cicerone imposter wrote:neo, Why is it that god abhors homosexuals, but he created them. Why are there crib deaths? Why are some born with two heads and one body? Did they really have free will? Why does natural disasters kill the good and the bad? What of all those young girls being raped in Africa and getting infected with HIV/AIDS? What kind of sin did they commit to become victims of such dastardly deeds? Why has religion been responsible for most humans inhumanity to man? Why did he stop all those miracles since his death to show he exists? Aren't those born after his death worth the evidence? Why does the bible have so many contradictions, errors and omissions? Was that on purpose to confuse? Did god really devine every word in the bible?
Why is it that historians have kept records from before jesus' life on earth (from about three thousand years before his birth), but there's nothing except the bible to show the existence of jesus? Wouldn't the witnesses to all those miracles have recorded them? Why have all of them disappeared?
Nice post, to which the answer, I thought, was rather inadequate.
What about babies born with no higher brain functions? Do they have souls? Free will? How about clones? Transgenics? Do still born babies go to Heaven? Or to Hell? If the former, that's very unfair on the rest of us. If the latter, that's very unfair on the babies? What about twins? This is a result of the fertilised egg splitting inside the womb. Does the soul split? Do they have half souls? Or is a new soul made? If so, which one gets the new cell, and which the old? In some cases, the cells actually recombine. If each has a soul, does the resulting cell have two souls? Or does one disappear?
Due to this rather contridictory thing of souls in embryos, some countries have allowed research on embryos before the 17 (I think) day mark, because after then the embryos can't split or recombine. The church approved this. Hang on, doesn't the church shun abortion? If an embryo has no soul before a certain point, why can't it be aborted? It's not conscious, and it supposedly has no soul? "What about potential?" Oh, so every moment we fail to mate, and countless sperm are lost, each with massive potential, we are effectively doing mass abortion?
I'm not finished. What about animals? Do they have souls? Do they go to heaven? What about plants? If humans have souls, and animals don't, where in evolution did the human acquire a soul? (I'm ignoring Creationism, because that would require a whole separate page of rhetorical questions.) And if animals do have souls, and plants don't, where in evolution did they acquire souls? If plants have souls... I think I can safely say that no-one is proposing that.
So there you have it. Two or three inescapable contridictions, whichever way you turn.