fishin wrote:Chai wrote:Me?
I don't see buying a DNA test as an impulse buy.
I think it's much less of an issue for women in general. There isn't much opportunity for doubt about whether or not a child is your's and there isn't any way for a guy to deceive you into thinking that you weren't really preggers with your own child.

heh...I guess I didn't phrase that very well.
What I meant was if I was a man I don't think it would be an impulse buy.
Meaning, if I was like most men, and confident of his wifes fidelity, they could see the most attractive display of DNA test kits, with their favorite music playing in the background, and there would be no impulse to purchase it.
A man would have to already doubt his wife to buy something like that, and seeing that in a store wouldn't be an impulse (to me if I were a man) but rather discovering a product that would answer a question I'd been dwelling on for quite some time.
To me, an impulse purchase is one where I'd never thought of owning one, had no reason to get it, but did just because of superficial apperances.
It also implies to me that there will be regret over the purchase. I don't see myself as a man buying a DNA kit, and later saying "Hey, why did I buy this? I don't need it."