Trump is a master of rhetoric; but it's empty, divisive, xenophobic, and racist. The uneducated are his fans. The father and daughter who died trying to cross the river is the result of Trump's policies on immigration.
An Overview of U.S. Refugee Law and Policy
Refugee Status
The United States has long been a global leader in the resettlement of refugees—and the need for such leadership remains enormous. The number of refugees around the world who are fleeing violence or persecution in their home countries in search of safety abroad has grown dramatically over the past decade.
Until recently, the United States offered refuge each year to more people than all other nations combined. But the Trump administration has drastically reduced the maximum number of refugees that can enter the United States. Moreover, the United States government has imposed new security vetting procedures on refugees before they can be admitted into the country, which has greatly lengthened waiting times and left many refugees in dangerous situations for prolonged periods. In 2017, for the first time in modern history, the United States settled fewer refugees than the rest of the world.1