JPB wrote:I respectfully disagree, fox.
The war in Iraq is a major difference between the two. As are health care and the potential of who would be nominated to be the next USSCJs. I don't think Obama will lose vs McCain against any of these issues.
Maybe. We won't know until we start comparing the game plans side by side and I am not convinced that the Obama camp will allow that to happen. So far Obama hasn't responded to McCains suggestion of weekly town hall meetings so people can hear both candidates speak on the issues in an unfiltered format.
On National Defense, Iraq, the economy, and the courts, I think McCain has the edge. I think Obama's healthcare plan, naive approach to taxes, and obvious inexperience on international relations can be used to diminish his appeal. On the environment, immigration, Guatanamo, and various social issues, there isn't enough difference between the two to matter much.
Obama has nothing to gain and everything to lose by going toe to toe with McCain and exposing weaknesses. His best bet is to be the young, good looking, personable one who says 'change' a lot and keep emphasizing that McCain is old.