Is that the truth, Roberta? That you wouldn't be able to do anything? I doubt it. And who knows? Maybe your tribe would be inspired by your no games playing and your overt dislike for people and elect you leader.!
or cook you over an open fire and eat you by the light of the moon.
"Come on in guys. Okay, today's challenge is...wait a minute? Aren't you missing someone?"
TRIBE: "Who us? No."
"Where's whatshername, Roberta?"
TRIBE: "Roberta? We don't know no Roberta."
"What about this tape that shows Roberta going into the jungle with your tribe and then later, not being there during the big feast?"
TRIBE: mumbles "Oh, she was there alright."
TRIBE: "Uh, we said she was there all night, but now....." (Shrugs. Yes, it's a group shrug for Roberta.)
"What the hell she was kind of a whiner..... Okay, today's challenge pits brains against brawn....."
Part of this game is about heart. I knew the moment I saw it was going to be Rufus against Osten that Rufus would win. He's the guy with heart.
After one of his tribemates lost the spearpoint in the ocean he didn't sit down and weep, he didn't berate the loser, (well, okay just a little) what he did do was go out into the water and look for the spearpoint until he found it. That's heart. That seems to be the difference in the tribes this time too. They have the heart to keep going and have come from behind two or three times to win. One never knows about the dynamic of a team, how they will play at the critical moment, a lesson the Boston Red Sox are learning again this season.