Tue 22 Apr, 2008 01:05 pm
An Oakland, Calif., liquor store owner defended himself against an armed robber last weekend.
When the robber walked behind the counter of the liquor store with his pistol
aimed at the owner, the owner quickly withdrew his own pistol from his waistband.
The two exchanged fire; the owner was hit once; the robber was hit at least three times.
Charges against the robber, whom police believe is also responsible for another unsolved robbery,
are pending.(, CA. 4/21/08)
Its better to HAVE a gun and not NEED it,
than to NEED a gun and not HAVE it.
I would rather not get shot at all...
THAT decision is within the discretion of the BAD GUY !
IF he sees that u r armed in your own defense,
he may reject u,
in favor of a safer target for his felony.
But in this particular story, the gun owner (actually both gun owners) got shot.
This does not support the argument you are trying to make.
OmSigDAVID wrote:THAT decision is within the discretion of the BAD GUY !
IF he sees that u r armed in your own defense,
he may reject u,
in favor of a safer target for his felony.
This is the brain-dead deterence argument that reactionaries like I'msickDavid are so fond of. There is nothing in the posted information to suggest that the alleged perpetrator in this case knew that his intended victim were armed. Even if that were the case, this stupid argument assumes that people who commit criminal acts think they will fail, that they will get arrested, that they will get shot. The great majority of criminals aren't very bright (just like conservative gun nuts), and they leave home confident that they will not fail, that they will elude the police, that they won't get shot and can win any shoot-out. Do rightwingnuts really believe that anyone intent on a criminal act ever leaves the house convinced that they will fail.
Another sterling example of what passes for logic at I'msickDavid's house.
Sure it does. Unarmed defenseless people who believe in the victim mentality have no more soul than their soulless attacker(s).
Remember, cops like to document the crime scene, they'd much rather do that than unholster their weapon.