To avoid interrupting the other threads that have moved on, I am posting this to Rox here.
Roxxxanne wrote:squinney wrote:Wouldn't any of us do the same if any friend or family member was taking advantage / riding coat tails for their own glory and doing so to your detriment?
Ya know you would.
Squinney, why has your "man" become a troll and what is his real problem? Aren't you embarrassed by the crap he posts here? It reflects poorly on you.
My man? I don't own him, nor does he own me.
No, I am not embarrassed. Why would I be? PROGRESSIVE is understanding that people, even those in relationships, are still individuals. If you, Rox, think Bears posts reflect poorly on me, it says more about you and your thinking than anything else. How unprogressive and misogynistic (your favorite word) of YOU to even suggest I should be embarrassed or that his thoughts reflect my own. I think and speak for myself, as does he.
Roxxxanne wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:low blow harper.... squinney has done nothing to you... is well liked and respected by everyone (unlike you) and deserves no comment from some bitter tranny attention whore. Also, it doesn't hurt her feelings nor mine....nice try though.
You misspelled
You are one of the most bitter trolls I have ever encountered on the > internet and I feel sorry for your wife. She must either be a complete kook or a saint. BTW let her speak for herself. are welcome to come here and meet us (shana and I) IRL. You would be in for the surprise of your life.
What the hell? YOU bring me into it and then suggest HE let me speak for myself? Okay, here's ME speaking: "Shut up, bitch!"
And, speak for myself about what? He said it didn't hurt my feelings, you tell him to let me speak for myself... Were you trying to hurt my feelings or something? Sorry to disappoint you, but it didn't.
You throw the word misogynist around (at Bear and others) when your the biggest misogynist here. He would never want to be referred to as my Sugar Daddy, which is how you refer to your....whatever he/she is. Bear knows I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself... like a real woman.
Even here on this thread you make comments like:
Quote:After Alcatraz, she took me to Houston's, she won't let me pay for anything even though I make double she does. "ladies don't oay" She tells me.
Quote:She is arranging studio time for me to complete my CD, artwork and the whole bit, lot of other things too.
A REAL woman would obtain those things herself instead of relying on someone else.
Roxxxanne wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Roxxxanne wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:sexual orientation problems.... that's rich. I'm exactly your age Roxxxmanne.... and I still operate with all my original equipment....
You call that peanut equipment? Women don't refer to their vaginas as equipment and mine is certainly not what it was when I was a virgin.
Our equipment? Double dildos, vibrators, strap-ons and, since i am a dominatrix, handcuffs, crops and stuff. My butch girlfreind had 8 orgasms last night and 13 (so far) today.
Maybe you aren't totally queera and want a "she-male". I have a 24 year old tranny girlfriend who is really hot that I am trying to get off the streets. But she is available as we speak if you can afford her. I know that is your secret desire. She is Asian and rather small though. I suspect you want it bigger.
so you stretched your vagina out in only 4 years? Is it still under warranty?
I have no idea what you are talking about and neither does Shana. When was the last time Squinney came 21 times in sixteen hopurs?
In that post you offer up another female as some sort of meat in exchange for money while in the same breath trying to pat yourself on the back as "helping her get off the street." You also "suspect" that Bear prefers bigger women, as if that's some kind of insult. Again, who's the misogynist?
As far as your last sentence in the above post... Get a fukin life.
Finally, your post today...
Roxxxanne wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:you are hoisted by your own petard... attacking cj for exactly what you do. Please let's don't communicate.
I only defend myself against t your false and disgusting libel. If you don't want to communicate, don't reply to my posts.
Until Squnney apologizes and denounces your insults toward me, I will continue to criticize her. If it weren't for us women,you men would be total boors.
Us women? Your kidding, right? You're 59 years old and became a woman about four years ago. Stop denying what we all already know. You may garner some respect if you just stopped lying about it.
You have no basis for demanding anything from me, expecially not an apology. If I'm sorry about anything it's that your self esteem is so low that you have to attack others to make yourself feel better. Posting on the internet that you're "all that" doesn't make it so. I find you hateful, spiteful and ugly on the inside. I can count exactly two people I've ever felt that way about, and Bear is not one of them.
Do not address me or in any way bring me into any more of your posts.