The injections hurt me on stomach or thighs.
Another thing about the black box warning/rat studies...... people who commented on that might not have noticed this. YES they did initially give high doses to the rats for a long time, then when they noticed the cancer they stopped the study. However, later Lilly came out and said they theorized that Forteo is relitively safe if they cut the dose down and would only have a person take it for a certain time. However, they didn't prove that theory with any study. It's only their reasoning. That's why there is a black box warning.
Also .....YES rat bone structure is different than human bones but ....what else is there to test on? Science always uses rats, or mice or some creature with a short life span to test on. They can't test high doses on humans. Right now we are acutally test cases aren't we? They won't know fully the true danger or benefit for another 20 years. Another factor that they haven't told us about is the danger relative to age of the person. If someone takes Forteo at the age of 45 there is a longer lifespan left to wait and see if cancer is caused. If someone takes Forteo at age 80 it's possible that the lifespan isn't long enough for the cancer to show up.