Obviously it couldn't be carried out by one sole government, it would need to be universally accepted by all governments of the world for it to be practical, as otherwise war would result due to a difference of opinions between governments and jurisdiction violations. Alternatively, an expansive, invisible and highly informed network of highly trained assassins.
Why drain the economy by paying for the life-long living expenses of individuals who clearly show disregard and inconsideration for life itself?
And precisely, civility is required for civilisation to function, but for the most part, civility is not a notion that a murderer of an innocent can ever comprehend. I see individuals who are capable of killing an innocent as having some sort of evolutionary defect where they aren't able to exhibit empathy, compassion or morality. For the succession of the human race into a pacifistic society, murderers (and their genetic tendencies to violence), should be annihilated, preventing them from spawning children that may not fall far from the gene tree.
35% of murderers commit kill again after being released from jail.
26% of murderers commit manslaughter after being released from jail.
grand total; 61% of murderers have some involvement with the death of another person after being released. The legal system isn't psychic, how are they supposed to know which inmates are going to do that? It seems like an unlawful, immoral and cruel game of russian roulette that governments are inflicting on their, nonetheless wiser, civilians.
Death should only be inflicted on a criminal/'evil' person if substantial body of solid evidence is present.