Italgato wrote:One poster nominates "newtie" I think the Republican Party should go for broke and nominate the man who would never have to explain a thing- William Jefferson Clinton.
Why, it would go down hard with some, but just think, after Clinton nuked the Gaza strip, he could say:
I never nuked the Gaza Strip. Not one time.
And you know what? The biggest liar of all time could get away with it.
What people do not understand is that George W. Bush will never be able to match "slick Willie".
Some say that Bush is immoral since he invaded Iraq.
People must understand that Clinton would never have to worry about that charge being laid on him.
Clinton is not immoral- He is amoral.
That is why the Republicans should choose him as the standard bearer.
Would he accept?
Certainly- He is not only amoral but has proved that he has been the most narcissistic president we have ever elected.
He couldn't resist.
Bill Clinton owns you conservatives from the bottom of your toes to the tip of your head.
He owns you.
In any case, I do not think he was "the biggest liar of all times." In fact, I doubt he was the biggest liar of all presidents. Nixon and Reagan both were bigger liars -- and the moron-in-chief right now is one hell of a lot bigger liar than Bill Clinton ever hoped to be.
You are right that Dubya will never match Bill Clinton, though, and probably couldn't match most current high schoolers -- if you meant matched in intelligence.
Funny thing I've noticed about Bush: Most of his supporters are not all that bright either.