Gala wrote:If he asks Clinton to join the ticket won't he be back-peddling on his commitment for change? During the heat of this primary he accused her and her sidekick, William, of being part of the same old Warshinktoon politics.
Of course he would be, but does anyone still really believe that he is an agent of so-called New Politics? If they do it's because their desires have trumped their reason.
I keep wondering why Hillary would want to be VP.
If Obama/Clinton wins in 2008 but bombs by 2012, VP Clinton will not be the logical successor. If Obam/Clinton stays in power for 2 terms, Hillary will be 68 for the 2016 election. Unless the Obama Administration has ushered in a new golden age in America, Hillary will not be a shoo in in 2016.
I'm left with the following:
Hillary as VP is closer to the presidency than Hillary who is not VP.
Wouldn't it just frost her ass if something happened to Obama and Bill Richardson became president?
Pretty damn creepy to be factoring assasination into one's plans.