farmerman wrote:
David, you are among the vast majority of radio listeners,
they dont listen to Imus either. If real market forces applied to Imus, he would have been dfired in the early 90's when it wS DICOVERED THAT HE LACKED ANY NOTICEABLE TALENT.
Imus, for reasons known only to his handlers, has marketed his association with controversy as a draw to sponsors who actually control the hiring and firing of radio personalities. Despite Imus's long history of low and negative ratings, he has attracted loyal sponsors to underwite his form of entertainment. Many od his sponsors enjoy his periodic tasteless rants so that tghey can abandon him publically. That way the sponsors appear as resonsible arbiters of good taste and the piblic gets its desired meat sacrifice. Then, when all the hoo haw is over, the sponsors re-attach themselves to Imus in his new format and lopcation. This has been his draw.
He doesnt have the same talent to organize ensembles of entertainment like Howard STern or as the pioneers of this format who paved the way for guys like stern. So Imus has turned his cyclic self destruction into a market ploy.
Snood, Imus 's handlers came up with that explanation only after about a day of no responses. Im somehwat suspicious of the ewxcuse since it was so contrived.
I seldom listen to the radio, without a particular reason for it.
I have
no opinion of Imus's talent, be it good, bad or indifferent.
Apparently he is a commentator on sports, judging from the last 2 Imus scandals.
I don 't care who wins the basketball games.
When groups of strangers strive among themselves, I have no need to spy on them.
I have no preference qua which group of strangers shud prevail
; none of my business.
I remember him for something entirely
unrelated, to wit
years ago, he said that his father was a nasty drunk who favored scotch.
He used to knock little Imus around, when drunk, such that he despised his father.
Imus swore to himself that he was never going to drink, and that he
was not going to drink
He grew into adulthood, and became a drunk, with scotch being his drink of choice.
The moral of the story is that it appears that the subconscious mind
is independently programed such as to accept parents as examples
of how to live and this mental programing can drag u along into a style
of life that u despised in your youth.
u gotta be careful (unless u had good parents whose conduct
is worthy of emulation). I think its good to spread the word and to
warn people about that.