People. Hi.
<cautious smile>
I dont want to seem ungrateful, and i may, perhaps - cause of not having come back here when i've been posting on all these bull political threads, an' all. But its not the same thing. I hope you understand.
Reading all your posts was very, very comforting. It helped a lot. Thank you all. Sozobe the first one here, again, of course <smiles> - feels like with a friend. Rae's heartwarming care, made me smile when I felt alone. MassCass, little k - haven't seen you in ages, hi. All cav's advice.
It's good advice, cav, i know ... familiar advice, though, too. I've tried so hard to implement it ... but we could still have done a lot better, i guess <nods>.
There's things where it gets difficult, though ... for example: "being the rock", when you're "on the receiving end" - that bit <nods>. I mean, when you're on the receiving end,
always, again (and i felt i was) ... and always unexpected, about the most - unexpected - things ...
I really tried, that - i mean, thats what i gave myself as job description, kinda; but it also pretty much drove me to collapse (
she didn't - note - the 'job description' i'd given myself did). (I was even on partial disability a few months, work & home stress coalescing.) I'm left with this deep-seated, internalised fear/distrust/insecurity: its never going to be good enough ... any moment, it might turn bad again ... <cuts himself short>. I just want to be myself again, and trust that ... that'll be OK. Thats all i want. <nods>.
Ironically, she seems to be holding up better now than i am. Might only seem so. Perhaps because her belief is stronger. But i'm trying to force myself to get a grip again too. It doesnt quite work - work's been a mess. But at least, every time i find myself talking to myself (not necessarily out loud

like little boy lost, i remind myself i'm a big guy - and i shouldnt allow myself to - fall. And then sometimes, I don't.
Tomorrow, I'm going to visit a friend, in Germany. Not a very close friend (well, she was very close, but she doesnt know all this). I'm very scared - I'll have to be "ok". But perhaps it'll be good.
Thanks again.