I was fraught with worry when Pacco met Sally.. I knew he could be aggressive, in at least a nip move and conceivably more.
It was late in the day, me with the eyes driving into ABQ as sun going down, seriously late re the sun which I don't do for years at a time.. just trying to get to D & D's house - I had to meet them at the grocery store and they lead me through the housing tract at dusk. And then, the dogs had to meet.
Dys was insistent in his way and I was exhausted and wary - dogs go to the back yard to work it out. Pacco went after Sally in her own back yard and I dove to stop him but missed. Some time expired with snarl city. They came out of it sweethearts.
(oh, wait, hawkeye will explain life to me..)
Anyway, now I love the play.