Foofie wrote:Setanta wrote:There is no inherent conflict in believing that Israel, or any one or any group, may be adept at solving small problems, and maladroit at solving large problems.
But, quoting you, "I have always admired their perspicacity in solving small problems, and have equally been bewildered that they can be so clever in small matters, and pursue such bloody stupid basic policies when it comes to the big issues that really matter."
Doesn't "bewilderment" represent some level of mental conflict? Perhaps, we think differently in the English language. A regional difference, perhaps?
No, it doesn't mean that there is any "mental conflict," it just means that i don't understand why it is that they are so good in small matters, and so abysmal in large matters.
Quote:You seem to leave out that the wars fought were defensive for Israel? Should they have lost the wars, and then there'd be no Israel? Wasn't that the Arab goal for each war, 1948 and onwards?
You seem to leave out that Israel created a
casus belli for each war in which they fought, with the exception of 1956, which was not a defensive war at all. In 1956, the English and the French, responding to the overthrow of the Egyptian monarchy and the nationalization of the Suez Canal, sent in paratroops to take and hold the canal. At that time, Israel sent fast armored columns into the Sinai in an attempt to annex that territory. They backed down when Eisenhower sent a task force into the Eastern Med, and warned them off.
In 1948, although the Arab nations might have attacked without any provocation other than the mere existence of the state of Israel, we can never know, because Israel provided a provocation by violating the provisions of General Assembly Resolution 181 (November, 1947) and drove more than half the Muslim population of Palestine out of their homes. The population of the city of Gaza and the "Gaza Strip" exploded overnight. Tens of thousands of Muslim Palestinians fled to Jordan, Syria and the Lebanon.
In 1967, Israel occupied the Sinai, the Golan Heights and the west bank of the Jordan River. But more than that, they immediately began planting settlements in the occupied territories. Israel has on many occasions invaded the Lebanon. For whatever their grievances against the Muslim states which surround them may be, it can hardly be alleged that they have stood on a purely defensive posture when they have consistently invaded the territory of their neighbors, remained in the occupied territories after hostilities were concluded, and have even attempted to settle the occupied territories.
And that is stupid, and is as much as or more of a cause for the hostility directed toward them than the mere fact that Israel is a Jewish state.