kickycan wrote:Jesus was a liberal.
Glib, but supportable?
Jesus ridding the Temple of money-lenders was the action of a conservative.
The adherence, by Jesus, to the Laws of the Old Testament was conservative.
The fact that Jesus, clearly, cared about the poor and unfortunate is not evidence that he was a "Liberal." Liberals are not the only people in the world who care about the poor and unfortunate and it is a indication of liberal sanctimony (not to mention The Big Lie) that they argue otherwise.
One might, foolishly, cast conservatives as greedy misers, but this is a function of partisan passion not political intellect. There is absolutely nothing within the concept of conservativism that suggests that the poor and unfortunate should be left to suffer alone. There is also nothing within the concept of liberalism that suggests that the poor and unfortunate should deserve extraordinary attention.
Jesus' concern for the poor and unfortunate was neither Liberal, nor Conservative.
How this concern might be addressed takes us to the Left-Right fork in the road.
Did Jesus call for the state of Israel, such as it was, or the Roman Empire to attend to the poor and unfortunate? Perhaps. As I am not a biblical scholar I cannot attest that there is nothing in the Gospels that suggest same, however my personal reading of the Gospels and the teaching I received as a young Lutheran, strongly suggest to me that the call to care for the poor and unfortunate was directed at the individual and not the collective --- fairly conservative there.
It is ironic that self-professed secularists so often attempt to seize the endorsement of Jesus. Try for at least a small measure of intellectual integrity - won't you?
If Jesus was a conservative and not a liberal, so what?
If he was a liberal, and not a conservative, so what again?
An objective analysis, rooted in actual, not perceived, elements of the two ideologies will, to my mind, clearly categorize Jesus as a conservative.
This does not mean, at all, that liberalism is the mind set of The Devil, and only a fool would think so.
I don't believe Jesus was a deity, but whether he was or whether he was "merely" an enlightened sage, I seriously doubt he cared or cares one whit about the petty partisan political squabbles in which we engage.