Thu 11 Sep, 2003 02:07 pm
The "Official Voter Information Guide for the California Statewide Election" arrived in the mail yesterday.
Each candidate writes a statement. Each statement is printed exactly as written. I thought I would post a bite from each one for your amusement.
The guide is thick. The election is on Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2003
In alphabetical order beginning with:
"I am 25, an independent, a business executive with the courage to fix what is wrong with California:
ALEX-ST. JAMES/Rep. (Yes, his name is just a last name)
"Once an Aspirant Catholic Priest, I support life from conception to the grave and the right to bear arms."
"My goal as Governor is o reinstate California as a national leader in Business, Education and restore personal freedoms.
"I am a Candidate From the People For the People. Twenty-two years ago you welcomed my family with open arms and allowed us to fulfill the American Dream.
"Since the days of the Gold Rush of the mid 1880's, its diversity of over 2 centuries where over 148 different languages, being spoken every day, we have but one thing in common--Dream and Success. I am a recent Immigrant like you, my 3 kids are native Californians, Kamal and I thank God for being in California. I dream like Martin Luther King, for my Grand Children. Please vote for me and let us bring back the Glory of the Golden State. God Bless You and God Bless California! As John F. Kennedy said, ask not what the state can do, but what you can do for the state. My childhood hero!! be continued.
"California has both a wonderful climate and a broad cultural base, which makes it one of the best places on earth to live and work"
"I love California"
"I am a husband, a father of two children, a trial attorney and, believe in Judeo-Christian principles."
this is it availabel on line? I especially like the guy who would let foetuses bear arms.
Yes, I just checked. The books states the material is on line at
Should I keep posting?!
"I passed the teacher's CBEST exam..."
I recieved my Master's Degree at Harvard. I'm a small businesswoman, published author and proud mother."
Is it too late for me to nominate for governor?
Do I have to live there?
Working on my nomination blurb, just in case!
The way things are going here, I think you'll qualify!
Your slogan:
They surf in Australia too!
Can I be a candidate too?
Robert L. Welch
I'm really cute and have a huge collection of 1970s samurai movies.
Your slogan:
"I love California, They've got big mountains just like us!"
Bustamante is here at my building today. He hasn't spoken to me and I wonder if I should boycott him as a result.
"I have activly opposed U.S. military interventions against the peoples of Vietnam, Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and North Korea, joining millions around the world demanding "U.S. Hands Off! Bring the GIs home now!" I have backed efforts to unite working people to fight for "Jobs for all! Cut the workweek with no cut in pay! Raise the minimum wage!"; "Stop INS raids and deportations--end 'no match' firings!"; "Fight police brutality--abolish the death penalty!"; "Defend women's acces to abortion!" "Debt relief for working farmers! Stop foreclosures!"; "Defend affirmative action!"; Stop Washington's economic war against Cuba! Normalize relations now!"
Craven de Kere wrote:Bustamante is here at my building today. He hasn't spoken to me and I wonder if I should boycott him as a result.
One more till we get to him.
I am a civil rights attorney in Pasadena. My 25-year practice in California has been devoted to the defense of working people victimized by police misconduct and discrimination. I am also a political activist who supports the policies of th Socialist Equality Party.
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE/Dem. (Frontrunner, barely)
"...If you think I was right to appoint the first lesbian legislator to serve as Speaker Pro Tem of the Assembly"...... Then I am asking you to vote "No" on the Recall and "Yes" on Bustamante.
I stand for: renewable energy, single payer universal health care, pro-choice, saving our ancient forests, legal marriage and drivers licenses for all, a livng wage, affordable housing, instant run off elections (IRV), the UN Charter, The World Court and our Bill of Rights. I stand against: the death penalty, three strikes, racial profiling, the Patriot Act, wars of conquest, nuclear weapons and the racist Proposition 54. Vote Green!
"I will support President Bush in the war on terrorism, while working to safeguard the Bill of Rights. I'll defend the environment while respecting the rights of the people to use and enjoy it."
"Atlas Shrugged, Americas's second most influential book, was written by an immigrant to California who predicted our current mess and offered an inspiring solution."
"I am a longtime opponent of radical right wing attempts to take over this state and country."
"Successful MBA educated businessman who will fight for less government, lower taxes and social responsibility while proecting our environment and our education system."
"I am running for Governor because I do not want an ultra-conservative person to be elected."
"My recent research has uncovered why children raised by single dads do better than children raised by single moms; why men now earn less money than women for the same work; why our sons now do worse in school than our daughters... These findings, evolving from thirty years of research in my books, including Father and Child Reunion and Why Men Are The Way They Are, (he puts his web address here), are deemed too politically incorrect for mainstream candidates to discuss. Thus the policy implications are ignored. My M.A and Ph.D. in Political Science (UCLA; NYU), allow me to link this research to budgetary solutions for California...."
"We don't need a millionaire, career politician or movie star to run things."
The best one is up soon!
Here it is:
I have been a businessman for 35 years. I can do a better job at balancing the budget than those pinhead bureaucrats in Sacramento.... California is the most progressive state in the union and I'm sure its citizens would welcome having a smut peddler who cares as their Governor. ...I have fought for most of my adult life to expand the primeters of Free Speech, even taking a bullet for the First Amendment.
(Go, Larry, Go!)