Those Jewish appeasers
Barack Obama is not the only one who should be taking offense at President Bush's insistence that anyone having truck with terrorists is no better than Neville Chamberlain and, furthermore, ignores the lessons of the Holocaust.
According to an opinion poll last February, 64% of Israelis -- many of them Holocaust survivors or their relatives and descendants -- wanted their government to talk directly to Hamas.
Many Israeli analysts and senior military officers have long felt the same way. For example:
Hamas is not going to disappear," says Shlomo Brom, a former Israeli military chief of strategic planning. "They're not Al Qaeda; they're a national political movement." Brom, who favors indirect negotiations with Hamas, says he believes a dialogue could help moderate the Islamists. (Newsweek, March 7, 2008)
Appeasers all, in President Bush's world view (and John McCain's, apparently -- although it differs with what McCain said about Hamas a couple of years ago)
As for Iran, also the focus of Bush's and McCain's appeasement wrath, here is Bush's own Defense Secretary:
In a speech given to a group of former American diplomats, Robert Gates, the US Secretary of Defense, stated that his country needs to seek dialogue with Iran. He advocated engaging Tehran diplomatically, rather than simply attempting to intimidate it. (The National, Abu Dhabi, May 16, 2008)