White people of A2K: Please read and respond as honestly as you can to this blog by a writer named Seth Grahame-Smith
(Why do the black people have the right to respond with lies?
) ok, "white people of A2K" just sounded like the first line in a sci fi novel..
I like being white.
Generally speaking, it's the easiest color in America to be.
I take his word for it.
It's so easy being white that when someone discriminates against me because I'm white, it's called "reverse" racism. My racism has its own special name -- that's how cool it is to be white.
Made me laugh.
I can walk into any store without being followed;
bullshit--look poor and you are followed...He's mixing white privilege with affluent privilege...not the same!!
hail the cab of my choice; and there's not a country club that wouldn't welcome me, so long as I was clad in the requisite slacks and collared shirt.
unless you are a white JEW perhaps!! or again POOR!!
I'm a liberal, college-educated white guy. I think gays should be allowed to marry, I think women deserve equal pay for equal work, and I firmly believe that the more ethnically diverse America becomes, the more perfect and lasting our Union will be.
He obviously DOESN'T BELIEVE THIS either--or he's parodying the type of voter that he has characterized himself to be because he (like snood, it seems) doesn't have faith that people can get over racism. He's trying to preach his message, making himself the scapegoat.
But there's something about the idea of a black president that scares the **** out of me.
Until now, the notion of a black chief executive has belonged exclusively to Hollywood. I remember seeing Morgan Freeman in Deep Impact, and thinking what a cool, novel choice it was to cast a black man as the president of the United States. Cool, because it hit my progressive sweet spot. "Yes! That's the way the world should work!" Novel, because the idea seemed impossible. And that was scarcely ten years ago.
It didn't seem impossible to everyone...I still wonder if the writer meant this--or he is projecting his low opinion of "middle America" onto this self-identified narrator.
But the idea is very real now. A black man may well become the leader of the free world. And even for someone who fancies himself a progressive, that's forced me to take a long, hard look at what that would really mean to my white mind.
I think the fact that he identifies his mind as white says a lot. Who wakes up and puts on the mantle of being white in this society? Sorta metaphoric to putting on a hood... This is where he really seems to be trying to spoon-feed psychbabble 101 to the teeming masses. "Let me explain how you're feeling....I just took a sociology course!!! I understand you! Here, take my hand"...haha. I really think the people, like this writer, are struggling with their own race issues, and find it impossible to believe that a lot of people have moved on, and are happy Obama's running--and aren't conflicted about it in the least.
To identify that tiny, obscure part of me that's suddenly afraid, and find out what its problem is.
Here's what I found.
It's been easy believing in equality, because part of me -- the part that's suddenly afraid -- didn't really think we'd ever achieve it.
Sad and telling.
For as long as I can remember, I've felt secure as a white person. Secure in the unspoken belief that no matter how much social progress we made in America -- no matter how many blacks and Latinos graduated Magna Cum Laude or how many trophies Tiger won -- that we'd always be the ruling class from sea to shining sea.
That's disgusting. Someone should have read this for this guy before publishing it. He is just a huge honkin racist--or he tried to write some self-deprecating essay to "open the eyes" of guys like his narrator and got his dick caught in the door...
That belief was so ingrained in my DNA that nothing could shake it loose.
I hate this false, damaging sentiment. It feeds all types of -isms.
Not the first billionaires of color, not the surging growth of the Latino population, not the Congressional Black Caucus...not even Oprah.
For though my better angels usually won the day, and though I was happy with the strides America was making, I was also -- deep down in that DNA -- gratified by the knowledge that mine was still the easiest color in America to be.
But a black president? That's different.
A black president means anything is possible.
Yes, it does! Hah!!
It means that that last little parcel of earth -- which for 232 years has been solely inhabited by white men --
excuse me? How old was the guy who wrote this??
is now open to people of all colors.
That may seem insignificant. After all, there are black CEOs, black movie stars, black Senators...but the "highest office in the land" is just that.
The problem is, I think there are untold numbers of whites who can't bring themselves to pull the lever for Obama because of that fear -- the fear that a black president somehow takes us white folks down a notch.
Anyone who falsely thought they were actually up a notch...will just get a needed education.
I have friends and family members who support Obama as I do, but who are "certain" he won't win in November for this very reason. They just don't think white America is ready to pull that lever. Ready to put their vote where their mouth is.
At least we see where he gets his racist views...
Some of these
hypothetical people
So, he made it all up, right?
are simply racists. People who've let that fear consume them, and who would never vote for a black candidate no matter what. Others are like me -- whites who embrace equality, and who've loved people of all colors with all their hearts, but who (somewhere deep down in that DNA) are afraid of what this brave new world will look like. Of what their place in it will -- or won't -- be.
Is anyone else offended by the DNA talk?
As for me? I don't think we've arrived in a "post-racial" America just yet, but I have faith that more of us white folks are ready to give it a try than ever before.
I guess we'll see how big those better angels have grown.