John McCain has always been a phony & a scumbag; want proof?

Reply Wed 25 Jun, 2008 04:49 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I advocate higher taxes and reducing government spending, not the expansion of it. I'm not looking to see the gov't get any bigger then it currently is.

But from what I have read and heard, the Obama plan will result in a massive increase in govt spending.

Are you opposed to that, or will you support his plan completely?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jun, 2008 05:50 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I advocate higher taxes and reducing government spending, not the expansion of it. I'm not looking to see the gov't get any bigger then it currently is.

But from what I have read and heard, the Obama plan will result in a massive increase in govt spending.

Are you opposed to that, or will you support his plan completely?

What the f*ck is wrong with you, MM and Tico and McG and Foxy and Foofie and ...

Your sense of morality, like your postings, is pretty much not there.


From the Justice Department to the Just Us Department
By: Steve Benen @ 1:10 PM - PDT

I don't want to alarm anyone, but it appears the Justice Department, throughout Bush's two terms, flagrantly and repeatedly broke the law by politicizing the hiring process. Yes, I know we knew that before, but the DoJ's Inspector General has made it official.

Justice Department officials over the last six years illegally used "political or ideological" factors to hire new lawyers into an elite recruitment program, tapping law school graduates with conservative credentials over those with liberal-sounding resumes, a new report found Tuesday.

The blistering report, prepared by the Justice Department's inspector general, is the first in what will be a series of investigations growing out of last year's scandal over the firings of nine United States attorneys. It appeared to confirm for the first time in an official examination many of the allegations from critics who charged that the Justice Department had become overly politicized during the Bush administration.

"Many qualified candidates" were rejected for the department's honors program because of what was perceived as a liberal bias, the report found. Those practices, the report concluded, "constituted misconduct and also violated the department's policies and civil service law that prohibit discrimination in hiring based on political or ideological affiliations."

According to the investigation, the Justice Department began ignoring merit and making employment decisions based on politics in 2002, when then-Attorney General John Ashcroft restructured the honors program, taking decisions away from career officials in each section of the department, giving power to Bush appointees. When Alberto Gonzales took the reins, the illegalities expanded and were intensified.


Is this what conservatives stand for? Where is that sense of honor and decency that is always being trumpeted? You know how much it says about conservatives as a whole that there are no complaints with respect to the frequent criminal actions being perpetrated by this government.

Wasn't John Dean so so right when he said this group will make Nixon look like a piker.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jun, 2008 06:14 pm
JTT wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I advocate higher taxes and reducing government spending, not the expansion of it. I'm not looking to see the gov't get any bigger then it currently is.

But from what I have read and heard, the Obama plan will result in a massive increase in govt spending.

Are you opposed to that, or will you support his plan completely?

What the f*ck is wrong with you, MM and Tico and McG and Foxy and Foofie and ...

Your sense of morality, like your postings, is pretty much not there.

Sense of morality? Who the **** are you?

Brother Cyclo -

Greed is Good

As true now as it was then. I mean you think you're too good for egoism - how many years have you been that good?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jun, 2008 06:30 pm
hanno wrote:
JTT wrote:

Sense of morality? Who the **** are you?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jun, 2008 07:07 pm
hanno wrote:

Sense of morality? Who the **** are you?

Are you indignant simply because you were missed, Hanno? Smile

It's pretty clear that I'm not someone who provides cover for criminals, murderers, thieves, liars, ... .

But note how quickly Tico comes right back at it. Instead of addressing the repugnant things that are being done, he wallows in them.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jun, 2008 08:41 pm
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jun, 2008 08:45 pm
JTT wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I advocate higher taxes and reducing government spending, not the expansion of it. I'm not looking to see the gov't get any bigger then it currently is.

But from what I have read and heard, the Obama plan will result in a massive increase in govt spending.

Are you opposed to that, or will you support his plan completely?

What the f*ck is wrong with you, MM and Tico and McG and Foxy and Foofie and ...

Your sense of morality, like your postings, is pretty much not there.


From the Justice Department to the Just Us Department
By: Steve Benen @ 1:10 PM - PDT

I don't want to alarm anyone, but it appears the Justice Department, throughout Bush's two terms, flagrantly and repeatedly broke the law by politicizing the hiring process. Yes, I know we knew that before, but the DoJ's Inspector General has made it official.

Justice Department officials over the last six years illegally used "political or ideological" factors to hire new lawyers into an elite recruitment program, tapping law school graduates with conservative credentials over those with liberal-sounding resumes, a new report found Tuesday.

The blistering report, prepared by the Justice Department's inspector general, is the first in what will be a series of investigations growing out of last year's scandal over the firings of nine United States attorneys. It appeared to confirm for the first time in an official examination many of the allegations from critics who charged that the Justice Department had become overly politicized during the Bush administration.

"Many qualified candidates" were rejected for the department's honors program because of what was perceived as a liberal bias, the report found. Those practices, the report concluded, "constituted misconduct and also violated the department's policies and civil service law that prohibit discrimination in hiring based on political or ideological affiliations."

According to the investigation, the Justice Department began ignoring merit and making employment decisions based on politics in 2002, when then-Attorney General John Ashcroft restructured the honors program, taking decisions away from career officials in each section of the department, giving power to Bush appointees. When Alberto Gonzales took the reins, the illegalities expanded and were intensified.


Is this what conservatives stand for? Where is that sense of honor and decency that is always being trumpeted? You know how much it says about conservatives as a whole that there are no complaints with respect to the frequent criminal actions being perpetrated by this government.

Wasn't John Dean so so right when he said this group will make Nixon look like a piker.

Instead of addressing my point, you attack me with something totally irrelevant to what we are discussing?
Why dont you address what I wrote instead of dodging the subject?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 25 Jun, 2008 09:56 pm
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Isn't it ironic that Republicans, who were so outraged at Bill Clinton's sexual escapades, support John McCain, a world-class womanizer, panderer, money chaser, and phony?


They know how to shell it out, but when it's their own, they go deaf and dumb.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2008 06:02 am
JTT wrote:
woiyo wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I do not support your greed, sir, and will be voting for the candidate who will take more of your money in taxes - and mine as well. I would remind you that greed is hardly a virtue, but instead, a vice.


My property is my property and the Govt has no right to take it and give it to others. That is called freedom.

Apparently, you do not believe in freedom.

Are you not a Native American, Woiyo? That's exactly what the government did.

Exactly. That is why I am insulted by statements by the Obama circle saying that the ONLY solution is raising taxes and increasing the size of Govt.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2008 06:04 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I advocate higher taxes and reducing government spending, not the expansion of it. I'm not looking to see the gov't get any bigger then it currently is.

I'm not really interested in having a conversation with you about socialism, because you aren't really interested in anything other then insults; and what more, it's boring. Can't you come up with something more productive to talk about then tired Conservative tropes, such as labeling anyone who isn't for cutting taxes a Socialist?


Your statement is a contradiction.

If they reduced spending and/or became more efficient, there would be no need to increase taxes.

Obama wants to play Robin Hood. Tax the so-called rich and give it to the so called poor. That will only lead to a 2 class system reminiscent of the Guilded Age. That is not a good thing.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2008 06:38 am
woiyo wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I advocate higher taxes and reducing government spending, not the expansion of it. I'm not looking to see the gov't get any bigger then it currently is.

I'm not really interested in having a conversation with you about socialism, because you aren't really interested in anything other then insults; and what more, it's boring. Can't you come up with something more productive to talk about then tired Conservative tropes, such as labeling anyone who isn't for cutting taxes a Socialist?


Your statement is a contradiction.

If they reduced spending and/or became more efficient, there would be no need to increase taxes.

Obama wants to play Robin Hood. Tax the so-called rich and give it to the so called poor. That will only lead to a 2 class system reminiscent of the Guilded Age. That is not a good thing.

Actually how would you have expected the government to reduce spending which was not already done? True we had some pretty lame no where deals (some of which supported by various party members on both sides) but by and large most domestic government spending has been reduced. It is not the spending which is draining the economy but paying for the Iraq war and homeland security without significant raises in either employment or wages or taxes.

What Happened to Wartime Sacrifice?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2008 06:44 am
Another example of McCain's major flip flops in the name of toeing the party line to get their votes. (if i was a republican i would wonder what will happen once he gets in office, wonder if he would change back. As a democrat I don't want to take the chance of having faith he would change back.)

After last week's Supreme Court decision granting terror detainees the right of habeas corpus, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) blasted the decision as one of the worst ever. Raising the specter of Osama bin Laden being tried in civil court, McCain invoked the Nazi war crimes trials to declare that bin Laden should be denied habeas rights at all costs, Supreme Court be damned:

There was no habeas at Nuremburg and there should be no habeas for Osama bin Laden. … Let me be clear, under my administration Osama bin Laden will either be killed on the battlefield or executed.

McCain has invoked the Nazi trials at Nuremberg before to uphold his position on habeas. Unfortunately for McCain, in that instance it was to push for granting those rights to terror detainees, as he explained to Tim Russert in 2005:

Now, I know that some of these guys are terrible, terrible killers and the worst kind of scum of humanity. But, one, they deserve to have some adjudication of their cases. And there's a fear that if you release them that they'll go back and fight again against us. … f it means releasing some of them, you'll have to release them. Look, even Adolf Eichmann got a trial.

Those accused of Nazi crimes at Nuremberg were not tried under U.S. law, and thus did not have explicit habeas rights. But Nazis unquestionably received fairer trials than terrorist detainees today. The fact that some accused and tried at Nuremberg were found innocent and released shows that Nuremberg offered a practical habeas right. By contrast, the Pentagon has indicated it could continue to imprison a Guantanamo detainee indefinitely, even if he were found innocent by a military tribunal.

What, exactly, does McCain find so frightening about bringing Osama bin Laden to court? He is unquestionably guilty and will be found guilty. A fair trial would only add moral authority to his conviction. Or is moral weight another aspect of the war on terror that McCain doesn't care about?

(links for statements at the source)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2008 09:41 am
revel wrote:
Another example of McCain's major flip flops in the name of toeing the party line to get their votes. (if i was a republican i would wonder what will happen once he gets in office, wonder if he would change back. As a democrat I don't want to take the chance of having faith he would change back.)

But don't you agree the Supreme Court decision he "blasted" was about the right to go before a federal court instead of a miltiary tribunal, which is what he's advocated all along?

I've not read the opinion, but that is my understanding of its ruling.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2008 01:22 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
revel wrote:
Another example of McCain's major flip flops in the name of toeing the party line to get their votes. (if i was a republican i would wonder what will happen once he gets in office, wonder if he would change back. As a democrat I don't want to take the chance of having faith he would change back.)

But don't you agree the Supreme Court decision he "blasted" was about the right to go before a federal court instead of a miltiary tribunal, which is what he's advocated all along?

I've not read the opinion, but that is my understanding of its ruling.

It seems you miss the point. He blasted the SC decision that in 2005 he was in favor of. Now he is all over the place trying to explain his changed position away.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2008 02:05 pm
It seems you missed my point, and instead are content to parrot the bloggers you respect and follow, whose thinking often times resembles the flow of cottage cheese.

You are trying to tell me in 2005 McCain was in favor of granting habeas to these detainees? You will need to show me some proof of that statement.

McCain's position has always been that the government should structure military tribunals to give detainees due process, but that they should still be treated as unlawful combatants, not prisoners of war or American citizens. So with the Boumediene decision, the SCOTUS has granted terrorists access to the civil court system ... not a military tribunal. It is THAT that he has blasted as "one of the worst decisions in the history of this country."

Let me try to say it another way that you might be able to follow, revel ...

McCain's position is -- and has always been -- the following:

Military tribunals for unlawful combatants = good.
Habeas corpus & civil trials for unlawful combatants = bad.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2008 05:41 pm
revel wrote:
woiyo wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I advocate higher taxes and reducing government spending, not the expansion of it. I'm not looking to see the gov't get any bigger then it currently is.

I'm not really interested in having a conversation with you about socialism, because you aren't really interested in anything other then insults; and what more, it's boring. Can't you come up with something more productive to talk about then tired Conservative tropes, such as labeling anyone who isn't for cutting taxes a Socialist?


Your statement is a contradiction.

If they reduced spending and/or became more efficient, there would be no need to increase taxes.

Obama wants to play Robin Hood. Tax the so-called rich and give it to the so called poor. That will only lead to a 2 class system reminiscent of the Guilded Age. That is not a good thing.

Actually how would you have expected the government to reduce spending which was not already done? True we had some pretty lame no where deals (some of which supported by various party members on both sides) but by and large most domestic government spending has been reduced. It is not the spending which is draining the economy but paying for the Iraq war and homeland security without significant raises in either employment or wages or taxes.

What Happened to Wartime Sacrifice?

How about for a start, we eliminate the redundancy in Washington.
We could eliminate all of the people whose only job seems to be to tell each other how important they are.

How about we eliminate unneeded govt departments and programs.
We could start with the dept of education, and we could then move on to HUD and a myriad of other alphabet depts and offices.

We could totally eliminate the pork from the budget.
That alone would save billions of dollars.

We could also make it illegal for any congressperson to get a pay raise while they are in office, that includes any reelections.

There are hundreds of ways to save money and to reduce spending in DC.
If we raise taxes, congress will just spend more money exponentially.
That means that if we raise taxes $1, they will spend an extra $5 or more.
They have always done so.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2008 12:52 am
JTT wrote:
hanno wrote:

Sense of morality? Who the **** are you?

Are you indignant simply because you were missed, Hanno? Smile

It's pretty clear that I'm not someone who provides cover for criminals, murderers, thieves, liars, ... .

But note how quickly Tico comes right back at it. Instead of addressing the repugnant things that are being done, he wallows in them.

Don't cover for criminals, murderers, thieves or liars - wow, that is really impressive. If you were of a mind to lower yourself though... I mean could you cut it as or amongst those horrible things or are you just speaking in platitudes about politicians and/or being self-righteous?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2008 07:28 am
Ticomaya wrote:
It seems you missed my point, and instead are content to parrot the bloggers you respect and follow, whose thinking often times resembles the flow of cottage cheese.

You are trying to tell me in 2005 McCain was in favor of granting habeas to these detainees? You will need to show me some proof of that statement.

McCain's position has always been that the government should structure military tribunals to give detainees due process, but that they should still be treated as unlawful combatants, not prisoners of war or American citizens. So with the Boumediene decision, the SCOTUS has granted terrorists access to the civil court system ... not a military tribunal. It is THAT that he has blasted as "one of the worst decisions in the history of this country."

Let me try to say it another way that you might be able to follow, revel ...

McCain's position is -- and has always been -- the following:

Military tribunals for unlawful combatants = good.
Habeas corpus & civil trials for unlawful combatants = bad.

You can link to the proof that McCain was for detainees being able to be charged in 2005. (if you couldn't I wouldn't have left it) Now he is against it. Read the difference in his reasoning.

Now, I know that some of these guys are terrible, terrible killers and the worst kind of scum of humanity. But, one, they deserve to have some adjudication of their cases.


Let me be clear, under my administration Osama bin Laden will either be killed on the battlefield or executed.


In 2005 John McCain was rightfully worried because some of these detainees were being held without ever being charged or ever had a trial by a military tribunal or anything else. Now that he is a a candidate for the republicans in today's environment after his bid it is reasonable to assume he had to change his tune as he has on every other stance which made John McCain a maverick. He is a maverick no longer. Now instead of saying even the worse scum of humanity deserves a trial he is saying they deserve to be executed or killed on the battlefield.

(Hint: being condescending is a sign of a weak advocator (lawyer) of which you claim to be one. I have never made claims of being out of the way intelligent or a great debater but I think I am capable of picking out the main core of things I am truly interested in and have proved it over the years.)

If the military will not adhere to the GC and provide a tribunal or trial for detainees (and they haven't up to this time), what choice do we have but to go outside the military to administer justice? The SC had to do something. I would even doubt if those presently in charge of these things given their past attitudes to date would even be half way fair in any case.

America's prison for terrorists often held the wrong men
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2008 05:52 am
McCain Flip Flops Again -- Praises GI Bill He Opposed
by Christine Pelosi

In today's installment of McCain vs. McCain, the "straight talker" claimed credit for passage of the 21st Century GI Bill of Rights he opposed.

When Fighting Dem Jim Webb vowed to give patriots who enlisted after 9/11 the same opportunity for a first-class education offered to the greatest generation after World War Two, McCain said NO.

When dozens of Veterans Service Organization led by Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and VoteVets.org, and bipartisan Congressional majorities led by Fighting Dem Senator Jim Webb (D-VA), Chuck Hagel (R-NE), Senate Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Congressman Harry Mitchell (D-AZ), pushed to make the 21st Century GI Bill of Rights a reality, McCain said NO.

When Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton endorsed the 21st Century Bill of Rights, McCain said NO -- even going so far as to offer his own watered-down so-called substitute.

But the Fighting Dems beat back the Bush-McCain opposition, the bill sailed through the Congress and now -- rather than admit he was wrong -- McCain is claiming credit for the bill he opposed at every turn. Today in Ohio McCain said:

I'm happy to tell you that we probably agreed to an increase in educational benefits for our veterans that not only gives them increase in their educational benefits, but if they stay in for a certain period of time than they can transfer those educational benefits to their spouses and or children.
Here's the clip:




I'm happy to tell you that the 21st Century GI Bill of Rights will become law. I just wish McCain had not opposed it so long before he supported it. Our heroes need a President who is an ally not a roadblock in their pursuit of the American dream.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2008 11:40 am
hanno wrote:
JTT wrote:
hanno wrote:

Sense of morality? Who the **** are you?

Are you indignant simply because you were missed, Hanno? Smile

It's pretty clear that I'm not someone who provides cover for criminals, murderers, thieves, liars, ... .

But note how quickly Tico comes right back at it. Instead of addressing the repugnant things that are being done, he wallows in them.

Don't cover for criminals, murderers, thieves or liars - wow, that is really impressive.

It's not at all impressive. It's simply what normal human beings do.

If you were of a mind to lower yourself though... I mean could you cut it as or amongst those horrible things or are you just speaking in platitudes about politicians and/or being self-righteous?

Cut the bullshit, Hanno. Perhaps a hundred thousand Iraqis are dead, half a million are refugees, how much Iraqi wealth has been stolen, how much destroyed? Why, Hanno, why?
0 Replies

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