I'll argue to you too.
My niece, by her own perspicacity and partly by my attention but also, she was always paying attention all around, worked her way out of a cultural zoo in one small family. I don't mean zoo in a racial context, I mean re the disparity. Her mother was a tribal woman and her father is irish american, principle up the wazoo.
I'm her aunt, but at this stage we are peers.
Right now we don't talk much since I need to text her (gaaahh). I'm going to grow up and access Pinger.com. No, I don't have a phone that texts. We've been talking through my ex, which isn't sufficient.
Anyway, my point, she listened to me, she argued with me, I listened, I argued she argued we agreed or not, working our thoughts out.
I treasure all that and she does too.
No one I love more.