Bi-Polar Bear wrote:ebrown_p wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:ebrown_p wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:I am not an McCain fan or supporter but I agree I think he will be the next president.
I shudder.
war, war, war.
You Clinton folks are going to have to make a choice here. Do you really prefer McCain to Obama?
If you get on board with the Democrat who has won the primaries, it will go a long way to making sure we don't lose in November.
I have already said I'll write in for my favorite candidate.
A vote for your favorite candidate is a vote for McCain. (But neither you nor she seem to think this is a really a bad thing.)
((I shudder war war war))
this is America sluggo... I can vote for whoever i damn well please.... or not vote at all.... and not worry about someone elses' judgemental bullshit. I intend to exercise that right for as long as I'm lucky enough to have it.
Yes it is America and you can vote for whomever you damn well please-- and I can criticize the callous arrogant idiocy of Clinton and her supporters who claim to care about America and the principals of the Democratic party and then are willing to tear apart the Democratic party and put McCain in office simply because they lost the Primary.
The nomination is supposed to be won through the primaries and caucuses with the candidate who wins each state (by getting more votes) deciding the winner.
But go ahead... vote for who you like. It is your right.
But if a president McCain increases our involvement in Iraq and starts new military adventures in other countries...
if a president McCain continues Bush's program of wiretapping without a warrant.
... and if a president McCain appoints more conservative judges further eroding woman's health and science issues...
I am going to be pissed. This is my right.
People criticized Nader voters for having this same attitude. The difference is, of course, Nader never pretended to be a Democrat.