Breaking!!! Obama Passport Data Breach

Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 07:35 am
State Dept Higher Ups Found Out About It from a Reporter

Well, the serial snooping of Barack Obama's passport file has been dominating the comments and even the cable news shows - to poor little Tucker Carlson's dismay, who clearly wanted a meaningful discussion of race in America over Pastor Wright (rolls eyes) .

According to the Washington Post three different people at three different times, January 9, February 21 and March 14 this year, took a peek at Obama's passport file.

Senior department officials said they learned of the incidents only when a reporter made an inquiry yesterday afternoon. They said an initial investigation indicated that the employees -- all of whom worked on contract -- were motivated by "imprudent curiosity."

They are not saying yet who these people are, which Halliburton subsidiary is involved who the contractor is, and therefore we have no idea which Party they belong to -- "The War Mongering Republicans" or the "Rapture Republicans". However, for each of these two groups the last seven years "imprudent curiosity" usually manifests itself at airport bathrooms or donkey shows. So we really have no idea how this will play out.

The dates involved have some interest too. Josh Marshall notes January 9, February 21 and March 14 respectively are:

the day after the New Hampshire primary, the day of the Democratic debate in Texas and the day the Wright story really hit.

Funny how State Department officials found this out from a reporter. That poses a lot of questions in and of itself.

One thing is certain though, this being Condi Rice's Department, no one could have anticipated this sort of thing happening...again.
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Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 08:08 am
According to David Schuster, the Justice Department is launching an investigation.
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Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 08:28 am
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Kennedy said he did not know yet whether any laws were broken or whether the employees shared the information with others. He said that the incidents, which occurred at three offices, on Jan. 9, Feb. 21 and March 14, should have been "passed up the line" much sooner, and that officials were seeking to determine why they had not been disclosed earlier.


Why was it not publicized sooner? I think (call me paranoid) that it was being held in abeyance, to be used when politically expedient. Now what could be better than this story coming out just a couple of days after the Wright incident? Yet another case of wagging the dog!
Obama's European problem
The senator may have traveled widely, but the critically important subcommittee on Europe has languished under his leadership.
By Joe Conason

Dec. 29, 2007 |

Doubts about Barack Obama's presidential credentials have crystallized during the past two weeks over his stewardship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's Subcommittee on European Affairs, which has convened no policy hearings since he took over as its chairman last January. That startling fact, first uncovered by Steve Clemons, who blogs on the Washington Note, prompted acid comment in Europe about the Illinois senator's failure to visit the continent since assuming the committee post, and even speculation that he had never traveled there except for a short stopover in London.

But why should those questions matter to Americans who consider Senate hearings so much useless verbiage? And why does anyone care whether and where a would-be president has traveled, on official or personal visits?

The simple answer to the first question is that Senate hearings do not merely provide occasions for grandstanding as many voters may suspect, but fulfill a critical purpose in providing information and perspective to lawmakers. In the Senate, the foreign relations subcommittees have few direct legislative responsibilities, but they have traditionally gathered substantive research for the committee itself and for the rest of the Senate.

That is why congressional hearings matter, and why a subcommittee chairmanship represents a significant responsibility. Knowledge is not just power but the fundamental requirement for either house of Congress to act as an equal of the executive branch in government.

Should Obama wonder whether he ought to have bothered with his subcommittee, he could ask his friendly rival Joe Biden, D-Del., who chaired the Europe subcommittee for many years during the Cold War. Biden effectively exploited the chairmanship to transform himself from a junior member into one of the Senate's most knowledgeable experts on arms control, nuclear weapons, European attitudes toward America and the Soviet Union, the European Union's policies, and the role of NATO, which also comes under the subcommittee's mandate. As a result, Biden starred in Senate hearings on the SALT II arms treaties and eventually established himself as a leading national voice on foreign policy.

"I wouldn't call it a neglect of duty but a missed opportunity to explore issues that will be of fundamental importance to the next administration," says ambassador John Ritch, who served for two decades as the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's senior staffer on European affairs and East-West relations, before going on to represent the Clinton administration at the United Nations organizations in Vienna.

Ritch points out that as subcommittee chair, Obama could have examined a wide variety of urgent matters, from the role of NATO in Afghanistan and Iraq to European energy policy and European responses to climate change -- and of course, the undermining of the foundations of the Atlantic alliance by the Bush administration. There is, indeed, almost no issue of current global interest that would have fallen outside the subcommittee's purview.

Certainly Obama is capable of formulating the concepts and questions that his subcommittee could have explored. In an otherwise unimportant press release hailing the visit of Poland's president to Washington last July, he took the trouble to note several important issues affecting our relations with Europe, including the renewal of transatlantic relationships, repairing our ties with what the Bush White House contemptuously called "old Europe," integrating Russia into Western institutions, consulting our allies on proposed missile defense deployments, and securing additional European troops for the Afghan security mission.

Perhaps he could not have been expected to undertake an ambitious round of hearings when he was in the midst of deciding to run for president -- but that decision may merely point up the conflict between ambition and experience that has raised questions about his candidacy.

So much for what might have been. Both Obama and his campaign spokespersons have taken pains to deny the suggestion that he has spent no time in Europe. As he said at the first Democratic debate last April, Obama regards the European Union and NATO as the most important allies of the United States, which would make ignorance of Europe a huge void for an aspiring chief executive.

"I've traveled extensively in Europe ... I love Europe," Obama told the Iowa Independent Web site a couple of days ago. But as Clemons noted on the Washington Note, the Obama campaign has not provided much detail on his European experiences and itineraries so far.

Those details are readily available, as indicated in a Chicago Tribune profile of Obama, which covered his 2005 senatorial trip to examine nuclear sites in Russia with Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., then the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. That story, whose deeper theme was Obama's tutelage in foreign affairs, mentioned that he had traded his blue tourist passport -- "which he had taken across Asia, Australia and Africa as well as most of Europe" -- for a burgundy-colored passport that identifies him as an official of the U.S. government.

If Obama wants to show where he has been, he merely has to release his passport records. Then everyone would know that his boast about traveling extensively in Europe is true -- even if this year he didn't have time to convene a hearing on the momentous issues affecting our relations with that continent and the world.

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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 09:32 am
Roxxxanne wrote:
The gossip I amhearing in the blogosphere (progressive) is that Hillary may be behind it. The woman in charge who kept this from going hire ahs ties to the Clintons. Stay tuned. This is going to be fun.

Grab some



my only surprise is that it took you guys almost 12 hours to come up with that bullshit...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 09:39 am
Yeah, Hillary's behind it. Oh, wait. McCain's behind it. Gosh, someone has to be behind it, right? I think Obama's behind it. What better way to get the sympathy vote than to have it appear that others are out to get you.

Of course, it might just be what it is, people snooping for no apparent reason.

Naw, that couldn't be it. Too simple.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 09:53 am
CoastalRat wrote:
Yeah, Hillary's behind it. Oh, wait. McCain's behind it. Gosh, someone has to be behind it, right? I think Obama's behind it. What better way to get the sympathy vote than to have it appear that others are out to get you.

Of course, it might just be what it is, people snooping for no apparent reason.

Naw, that couldn't be it. Too simple.

Please try to keep the discourse at an adult level. Do you have any theories as to how Obama was able to plant a mole in the State Dept? Any three different people ignored posted warnings and risked their very cushy jobs out of "idle curiosity?" No one is accepting that. It is possible, of course, but considering the timeline, unlikely.

Developing! Hillary Clinton file breached in 2007.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 09:57 am
March 20, 2008, 9:35 pm
State Dept. Punishes Aides for Obama Passport Breach
By Helene Cooper

Updated | 11:52 a.m. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has told Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton her passport file was breached in 2007, the Associated Press reports.
Updated | 10:30 a.m. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she has apologized to Senator Barack Obama for an incident in which State Department contractors improperly reviewed his passport file.
"We are very concerned about this," Ms. Rice said. "I told him that I was sorry and I told him that I myself would be very disturbed if I learned that somebody had looked into my passport file."

0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 09:58 am
Breaking! Now Condasleezy claims MCain's files have been breached. This is bullshit and they are trying to create a cover story. We need an independent investigation NOW!
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Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 10:04 am
Roxxxanne wrote:
Please try to keep the discourse at an adult level.

Roxxxanne wrote:
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Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 10:06 am
So who's next? Edwards? Romney? Huckabee? Andrea Mitchell just took the bait. "This might indicate it is not partisan snooping" or something to that effect. Of course, that is the conclusion they want you to draw.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 10:07 am
Roxxxanne wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
Yeah, Hillary's behind it. Oh, wait. McCain's behind it. Gosh, someone has to be behind it, right? I think Obama's behind it. What better way to get the sympathy vote than to have it appear that others are out to get you.

Of course, it might just be what it is, people snooping for no apparent reason.

Naw, that couldn't be it. Too simple.

Please try to keep the discourse at an adult level. Do you have any theories as to how Obama was able to plant a mole in the State Dept? Any three different people ignored posted warnings and risked their very cushy jobs out of "idle curiosity?" No one is accepting that. It is possible, of course, but considering the timeline, unlikely.

Developing! Hillary Clinton file breached in 2007.

I guess the sarcasm went right over your head.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 10:14 am
Roxxxanne wrote:
So who's next? Edwards? Romney? Huckabee? Andrea Mitchell just took the bait. "This might indicate it is not partisan snooping" or something to that effect. Of course, that is the conclusion they want you to draw.

This is the bush administration, overall incompetence in all things is the standard and thus the most reasonable explanation.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 10:39 am
CoastalRat wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
Yeah, Hillary's behind it. Oh, wait. McCain's behind it. Gosh, someone has to be behind it, right? I think Obama's behind it. What better way to get the sympathy vote than to have it appear that others are out to get you.

Of course, it might just be what it is, people snooping for no apparent reason.

Naw, that couldn't be it. Too simple.

Please try to keep the discourse at an adult level. Do you have any theories as to how Obama was able to plant a mole in the State Dept? Any three different people ignored posted warnings and risked their very cushy jobs out of "idle curiosity?" No one is accepting that. It is possible, of course, but considering the timeline, unlikely.

Developing! Hillary Clinton file breached in 2007.

I guess the sarcasm went right over your head.

You guessed wrong.
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Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 06:08 pm
In Clinton's case, an individual last summer accessed her file as part of a training session involving another State Department worker. McCormack said the one-time violation was immediately recognized and the person was admonished.

McCormack said one of the individuals who accessed Obama's files also reviewed McCain's file earlier this year. This contract employee has been reprimanded, but not fired. The individual no longer has access to passport records, he said.


The incidents raise questions as to whether the information was accessed for political purposes and why two contractors involved in the Obama search were dismissed before investigators had a chance to interview them.

The Associated Press has learned that the two contractors fired for snooping into Barack Obama's passport records worked for a Virginia-based company called Stanley Inc.


I don't think it was either Hillary or McCain's camp who is ultimately behind all this; but I do speculate it was some kind of conservative groups doings because of the timing. Hillary and McCain's were done probably before McCain was declared the republican candidate and Obama's after he started to get ahead of Hillary.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 06:12 pm
nosy low level employees and nothing more IMO.
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Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 06:15 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
nosy low level employees and nothing more IMO.

I guess they just got really nosey about Obama's passport information as they did it on three separate occasions and as recently as last week.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 06:19 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
nosy low level employees and nothing more IMO.

Maybe, maybe not, but either way the looks not being noticed and passed up the chain of command to Rice is a failure at State. There needed to be a system in place to watch for abuse of the records. The investigation should be able to figure out what the motive was, and who received the info if anyone.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 06:37 pm
can't argue there... but I don't think there are any legs to the inevitable conspiracy theories....I could be wrong of course...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 06:42 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
can't argue there... but I don't think there are any legs to the inevitable conspiracy theories....I could be wrong of course...

I agree. People with "access" get nosy. The State Department found the breach and is taking care of it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 07:57 pm
How much information are we talking about here? There is no list of places they have been. There is a photo and a Social Security number. What else?
0 Replies

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