Roxxxanne wrote:According to Chuck Todd, Kerry had a 14 point lead in March of 2004. And Chck Todd can't be wrong as he is one of my Myspace friends.

Really? How odd. He works for MSNBC, right? Because this was the result of an NBC/WSJ poll in March 2004:
45% Bush/Cheney
45% Kerry/Edwards
3% Nader
That's from
the Polling Report site, because I didnt just want to go on my own data from back then, I might have missed a poll at the time.
That page shows as well that also in March 2004, Fox had results varying from a 5-point Bush lead to a 5-point Kerry lead on two different occasions, IBD/CSM had Kerry up by 3 points, CBS/NYT had Bush up by 6, Newsweek had Bush up by 2 or trailing by 1 depending on whether Nader was factored in, the LA Times had Kerry up by 3, ABC/WaPo had Kerry up by 4, and CNN/USAToday/Gallup had results varying from an 8-point Kerry lead to a 4-point Bush lead, depending on whether Nader was factored in, at two different occasions.
There's a bunch more like that too. All in all the race was pretty much tied back then. If there was any poll that had a 14-point Kerry lead (let alone a 20-point one) that I missed in my table at the time and cant find back on Pollingreport right now, it was definitely not representative of what the polls overall were saying.
Still curious what Todd was referring to, though - so if you have the time to pass on a link please do.
Oh, and Bill is right: a generic no-name Democratic opponent of Bush did have a generous lead in at least one poll at the time... that "unnamed" Dem sure did kick ass. :wink: