Tue 4 Mar, 2014 10:55 am
Catholic school boycotts St. Patrick's Day parade because gay group will march
March 3, 2014
A Catholic school boycotts the St. Patrick's Day parade in Boston by deciding not to march in it and this news has traveled around the country. The decision came after the school learned that a gay group would be marching in the parade. On March 3, WCVB reported that The Immaculate Heart of Mary School in Harvard, Mass. will not be participating in this year's parade "after learning that a gay military veterans group" will be marching.
"The familiar scene of Saint Patrick joyfully giving his blessing to the crowds has, sad to say, come to an end. In the footsteps of Saint Patrick, IHM does not condone and will not appear to condone the homosexual lifestyle," Principal Thomas Dalton said (via WCVB).
The Catholic school is boycotting the St. Patrick's Day parade because participating in something that includes gay members of the community is against the teachings of the school. Since the Catholic church is not open to homosexuality, their decision wasn't difficult and it makes sense to them. Unfortunately said decision is based on their faith and the decision really only punishes themselves -- the parade is one of the biggest St. Patrick's Day celebrations in the country drawing about one million people each year. This year, they won't be a part of it.
"We must stand firm with the Church which states in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, promulgated by Pope John Paul II, that 'homosexual acts are acts of grave depravity' and 'are intrinsically disordered…Under no circumstances can they be approved,'" Dalton said (via WCVB).
The Catholic school's decision to boycott the St. Patrick's Day parade is crazy to some people. What do you make of it?
The Catholics will also survive.
Miller? Can you explain to me why someone so conservative still lives in Massachusetts?
Well, I'm waiting for Catholics to return to the medieval adage of "blessed are the poor" (it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than a rich man go to Heaven). Protestants and Jews can handle money according to the theology that good Christians (aka, Catholics) should not handle money.
I enjoy seeing people "bite their nose, to spite their face," so to speak. It warms the cockles of my heart.
Quote:Since the Catholic church is not open to homosexuality, their decision wasn't difficult
LOL given the studies of the percents of Catholic Priests who are homosexuals that is one hell of a joke.
Studies find it difficult to quantify specific percentages of Roman Catholic priests who identify as gay priests,[12][not in citation given] although the John Jay Report reported that "homosexual men entered the seminaries in noticeable numbers from the late 1970s through the 1980s",[13] and available figures for homosexual priests in the United States range from 15–58%.[12][14] A 2002 Los Angeles Times nationwide poll of 1,854 priests (responding) reported that 9 percent of priests identified themselves as homosexual, and 6 percent as "somewhere in between but more on the homosexual side." Asked if a "homosexual subculture" (defined as a "definite group of persons that has its own friendships, social gatherings and vocabulary") existed in their diocese or religious order, 17 percent of the priests said "definitely," and 27 percent said "probably." 53 percent of priests who were ordained in the last 20 years (1982-2002) affirmed such a subculture existed in the seminary when they attended.[14]
Anonymous studies have also suggested a prevalence of homosexual leanings in the Roman Catholic priesthood. Studies by Wolf and Sipe from the early 1990s suggest that the percentage of priests in the Catholic Church who admitted to being gay or were in homosexual relationships was well above the national average for the United States of America.[15] Elizabeth Stuart, a former convener of the Catholic Caucus of the Lesbian and Gay Christian movement claimed, "It has been estimated that at least 33 percent of all priests in the RC Church in the United States are homosexual."[16]
coldjoint wrote:
Quote:Well, I'm waiting for Catholics to return to the medieval adage
You have Islam in 7th century, I would worry about that. And they are really fond of gays.
That's neither relevant nor factually accurate and you know it.

Fundamentalists are just as monstrously homophobic as militant Christians such as yourself. So? You have that in common. Oh and a hateful disdain for Judaism as well.
coldjoint wrote:
Quote:The god of the Bible.
Gods name is Dalton.
Try again.
Try again for what?
And I do not think "Gods (sic) name is Dalton.)
coldjoint wrote:
I asked for a source that verifies what you said Dalton was "planning" to say.
That you cannot produce one is no surprise.
Learn to read before posting, CJ.
I never said Dalton was "planning to say" anything.
coldjoint wrote:
Quote: if Dalton was planning to ask his students
When you ask do you have to say something? I think so. Now how about a source.
I never said Dalton was planning to ask his students anything, CJ.
If you think I did...quote it and provide a link...and we can discuss it. But you really should ask one of your school mates to help you read my post, because I did not say what you say I said.
(And it wasn't even written in cursive!)