Re: Black Women
Amigo wrote:I went on a dating website for the very first time. I threw a bunch of messages out to a bunch of women. One was a black woman. She replied immediately. They are not scared of men. They know men and what they want and they don't hold it against us
I told her ;
"Why are you wearing a short skirt like some girl in a Hip Hop video??? The picture of you in the long dress blows them all away. They can'e compete with your curves in a long dress."
I have been with two Black women and I have never felt more like a man like the way they make me feel it and I have never been yelled at or made love to a woman the way a black woman does.
She will kick ass for you and in the next breath throw you to the curb. Both times during sex I became there "baby" and from that time after.
"Baby, are you hungry?"
"Baby, buy me this shampoo."
"Relax Baby"
If you piss them off or insult them you will know it. I miss my Black girlfreinds.
yeah black girls are amazing.
but its all about filipinas and el salvadorians, those are some amazing women.
salvis are so MEAN! its funny cuz im all adorable, and they get mad, then they are like aww i cant be mad at u! and im like YEP.
until i piss u off again