These beatitudes must be similar to the ancient Zen practice of Master debating.
Are you a fan of Confucius?
If so, "To learn the truth a daybreak, and die at dawn is enough."
How great is that!
Marvelous effort, Edgar, you've got a great future in the religion biz . . . work on some marketing ideas, 'k? Also, practice the falling down, but also, standing, in a shakey manner, after rising from the wheelchair to which you've been confined for life . . . that's always a sure-fire donation generator . . .
Cav, lose the "de" an' you've got it . . .
I was trying to be ever so subltle....
You know what subtle is? The way they slip that 'b' into the word....
When subtlety fine in it's place, but we wanna hit over the head, either figuratively, or literally . . . whatever it takes to relieve them of their wallets . . .
Bless this firearm, and hand over the bucks or so help me god, I will get trigger-happy for Jesus....
You dudes aren't the brighest huh?
Weeelll, bright enough to understand irony at the very least....
You only do that stuff to beef up your post number huh?
Pimp? Don't tell the wife...
You are married?
What is it like to be imprisoned?
Not too bad, but I got lucky.
With a wife as lovely, intelligent and quick-witted as yours, Cav, you are indeed a fortunate man.
What are the chances that we can enlist her in our campaign to fleece . . . uhm, er . . . lead the faithful to glory?