I'm a moderator on another web forum that is mostly populated by exchange students.
The administrators have decided to create a closed forum for those kids who want to discuss sensitive issues. Issues that they don't want their parents or exchange organisers to know about.
There are a number of young adults who post about anorexia , bulimia and eating disorders. Other posts involve SI (self injury) (cutting burning).
Most of these kids could reasonably easily be tracked and someone closer to them than I could be informed and get them the help they need?
Do I have a responsibility to inform the exchange organization?
What damage might informing on a kid who is purging/cutting do?
Might there be legal ramifications if I do nothing?
some quotes
Quote:Okay, for some background on me.
I've always been weird with food, picky and whatnot, but the ED habits didn't start until I was around 11 or 12 years old. I started restricting what I ate, and three years ago, I discovered purging. I've tried getting better on my own, but keeping it a secret makes it nearly impossible. Throughout my exchange I had problems with purging, but I mostly kept it to myself, though my close friends found out(it was kind of obvious). And now...here I am today.
Quote:I have eating disorders too.
I'm bulimic, I purge, and sometimes I'm a bit anorexic.
I'm really afraid to gain weight during my exchange, and I'm afraid of someone hearing me purging if I do, because being sent home because of that would be horrible.
(SI thread)
Quote:My Mom saw my burns...oh joy...I got away though...now I need to think of how else I could've gotten these things so she doesn't know that I really burned myself....great.
Quote:My mom saw mine a few times too. She would just say "how'd you get those?" and then never bring it up again. Part of me is glad that she didn't make a big deal out of it, but part of me wishes that she had done it just so I'd know that she cared, at least a little.
Quote:Yeah, sometimes I kind of wish they were visible but other times I don't...I think if she brings it up again then I'll just say I was bashed against a wall in TKD.