Okay, let's start with the current boyfriend. He sounds an awful lot like someone who engages or has the potential to engage in emotional if not physical abuse. I know that sounds harsh but you're saying things like:
Quote:* he is very possesive and demanding
* He is quick tempered and sometimes scares me
* He wants me all to himself, doesn't want me to hang out with anyone other than him
* I just bite my tongue when he is acting like an idiot or treating me badly.
* He will be an ass then later when he sees me he acts as if nothing ever happened.
* Everything is always my fault
This sounds like a classic abusive relationship or that it has the potential to become one. You are setting yourself up for a very bad situation here. The fact that you notice this already is good.
Now's the time to do something about it. Don't wait until an arm is broken, your self-esteem is down the tubes, you've been cut off from your friends and family, or you're seriously considering a restraining order.
And, it's not a failure if you do something about it. There are, as they say, many other fish in the sea. Great sex can be found in a lot of other places, with a lot of men who won't treat you like dirt. I am sure you are an appealing person who can find other men. You don't need this guy.
Now for the ex. He sounds like a nice guy but no law says you must, absolutely, have to go back with him if you drop the current guy. I have no doubt that there are way more than 2 eligible/suitable men in your town. Before considering returning to the older relationship, ask yourself why you were there in the first place, why you were bored, and why you left.
In the meantime, I strongly suggest finding other guys to date. See what else is out there - good, bad and indifferent. Maybe don't jump right into a deep, intense relationship immediately. It's not necessary to be in a super-committed relationship in order to date, have fun and be happy. Play the field a little. I'm not suggesting being slutty - rather, I'm suggesting, go out and have fun and see how it goes. You may find your ex was the greatest person ever and you can't live without him. You may find he was good for you at a particular time in your life, but that time has now passed. You may find someone else who will be wonderful and magical and fantastic for you. You may find that no one right now is wonderful and magical and fantastic, but that you don't care because you're enjoying yourself.
It doesn't have to be black or white, all or nothing. But do, please, get out of the current relationship. From what you've written, it sounds as if no good can possibly come from it.
Best of luck to you.