Diest TKO wrote:If Jesus existed, to say he was a liberal is an understatement.
Foxfyre wrote:The four judges voting against him also ruled it unconstitutional to confiscate property from Citizen A who earned it in order to give it to Citizen B who didn't.
There is a far distance between confiscating property from individuals and taxing them. You seem to be against the redistribution of wealth, but you fail to see that your own ideas do exactly that redistribute wealth upwards.
The trickle down effect doesn't work.
Our money is top heavy.
If the purpose of taxation is to take from one person in order to benefit another, that is confiscating the property of Citizen A who earned it and giving it to Citizen B who didn't. That was never the Founder's intention nor was it their intention that government have the power to 'redistribute wealth'. They understood the real dangers of giving government those kinds of powers.
It is not my responsibility to make YOU wealthy. It is YOUR responsibility to make the kinds of choices that will allow you to increase your own holdings, and it is government's reponsibility to create a system in which you have the freedom to do that.
Citizen A stayed in school, educated himself, didn't get pregnant or get somebody pregant, did not abuse substances, stayed away from illegal activities, paid his dues by taking whatever work was available to develop a work ethic and references, learned a trade to support himself, waited until he could support a family to have kids, and thus contributed to the economy and indirectly to the welfare of all.
Nobody has ever been able to explain to me how it is moral for the government to force Citizen A to then support Citizen B who dropped out of school, wouldn't work to keep a job, did drugs and booze, maybe had a kid or three without benefit of a dependable husband, got in trouble with the law, and otherwise made choices guaranteed to keep him or her poor.
Nobody has ever been able to explain to me how it is moral for government to encourage and sometimes even reward the kinds of choices made by Citizen B while confiscating more and more of Citizen A's property the more successful Citizen A becomes.
A moral society takes care of the truly helpless among us though that does not necessarily have to be done by the government. Moral people accept responsibility for contributing to society by supporting themselves instead of being a drain on society and expect to be held accountable when they fail to do that.
Yes anybody can need help from others and, when we do, we should be grateful when such help is made available to us. But nobody should think that it is their right that everybody else support them.