Homosexual Role Models

Reply Sat 16 Aug, 2008 01:23 am
OGIONIK wrote:
and i cant see where your first paragraph leads to disease ridden prostitutes. or whatever.

Neither can I.
Reply Sat 16 Aug, 2008 09:10 am
I am torn between telling stories about other people versus revealing the truth. I really don't care if involved parities were to read what I have to say. I am just wondering if I should go that deep into what I have seen here.

Might open a few eyes and change a few minds...

My video link went dead here is the new one.

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Reply Sat 16 Aug, 2008 09:20 am
Problem is, that it is the flamboyant ones who give gays a bad name.


Funny how objectionable heterosexuals don't give heterosexuals a bad name.

Do gross men who belch and fart publicly give heterosexual men a bad name?

Do dumb women who act super "feminine" give heterosexual women a bad name?

I would have thought the least bit of rational reflection might have made apparent the ridiculousness and gross bigotry of rex's initial post and your response.
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Reply Sat 16 Aug, 2008 10:27 am
I don't even know where to begin or how I would be civil if I did. Using club-going-drug-doing-unsafe-sex-having gay population as an example of how the entirety of the gay behaves is like saying that heterosexuals all behave like Paris Hilton and Brittany Spears. Some gay people do drugs, so do some heteros. Some gay people have tons of unsafe sex, so do some heteros.

You want role models? How about Senators (but not rep sentator craig, he's nasty), CEOs, sports stars, teachers, firemen, priests......
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Reply Sat 16 Aug, 2008 07:42 pm
I thought of this thread today in Target. There was a couple totally making out, hands and tongue action, in front of myself and my kids. I was offended. Not because my kids shouldnt see that, but because it made me feel like a voyeur. And the worst part was that they and their full shopping cart were standing in front of the cash register at the Starbucks, where I really wanted to place an order but felt like I was ordering a coffee in someones bedroom. Why are heteros so damn inconsiderate and horny? I mean, cant they wait until they get home. I guess they are just so damned sex-crazed that they cant even wait until they get out of the store to make out. And if you must make out in public, can you at least get your ass out of the check out line so other people can order?
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Reply Sun 17 Aug, 2008 04:22 pm
Today I was walking up the main street of the city I live in and there came this guy walking down the street on the opposite side. He was flailing his arms rather awkwardly and obviously... had earphones on. I realized it was a gay friend I had only met a few years ago. I pointed at him and smiled... I assume he was listening to Celine Dion in one of her more flamboyant moments. Suddenly I was struck with this profound feeling of love and caring. I can't hate people, I may hate many of their actions but when all is said and done I am simply, torn.

I have been trying to smile more… This may sound weird that a forty five year old man is just learning to smile. So I went out to a club and tried out my new smile. Every one was giving me looks and I thought it rather nice then when went back to my place and looked at my new smile in the mirror I looked like the joker in the last Batman movie... I have decided to tone it down just a bit. Smile Just thinking about make me even laugh like him...

A whole new meaning to "gay"...
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Reply Sun 17 Aug, 2008 05:13 pm
A while back it was a sunny day and I was walking in the park and there on the lawn sitting alone was a beautiful young man fresh out of high school. I am not usually bold but this time something inside said, say hello. I did and we talked briefly and I left. I was headed over to a friends house. When I got there I was not there but five minutes and this same kid walks in the door to my friends house and said, this guy just tried to cruise me in the park. Well if you call saying hello and chatting a bit "cruising" then so be it. The kid was surprised to see me there.

The young man gave off vibes that he was interested but remember, I am the reserved one. I am the one it takes an act of congress to get me to go on a date. (and today waiting on congress can be intimidating) I told my friend that this guy had seemed interested and when he walked in the door my friend knew that a this kid that had been acting all not interested in guys was actually interested to some degree.

So my "friend" set out in trying to get this kid if not just for the sake of taking him from me. I am too proud to fight over anyone.

Within three months this gay "friend" of mine had this kid hooked on needles, heroine, zanex, coke etc...and he had gone down to 90 lbs he was now infected with the aids virus and he came up to me on the main street of the city I live in, like a common vagrant, lowlife begging for money for drugs. He looked near death... 360 degree change from the day on the park lawn.

I confronted my "x" friend with this and he replied "Well he had a small dick anyway." AND HE LAUGHED...

I believe this young guy is dead now...

You now know why I don't smile very often.

I cannot speak for the heteros in this thread but this is nearly the norm in the gay bars... It sickens me… Just because it is happening in the hetero bars doesn’t help either. I am not pinning this on ONLY the gay community. YET, A community with so few role models is a recipe for disaster, doesn’t anyone care?

A week ago I came home and this x friend is feeding another young kid beer and drinking them ON MY DOORSTEP! I just cannot bring myself to forgive him. It is just beyond anything I could have imagined. He has given at least ten men aids that I know of. He practically lives on the city streets in dark alleyways at night looking for drunk bisexuals to infect so they can go home and infect their wives. He gets off on killing people. He ruins gay men too, when he is done with them they all go to the bars and become tramps and whores. You just can't make this stuff up.

So I tell him you know no one in this building drinks on the front porch because it is called "public drinking". So what makes you think I would want you drinking on my porch? So they left.

This is what set this thread off, another bright eyed young man headed for the gutter and death.

What is there to look up to?

Choices and role models

There it is...
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Reply Sun 17 Aug, 2008 06:02 pm
Then, I gotta ask why this guy is your friend. Why is he at your house? Why do you watch him do these things without speaking up?
Reply Sun 17 Aug, 2008 06:08 pm
RexRed wrote:
One difference, the hetero community does not have impediments like don't ask don't tell. If there is a homosexual hero in the military we will ever hear of it. These types of impediments hurt the gay/lesbian community as a whole.

There was a very good article about a homosexual soldier in the New Yorker recently... worth reading, though definitely sad.


I agree with the general point that there is not enough reporting on such things though. And that DADT is generally stupid.
Reply Sun 17 Aug, 2008 08:36 pm
lol i saw 2 gangster dudes a few days after replying here totally g'd out, they were remodeling something most likely doing day labor..

they walk away towards some stores, go behind them and when i came ack from jak in the box i see them making out..

it made me smile inside..

not prejudiced, but u all get the point.

the heart wants what it wants.
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Reply Sun 17 Aug, 2008 09:18 pm
"X" friend, and he surely knows how I loath him, believe me has the fear of God in him anytime he is even near me. He believes in his mind I have forgiven him... how little he knows. He has moved into the building next to mine (on a mostly gay street) and he for some reason couldn't get into his apartment so he figured it was either wait and chance it till he could get into his apt or get this young man/boy (wasn't sure of his age, no more than 21) drunk right out in public. I am also openly writing about this so it is not something I have in any way just brushed off. As I said it plagues me like something I feel responsible in some way for. It carves out and guides my every thought. What can I say? What he is doing is common place today in such a “liberal” city… If I were to really speak up I would be a nearly lone voice in a vast wilderness. I am the minority… All I can really do is try to be an example myself. My eyes are still bright and my love endless, the sensibility within me is incapable of overlooking such a flagrant crime against humanity. I just still remember this young man "Jake" so bright and inquisitive on the lawn in the park and contrast that to the lifeless young man that only a few months later I had to flee his presence. This is like living a sad dream than never ends.

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Reply Sun 17 Aug, 2008 10:16 pm
May Alan Rogers' name climb up into the pantheon of the few true homosexual heroes and role models of our time. Smile Thank for the read it was both healing and inspiring. It is very sad but it also is an example of excellence and a seemingly rare quality of life.

"and Jesus wept... "
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Reply Tue 19 Aug, 2008 01:21 pm
I knew if I actually started this post that what was bothering me inside would eventually come to the surface. I started this post by railing on homosexuals for not being more than they are (in my opinion). Then came the choir telling me I was unfairly judging a part of the population based upon sexual preference and people telling me that homosexual do not have a monopoly on decadence.

I am now seeing this more clearly and I beg to differ.

Instead of arguing over which is worse the hetero or homosexual night life let's examine what type of social factors could make a various part of society stumble and unable to easily recover...

I am going to call this part "hurdles"...

When a heterosexual person decides to settle down with another of the opposite sex they usually just do it and people take it as a matter of fact.

This is usually the rule in the heterosexual world that is unless the person they are settling down with is someone else's spouse or way out of their age range etc...

Yet with homosexuals the "hurdles" seem nearly insurmountable... (not that it is not getting better and society is mellowing out on homosexuals.)

You seem to have nearly convinced me but I needed only to scratch the surface to find many of you are simply wrong.

Have you ever tried to tell your best friend of many years you were gay? How about your parents? One might say what does it matter what others say or think? Believe me in many cases it does matter how others react. Especially parents and peers.

Take for instance our example of our army guy who became a hero before he was ever able to find "love"... He was probably never even permitted to experiment out of FEAR.

The army became a "hurdle" too high to jump over... Does this happen to heretosexuals? NO...

Homosexuals are held prisoner by the fear of what their closest peers think. Before some start bunching both heterosexuals and homosexuals in the same basket you might consider the uneven playing field...

Have you ever tried to tell your brothers and sisters you are gay? (I never told mine we just never speak of it. Thus we rarely ever speak…) Ever tried to join a church of choice as an openly gay member?

People are not the complete reason why we do things but they are certainly "part" of the reason. How many homosexuals have been forced to leave the ones they loved because their best friend may freak out or their parents may disown them? DOES THIS HAPPEN IN THE HETERO WORLD? Yes but in a miniscule amount. Most parents and fiends are “overjoyed”…

A homosexual prays that their friends will handle the news of their love in a "healthy" supportive way. This makes me sad…

So we cross the hurdle of parents and siblings, then friends, our jobs, ex-girlfriend/boyfriend. If each hurdle along the way handles the admission in a healthy way the homosexual may reach the goal or "finish line"...

In MOST cases they stumble over at least one or another hurdle and often they do not get back up but they simply disqualify themselves.

Even other gay people become a hurdle as they all become like a flock of seagulls trying to break anyone up and deny them the happiness they were unfairly denied.

Once most hurdles are overcome then every day new ones come up and over again we are confronted with the fear of what others think or say.

Some of you may want to reconsider your position so this post can go in a direction toward a better resolution.

I must praise all the people who have been confronted with a friend or sibling "coming out" of the closet and your accepting treatment of them...

My question is where is the heterosexual "closet" if all things are relative?

Reply Tue 19 Aug, 2008 08:20 pm
RexRed wrote:
Some of you may want to reconsider your position so this post can go in a direction toward a better resolution.

My chief claim (and that of a few other posters) was that one cannot convincingly disguise one's disgust with homosexuals as a disgust with drugs, alcohol, and other behaviors that are not exclusive to homosexuals. Nothing in what you wrote addresses this. This is not to say that I disagree with what you just wrote--in fact, I heartily support a lot of it--but none of it has given me reason to reconsider this specific claim.
Robert Gentel
Reply Tue 19 Aug, 2008 08:25 pm
RexRed can correct me if I'm wrong but I think he said he was homosexual in another thread. If so, that may change your mind that his concerns about homosexual culture are veiled homophobia.

It did for me, I initially read a lot of the same things others did into his opinions.
Reply Tue 19 Aug, 2008 08:57 pm
@Robert Gentel,
I think he's made that clear in this thread as well, and it certainly does change my mind about "veiled homophobia." But it doesn't change my mind that one cannot convincingly disguise one's disgust over homosexuality as a disgust over behaviors that are not exclusive to homosexuality.
Reply Tue 19 Aug, 2008 09:10 pm
Rexred..... no one here (I think) would consider the life a gay person to be easier than that of a hetero. It is definitely different and still quite difficult. Have we moved beyond role models? These issues you raise are very real and much worthier of discussion.

By the way, my brother is gay and part of a supportive immediate and extended family with a wide circle of friends.
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Reply Tue 19 Aug, 2008 09:12 pm
i think rexred would be equally bitter and disgusted with straight people were he straight, green people were he green, martians were he a martian.
RexRed, about half of my friends are gay and none of them is making themselves to be such a grandiose martyr as you are. sure there are hurdles. there are also hurdles in being a woman, black, mexican, eastern european, handicapped,there are all sorts of hurdles in life.
Reply Tue 19 Aug, 2008 11:48 pm

Did you even once consider that maybe my own sour homosexual experiences created me and my often "bitter disposition"? I don't dish out one tenth of what I have had to endure... Fair enough? I am the product of the hate directed by others from the small prison of a town that I grew up in. Do you really think I was born angry and just happen to be gay? (I do try to function and grow in spite of "it".) I am blessed to have even made it this long.

It seems to be denial on your part. Perhaps maybe your own latency and lack of successful "hurdles"... You seem to have allot of gay friends... I have had a life filled with violence directed at me in the form of one big sucker punch after another. It eventually toughens the skin and hardens a tender heart. This is not to negate the truly compassionate people who have "at times" broken the cycle and come to help me in the face of such adversity. My mom loved me in spite of my pains, though I am not sure why. Even my best friends in school (like Judas) denied me when the peer pressure got tough.

Must I relive the most painful parts of my life or could you just this time take my word for it? Were your school years pleasant? I remember having independant homosexual thoughts at three years old.

How many time Dag have you been ganged up on and "beat up"? Ever been beat up so bad by homosexual hatred that you couldn't walk for three days? Were you ostracized and ignored by your school peers, family, church, adults, teachers, rejected and refused access to sports and other school social functions? Dunce caps in 4th grade... Ever "personally" experienced "mark and avoid" used by most "Christian" churches? I am ordained clergy... This hate is REAL even if you refuse to acknowledge it. Before you deny an error you might want to "walk a mile" let alone endure a whole lifetime dominated by sometimes painfully subtle, yet often unbridled hate and homophobia.


Yes, I am a homosexual.
I don't mean to come off angry... Please don't take the anger that others have directed at me and attach them to my movies or intents here.

In spite of it all, I still love you all. I will never allow others to force me to become completely cold and loveless. Though, I am also... not naive nor a fool.
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Reply Wed 20 Aug, 2008 12:21 am
Dag, I just wanted to clarify that the video link to youtube that I posted was not directed at you. I did not wholly agree with your assessment concerning me but I did not find your comment too offensive.

Also Dag, considering that one in ten people are gay I find it rather curious that "half" of your friends are gay. Smile
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