But Fox, you have NOT shown anywhere where Locke proposed or supported your claim.
Yes, Locke was the basis for the constitution but his being the basis doesn't show where Locke opposed sharing the wealth. In fact, I can find nowhere that Locke says that. If anything Locke opposes someone accumulating more property than he needs to the detriment of others ability to satisfy their needs when you read the chapter on property. Locke also clearly supports taxation. You have admitted that Locke supports charity.
Quote:have posted sufficient references to illustrate what Locke's views on property were as those views apply to an idea that Citizen B is somehow entitled to any property that Citizen A lawfully and ethically acquired.
You haven't shown a damn thing. You have made up what you think Locke meant but you have only posted one quote from him and then quite clearly tried to misuse it by claiming taxation equals slavery. I realize that you live in a fantasy world sometimes Fox, but it is just a bit ridiculous to claim you have referenced Locke comments to support your outlandish ideas when you quite clearly have not. No thinking person would make an argument and NOT use Locke's words. His words are usually quite clear in meaning.
Quote:You three seem to want to believe that the government owes you a living if for any reason you do not provide that living for yourself. There is no way that the government can do that without taking property from others and giving it to you.
I don't believe any of us have said that. I earn a living and pay taxes. I don't mind if those taxes go to help the less fortunate. I believe like Locke said, the majority should decide. You accuse us of not discussing the issues and then you turn around and build straw men arguments to try to prove we are wrong on the issue.
Should we discuss your inability to discuss the actual premise Fox? I think I have done that repeatedly. I have provided quotes from Locke that clearly dispute your claim of his meaning. You have not dealt with any of Locke's own words. You run from them. Now you make up a statement about how I think the government owes me a living. I have never said that. You can't show where I have said that. You repeatedly commit the false dilemma fallacy by dividing everything into only 2 possibilities.
You think because I support government charity then I think the government owes me a living. That is a false assumption on your part.
You think because Locke didn't say he was for taking money from A to give to B then he must be against it. Another false assumption on your part.
I get tired of your claims that you as a conservative are more "rational" than liberals. You are an intellectual light weight Fox. You make stuff up. You have a thin skin when your ideas are exposed for being intellectually bankrupt. You are incapable of defending your conservative viewpoint from any logical standpoint. You spend a fair amount of time attacking liberalism rather than showing why conservatism is supposed to be good. You and ican make a great pair and show how silly conservatism can be when practiced by some. The two of you compliment each other on your meaningless comments acting as if you have somehow spoken some great truths. It is ridiculous.