You got any particular denomination in mind? I got Eviscerapalian, Rosie Crustacion, Methslabratorian and Soft-Shell Babelist.
Ms Debacle, kindly refrain from taking the piss out of our glorious and perfected Master Methslabratorian (pbuh).
Oh Steve, you naughty boy. I just bet you'd like to get your hands on my nice bare bunds.
Ms Setanta, you might be interested in one fine Chinee development bond. Issued by High Pong & Shank High Bank on behalf of The Best Lil Ho House in Wham Bam Boo Province, it's well participated and fully converted. Should fit your religious peckerdilloes just dandy.
dont know what it is but I all for it
oh you meant pecker-dildos made famous in a popular film, that I NEVER watched no I did not not ever you hear NOT EVER
Hmm....I am planning a development.....the 'Fair I Sees House of Pleasure and Pain' next to a boutiquey little shop 'Cheeses of Nazareth'. Who doesn't like a good Roquefort after getting blue with a sheep?
There is not a perversion which our screed would not embrace, given sufficient cash stimulus . . . keep thinkin' guys, i am greatly encouraged by your . . . uh . . . devout attitudes . . .
What a noble and inspirational thought Setanta. I am so proud to be a member of this Honourable and Ancient Society of General Depravity.
Our god is no slacker, Boss, She understands human frailty--after all, She created it! She wants us to be happy, and, above all, rich . . .
This ain't the Philostrophy department then? I'm looking for a class, Phil. 201, On Harris Throttles Organ, I think it's called.
Harris can go throttle his organ somewhere else . . . i can assure you She will not be amused . . .
I don't believe it was sex Harris meant.