Quote:You are, at varying times, tedious, boring, and even occasionally earth shatteringly hilarious in your idiocy, routinely childish, moronic, pathetic, wretched, disgusting and pitiful.
The cream, IMO, of that particular missive.
Okay, we'll start out nicely...
Setanta wrote: "I did read the preceding post. Spurious is a waste of bandwidth."
Shira... wrote: "Lol, what a hilarious accusation with someone with a thesaurus and apparently little else for a brain Wink. It's great that you do most of my comedy for me!"
Setanta wrote: "Jesus Christ, O'George, i almost puked . . . even a Jesuit theologian, attempting to justify the claim of papal infalibility, wouldn't stoop to such a blatant and obvious lie . . . shame on you, O'George."
rosborne wrote: "Ha Smile I remember page after page of "viewers" posting 'rabbit with pancake on head' after we first encountered Spendi's posts. That brings back memories. Smile
It's interesting to watch the new members of this thread 'discover' Spendi all over again and see them reach the same conclusion every time (he's a waste of time). Was it TKess who said, "Boy are you irrelevant". I thought that was an interesting choice of terms."
DrewDad wrote:shewolfnm wrote:No I cant. because your stupidity got the thread locked and deleted.
Wow. I didn't even know that the mods were willing to delete entire threads.
I do remember that exchange, though.
not one of my shinier moments eh
McGentrix: I'd appreciate it if you kept your broad strokes to yourself or learn to paint with a finer brush. It bores me and makes you look like a ditz.
Setanta wrote: You spread so much BS around here, i don't believe that, either, Tinkerbell. I think you're just the typical loud-mouth coward, who rants about guns and warfare in the attempt to cover up the fact that you're a trembling coward. I think you're just a liar, Tink.
Jennifer Johnson wrote: When you spew the subjective morality of "GOD said", "King said", or "society said"; you are a Jew, spewing Jewish DOGSHIT!
And this is classic Set:
won't even bother to canvas how badly you express yourself in English. You present the perfect example of this definition of a bigot. You believe that you are possessed of a special truth, to the point that you use puerile excretory epithets while attacking those who have the temerity to dissent from your poorly-articulated opinions. You especially exhibit this by your obsessional hatred of Jews and Judaism, which you carry to the ridiculous extreme of using those terms to brand those who don't agree with you as "criminals" because of one is a "Jew, spewing Jewish dogshit."
You remind me of one of Charlie Manson's girls--you suck up to David Henry, and parrot the dull-witted "philosophy" he has inculcated in you. You use stock phrases and childish scatological insults and epithets--but you don't produce a single original idea, or even any novel means of expression. You have used the same shop-worn and dull-witted stock phrases and vituperation throughout this pathetic exercise.
I don't and never have even remotely implied that what i consider to be ethical is based on "Setanta said." You two have come here to pick a fight, to take pot-shots at all of us, convinced in advanced that we will not agree, and therefore deserve to be labeled as Zionist Jewish criminals. You haven't come here seeking the truth, nor seeking reasoned debate. Everyone is invited to fawningly agree and praise the excellence of your "comprehension," or be damned, and subjected to your virtual shouting and your schoolgirl fecal and racist insults. You're a sad case.
You're also pretty damned stupid if you think i am going to provide you with the ammunition for the sniping you have been doing toward me and everyone else here. In a reasonable situation, i might well have explained in what i consider right and wrong to consist, and why. I'm not so foolish as to provide you a feeble lever for your rote bigotry.
However, as far as free entertainment goes, you're a pip.
And more from Set:
But with your snappy patter routine, you and your pathetic girlfriend riffing off one another's stock phrases, your personal religious dogma, you two do remind me of a pair of vaudeville comedians, working the cheap burlesque circuit.
Yes, that's right, you two put me in mind of nothing so much as a couple of Jewish comedians from a century ago . . .
You clowns crack me up .
Timberlandko's famous comment whenever someone's post made no sense:
Yeah, I loved that, wandeljw
And what would this thread be without something from Chai?
and still, no one with a plan........
you know, I am sickened by the lot of you.........
I know I'm pissing in the wind here, but don't you disgust yourself with your non-stop whine fest?
No one in office would make you happy, and none of you are making productive suggestions.
How can you stand to be in the same room with yourself?
no matter how elaborate, insults are still insults. i wish there was nothing to post on this thread.
Rockhead wrote:Why did the chicken cross the road?

To hold up his pants, of course. Why do firemen wear red suspenders?
dagmaraka wrote:no matter how elaborate, insults are still insults. i wish there was nothing to post on this thread.
I understand how you feel, dagmaraka.
However, whenever I am insulted by someone like Gus or Setanta, I actually get a kick out of it. It makes me laugh.
wandeljw wrote:However, whenever I am insulted by someone like Gus or Setanta, I actually get a kick out of it. It makes me laugh.
Well, it doesn't make me laugh but I'm not worried either.
Francis, about some minor poster, on another thread wrote:Definitely, as human beings, you and I are not of the same kind, therefore your insults are wasted..
McGentrix said:
Uh, oh.
Looks like Cyc is giving the boot to yet ANOTHER democrat! Before long it will be just a nice circle jerk of like-minded drones huddled around a campfire sing kumbya believing in change.
As you asked, Mame, I did some research:
Setanta particularly affectionates the words
jackass and
moron, (which he used about 60 times each) like in these examples:
Setanta wrote:you've become a sanctimonious jackass
Setanta wrote:You're a drunken, great braying jackass.
Setanta wrote:so let me start out by saying that you have displayed your typical jackass lack of diplomacy.
My own diplomacy prevents me from telling to whom he addressed them...
What I love about these insults is the imaginative descriptors, the creativity of the insult, the thought and time that went into some of them, the pointedness... they're a work of art.
Francis wrote:As you asked, Mame, I did some research:
Setanta particularly affectionates the words
jackass and
moron, (which he used about 60 times each) like in these examples:
Setanta wrote:you've become a sanctimonious jackass
Setanta wrote:You're a drunken, great braying jackass.
Setanta wrote:so let me start out by saying that you have displayed your typical jackass lack of diplomacy.
My own diplomacy prevents me from telling to whom he addressed them...
Not particularly clever or entertaining, IMO.
My favorite from American TV:
Diane: Do you know how you're different from a fat, braying ass?
Sam: Nope.
Diane: The fat, braying ass would.
Drewdad - I find your sig line extremely insulting.
Some of us actually read those labels.
Now I feel totally inadequate.
Whenever someone like the resident, generally uninformed loudmouth, of that tedious gun bigot irritates me, I just go away for a while.
Now I'll have to improve my respionses, and/or my response rate!