the first place and are seemingly unaware that such sloppy thinking cannot possibly be a basis for policies regarding the education of a nation's youth.

And that's the innocent explanation. They may well have a Marxist agenda. Science is not the only discipline from which Christian ideas should be eradicated from a Marxist point of view. To remove Christian ideas from schools requires, REQUIRES, atheist teachers right across the board and also administrators. Science is their wedge. They are using it. It's easy you see.

And now they all have their names signed on it and anything questioning their wisdom and intelligence simply cannot be countenanced and they end up in a debate on a science forum with ear muffs on when anybody says anything which undermines their principles and thus prove to anybody who doesn't already know that they haven't a scientific bone in their bodies. Their own hypothesis is not to be subjected to testing. Just everybody else's.

They try to play every game on home turf. Like at Dover.

And what a cheap, little convenience it is for them to pretend that there will be no social consequences to the policies they promote. Such a pretence absolves them from describing them. And one might think they would be keen to do so. There is no sensible reasons to promote a policy unless beneficial social consequences are on offer. I've lost count of the number of times they have ducked that challenge.

The religious have made a mountain out of a mole hill.

They have not. It is a mountain. Darwin knew it too. So does everybody else who understands the issues. This dispute has not raged for 150 years engaging the minds of eminent people because it is a mole-hill. What is the NCSE doing expending all this energy on a mole-hill? Are you saying that everybody involved such as philosophers, scientists, judges, counsel, editors, politicians, administrators, school boards etc are all stupid?

Apart from the fact that evolution has some semblance of evidence. [quote/]

Can you not see that it is precisely because there is evidence for evolution that there is the problem? Which evidence though? Blood clotting in injured chiclids or sexual arousal and receptivity in the higher female animals. Guess which of those took the limelight at Dover.

The evidence for ID sounds like a bunch of hippies went down to the beach after a joint and said 'wooOoo

What's up with that? It sounds pretty cool to me. It's better than a bunch of fossil collectors going "wooOoo" at a 600 million year-old bat's petrified knuckle-bone and going I bet I can get some tax funding out of this. Are we envisaging mixed company? I'll take the hippies.

'Hi, I'm George and I believe the world is six thousand years old.

There are very few like George in the real Christian world. You can't build an argument on his ideas. It's a subtle form of Ignore.

I'm gonna ram my shaft of truth down the throats of school children

What else is there to do with school children but ram stuff down their throats?

who cares where we came from, how is it important?

It isn't important. I don't care where we came from either. Don't look back. It's where we are going that's important and only Christians flew to the moon and invented leveraged financial instruments. So social consequences are the only game for the serious.

I wear long-johns and they are--hang on- I'll have a look--grey. I have a pair of white ones but I never wear them. When you buy long-johns make sure the legs are roomy because it's no way to impress a lady struggling to get tight ones off. Take a tip from one who tried.

Smokers of the world unite to defeat this scientific conspiracy to rob us of our rights. I presume you know that non-smokers have slow-moving brain cells and intend to spend the last thirty years of their slow-moving life under expensive medical supervision and given enough success they'll bankrupt the whole ******* system if they have not already done so.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Dec, 2008 09:22 am
I have barely got started and I'm put on Ignore by these proponents of academic freedom. Can you not understand that Ed?

That's why I put him on ignore. As he himself says, he has barely gotten started, after how many years posting to these threads? If he would have posted reasoned arguments, instead of attempts to distract from the topic at hand, I would have kept on reading.
Reply Sat 6 Dec, 2008 10:15 am
Total neurotic bullshit. The two most powerful biological drives are hunger and sex. Evolution is powered by sexual selection.

Students in the grades concerned are at the peak of their sexual interest.

Why is that Ignored? Because it is too difficult for you proponents of "academic freedom" (which is bullshit as well).

And they are also under the cosh from the food industry to restrict knowledge of diet.

Me--off topic. Ed's living a blue-stocking fantasy. Not a shred of science in sight. Not the slightest interest in kids. No interest in the future social consequences. No interest in anything but infantile mantras parroted for the sole purpose of reassuring him that the positions he has taken are correct.

Solipsism City. Not a post from Ed with anything useful to contribute to a grown up debate on these matters.

What's the biological function of the orgasm reflex Ed?

Pushing your own boat out is not biology.

And he can't even make sense. First I'm on Ignore and next I'm being quoted.

There is no topic at hand, except money, outside of sex and food. All the rest is prudish avoidance of the issues and those issues are the sole reason for the controversy. And it is not off topic to raise the Marxist agenda either. That's another issue being avoided for obvious reasons.

There are no other reasons for challenges to teaching evolution.

Reply Sat 6 Dec, 2008 10:50 am
Wilhelm Reich wrote-

But the living does not think rationalistically, does not do or not do things "in order to. . ." It functions according to the primary plasmatic emotions the function of which is the gratification of biological tensions and needs. One would inevitably go astray were one to translate the language of the living immediately into the word language of the consciousness. To emphasize this is important because that rationalistic thinking which has given rise to mechanistic civilisation has extinguished the understanding of the basically different language of the living function.

So what's the situation with 300 million "living" Americans not thinking rationalistically but driven solely by biological tensions and needs and by the selfish gene? Disaster.

And the proper teaching of evolution can only have that effect. Engage with "piano leg curtains" evolution and that's your academic freedom gone up the tube.

The quote above if from a book published in New York by Farrar, Straus and Cudahy.

So you lot are creeping all around the perimeter of evolution on your tip-toes whilst calling on "academic freedom" and scientific rigour" to aid your drivel. You're a joke. When the education of the next generations are in play it's a sick joke.

You have indulged yourselves into thinking that this subject is just something to bash people around the head with. 80 odd % of Americans too.

Once we have decided that we cannot afford the expression forms of the living biology we have to decide what sort of rationalistic thinking to promote and it cannot be evolution theory because that gets us back to the living biology which just "is" and has no purpose.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 10:09 am
Discovery Institute: Toad-Tested Medicine!
(TheSensuousCurmudgeon.com, December 7, 2008)

DOES THE theory of evolution have any value in the practice of medicine? That might strike you as a bizarre question. After all, if creationism were true, and all species were specially created, there would be no reason to do research and test our medicines on monkeys, as is commonly done. According to creationists, monkeys are no more related to us than " well, toads.

Toads would be a lot cheaper to use in the lab than monkeys, and their use should generate fewer objections from animal rights groups. So why not do all our research on toads? Would a creationist be brave enough to rely on toad-tested medicine?

Apparently there is one who would. The neo-theocrats at the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture (a/k/a the Discoveroids) have posted this article at their blog: Darwinian Medicine 2.0.

The article was written by Michael Egnor, described at the Discoveroids’ website as a professor of neurosurgery. We’ll give you a few excerpts from his Discoveroid blog article:
"I recently pointed out that Darwinian stories about the evolution of diseases were of no tangible use to medical science. Few physicians and medical scientists and educators with genuine experience with medical education, research, and practice, and who are not ideologically committed to the materialist-atheist metaphysics for which Darwinism is the creation myth, honestly believe that evolutionary biology is important to medicine. … We’ve done very well for more than half a century without Darwinian medicine."

We’re not entirely clear on the meaning of “Darwinian medicine,” so let’s read a bit more:
"Years ago, medicine turned away from Darwinian “science” after eugenics was widely exposed and denounced in the aftermath of WWII."

Ah, the picture is becoming more clear:
"Eugenics was based on the explicit Darwinian postulate that man is an animal evolved by the process of natural selection. We are human because our ancestors struggled, often to the death. The Darwinian concern was that human civilization was corrupting natural selection by foolish solicitude for the unfit. The solution was to “take evolution into our own hands,” which was to breed human beings."

How much more of this do we need to read? Darwin was not an advocate of eugenics, and eugenics never needed Darwin as a justification. We’ve pointed out in an earlier essay that eugenics and selective breeding are at least as old as Athens and Sparta.

Here’s one final excerpt from the Discoveroid blog article:
"For more than half a century, “evolution-free” medicine has done very nicely. …We haven’t missed the mass sterilizations, the pseudo-diagnoses of “feeble-mindedness” and the carefully planned quarantine and even exterminations of the handicapped (merely planned in the U.S. " at the Eugenic Records Office at Cold Spring Harbor " but actually carried out in Germany). In American medicine in the past half-century, evolutionary biology wasn’t missed at all."

Right. We haven’t behaved like the physicians in the Third Reich. But, contrary to the Discoveroid propaganda, they weren’t Darwinians.

Anyway, Dr. Egnor seems happy to be practicing medicine without recourse to the theory of evolution. What’s it like? We shudder to think.

“Toad-tested medicine! Step right up folks, and get your toad-tested medicine!”
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 11:21 am
They have a habit of saying things that ends up challenging their own prior statements; they do not understand about a) consistency, b) science, and c) drugs.
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 12:35 pm
Once one arrives at "The article was written by Michael Egnor, described at the Discoveroids’ website as a professor of neurosurgery. [/quote]

There is no point reading on. I could probably write the rest of the main points myself.

Objectivity has been ditched.

Where are the "described as" phrases in the references to activists from the NCSE. Nobody on this side of the debate would refer to those people as Mechanicoids. We don't use the methods of Dr Goebells in our contributions.

The emotional life of mankind is a part of nature. Darwin went on to study facial expressions in monkeys. Such aspects are foreign to mechanists.

How can we understand nature unless we think inside nature, functionally, and not mechanistically nor mystically. The creation of a wall between excitation and sensation is the basis of both mechanism and mysticism.

I have been studying a complex hypothesis in which mystics and scientific materialists are essentially the same. Both distort nature. When I can get it into a form short enough for this format and simple enough for you lot I'll post it.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 12:42 pm
@cicerone imposter,
They have a habit of saying things that ends up challenging their own prior statements; they do not understand about a) consistency, b) science, and c) drugs.

What do you understand about those things ci? Perhaps you will explain but I won't hold my breath after you ducked the challenge on intelligence.

You really do believe in word magic. I take it we are supposed to assume you understand the subjects because otherwise you couldn't say with any credibility that someone else doesn't. You don't convince me. I think that what you know about the one you know most about could be written on the back of a postage stamp with a yard brush.

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Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 12:43 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Blaming Charles Darwin for eugenics would be like blaming Isaac Newton every time I fall on my ass. Smile
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 12:57 pm
I wrote just last Wed.--

And it has nothing to do with Darwin what some silly twat did with his stuff. It says nothing about Darwin's science. Like Hiroshima says nothing about Einstein. Those things only give pause for thought on scientific freedom. Not on the science. So it's political. Objectivity has flown up its own arse. As Marx said it would.

Your's is a hopeless example wande because people were falling on their ass long before Newton and their doing so was never a consequence of his ideas. I hope you're not a science teacher. Or an English teacher.

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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 01:23 pm
They continue to "search" all the possible ways to question Darwin's evolution, because they can't put that much effort into why creationism doesn't work.
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 03:03 pm
@cicerone imposter,
So no exlanations eh? Again. Just words as labels.

It isn't "creationism". It's our Creationism. And it has worked. It produced Science.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 06:23 pm
The article was written by Michael Egnor, described at the Discoveroids’ website as a professor of neurosurgery.

Apparently you don't have to understand anything about evolution in order to do Neurosurgery.
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 06:41 pm
That's true. It's like decoking an engine. Or fitting replacement fuel lines. Any neurosurgeon will explain that for ros.

He likes to associate neurosurgey with atheism. It makes him feel good.

Not that he knows what he's talking about mind you. It's just another of his cheap tricks to take you all in. He assumes you're all stupid.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2008 08:09 pm
Medicine, like many of the practical applied bio arts, dont reward "Understanding", they reward succesful"test taking". Most advances in neuro surgical techniques are made by bio engineers. Surgeons are artists craftsmen.
Reply Tue 9 Dec, 2008 08:01 am
Surgeons are artists craftsmen.

I agree. But if I found out that my Doctor didn't understand evolution, I would find a new Doctor just on principle. I prefer that my Doctors at least have a basic understanding of biology, even if they don't need to run genetic tests on me.
Reply Tue 9 Dec, 2008 08:36 am
Any doctor who understood evolution would tell you that your presence in his surgery was proof of your unfitness and that you should stop reproducing forthwith to prevent you loading up any offspring with your condition.

Unless he needs the money of course in which case he'll give you a load of bullshit about how important you are in the general scheme of things, pop you the meds and hand you an invoice to keep it scientific.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Dec, 2008 09:10 am
Thanks Wandel . . . now i know who to blame when i slip on the ice and land on my can . . .
Reply Tue 9 Dec, 2008 09:40 am
That's as maybe but you do know who to blame for miltant feminism and the financial crisis. No self respecting member of evolution's canon, apart from Christians, would fail to dance a jig of joy for the credit card companies' mantra--"take the waiting out of wanting."

You do know that I hope but I fear you might have repressed the knowledge. Anyway--you know now.
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