It's me again, we'll this is just not an easy situation. I have to children from a previous marriage (12 & 10 yr old girls). We are just one big happy family
and my partner has a 21 year old son who comes and goes and has a room in the house.
Ok, I know everyone will have some feedback on this
So, now we are looking at a 4 bedroom home inwhich one room is my partners, the other is his mothers, their is a guessroom and his son's room. When we marry, and mom stays, it has already been said and agreed that his son will always has his room. So that leaves the guess room for my daughters who are nearing teenage years. So possibly no problem, except, maybe years down the line starting to feel a little uncomfortable.
I don't know, everything in the house is his mothers, very cluttery. Clean, but a lot of stuff, some things that I would like to see moved....and I just feel as a woman that maybe I will end up not being able to make some changes to the house that should be "our home". If anyone can understand all this.
I will stop writing now, because one thing I do know, is that we are no where near solving these thoughts.....and there are many things to think about, from finances, to the house, to mom, to living arrangements, to re-decorating. UGH! Why is this so hard? You find your perfect mate, but there are perfect obstacles.
And to answer your question, she is not frail, she still drives, and gets around. She still wants to work (in=home care for seniors) but those jobs come and go. Right now she is currently out of work and feeling bad. She has friends, but don't like to go out or socialize with any of them. She just likes to be at home (if not working) and do little things around the house and do things for her son and spoil her grandson. She can be mean when she wants to, but everyone can.
Thanks all.