Finn dAbuzz wrote:For you liberals who find Hillary so malignant, is this an opinion you've held for the past 16 years or is something you've only now awakened to?
Snood has told us that he really had no choice during the Clinton years. There was NO ONE between 1992 and 2000 that could represent his interests and so he had to cut the Clintons slack.
Presumably this means he recognized them for the snakes they were, but he was chained to their ostensible agenda.
I'm sure there are several liberals who have always recognized the Clintons for what they are, but I've not crossed their paths.
If you loved The Clintons in 1992, and felt compelled to defend them in 1996, but now recgnize them as the foul pond scum they are, is it at all possible that you will have the same relevation about Obama?
Perhaps, perhaps not but I would suggest the possibilty is enough to check your adoration at the door before you vote.
This all proves one very important point, character doesn't matter when its a Democrat in office, only when it is a Republican when character matters. The agenda is more important than character. Private morality does not matter. Only public morality matters, which includes robbing the rich to give to the poor.
This explains why Jeremiah Wright doesn't matter, why Michelle being proud of her country for the very first time doesn't matter, etc. The Democrat agenda is about greviences and groups with greviences, thats what matters. Its about a bunch of unhappy people wanting change so that they can somehow finally be happy, thats all that matters. How this will somehow make them happy, nobody knows, not even them.