Ya know.. I know this is supposed to be a 'funny' topic... I mean.. it IS in humor..
But it is bothering me that people say " blacks can not act white"
What does that mean? ( Or am I just missing a real joke here? If so.. im sorry and I will shut my pie hole..

Eh, for those who dont know already.. I am black.
So.. am I supposed to talk like OG and the other kids on this board?
Iz dat it? Cuz Mufa Fukah.. dat what black peeps talk lik. Right?
Because we are all supposed to walk with a fake limp and look like an idiot while keeping our fingers in our crotch.
We are all supposed to be concerned about wearing a certain cheap brand name clothing, and keep our shoes white.
We are supposed to all have afros, or any other immature , in style hair do that is out there.
We black women should wear ill fitting shirts and too tight pants while streaking purple and red in our over greased hair . And everytime we talk, we should roll our neck and click our teeth.
We better not amount to much either... less we be blamed for trying to be white.
So, do I as a black woman who does none of the above , fall into the 'over bleached' category?
I speak in complete sentances.
I even use words that are longer then 7 letters on a regular basis.
I dont smoke weed.
I hate rap music. And my clothes fit as they should.
I dont worry about who is looking at me to the point of swinging my head around at the sound of anything, positioned to ' look cool ' ..
I listen to rock music, LOUDLY at times..
I tend to vote Democratic.. if I vote at all really..
I eat primarily a vegetarian diet and I try to raise my child on that same diet .
I dont do 'txt speek" because I have more of a brain then that and I know that how you present yourself makes all the difference when you want someone to pay attention to you, and take you seriously.
I dont own Tommy Hillfukker clothing.
I dont HAVE to have the latest handbag and I will be damned if I will even purchase a good knock off so that I ' look good'
Am I acting white?