Foxfyre wrote:
I am saying that we have already HAD most of that discussion here as well as elsewhere. Try to keep up okay?
Sorry, it's your dizzying intellect. Hard to keep up with your lightning fast thought processes.
Quote:Quote: His campaign rhetoric re health care did not threaten private insurance or private plans in the way the plan Congress came up with did.
So now congress has to adhere to Obama's campaign promises? You've been a little too long under the unitary executive.
No clue what you mean.[/quote]
That's pretty obvious. You are saying that the plans that congress comes up with are supposed to somehow be consistent with Obama's campaign promises. Congress is in another branch of government.
Quote:You're the one who said he stuck to his game plan in his speech. The only game plan in town that I know of was in those bills Congress has been kicking around and that have generated so much negative publicity. So which is it? Are you sticking with your asserting that Obama has been consistent and hasn't changed his plan? Or was he offering something different in that speech Wednesday night?
Err, no. I'm saying he hasn't departed drastically from his campaign platform. And yes, I don't think what he outlined on Wednesday was a huge swing away from his campaign plan, your confusion about the difference between the legislative and executive branches notwithstanding.
Quote:Quote:Quote:His most recent speech provided no specifics and was pretty ambiguous in all the areas of greatest concern to those who are concerned.
It was infinitely more specific than the snippet you posted from 2003 as his 'original plan'.
That snippet referred to a single-payer system only. Do you suggest he was probably lying when he suggested that his goal was a single-payer system but we couldn't get there right away?
Does your question have anything to do with my point? You complained about lack of specifics after posting a 6 year old speech snippet and claiming it represented a plan. (Hint: I answered that question when mysteryman asked it, but thanks for playing.)
Rebut any point I made if you can.
You didn't make any points.
Quote:I can't imagine what is in the water that makes some consider using a person's own words as a 'smear' or somehow inappropriate to use.
What are you on about?
Quote:Unless they say what they want him to have said of course. Obama spent 40+ minutes giving a speech that was all over the place. Now we either go with his 'all over the place' or write our own scenario. You said his plan was consistent with what has been proposed. So let's go with that and stick to 1) what he said Wednesday night plus 2) what he has said in the past plus 3) how he has actually governed thus far.
Sure. You claim he has swung wildly from his campaign platform so the burden is on you to show how. You can find his current published plan and the text of his speech on the
whitehouse website. I doubt that his campaign plan is still up, but I'm sure if you dig you can find it quoted here on A2K threads. Happy hunting.
Quote:I think all are pertinent to consider. Don't you?
Depends on the purpose. If you want to know what will be in the health care bill then you should probably look at his posted plan as that is probably what he and Baucus have talked about.
Quote:For instance, he knows that the Republicans have pushed tort reform as a critical issue in healthcare reform and have been rebuffed in every effort. And he can read the polls. So Wednesday night he says:
Quote: Now, I don’t believe malpractice reform is a silver bullet, but I’ve talked to enough doctors to know that defensive medicine may be contributing to unnecessary costs. So " so " so I’m proposing that we move forward on a range of ideas about how to put patient safety first and let doctors focus on practicing medicine. I know that the Bush administration considered authorizing demonstration projects in individual states to test these ideas. I think it’s a good idea, and I’m directing my secretary of health and human services to move forward on this initiative today.
Wow. Such strength of conviction. Such forceful taking the bull by the horns. Such commitment to accomplish a goal. Such unambigruousness. Not.
Christ on a bike. He makes a good faith effort to embrace Republican ideas and you're bitching because he wasn't forceful enough. It's not his conviction so why the hell should he show strength of it. You'll complain about anything short of an all out conversion to your brand of conservatism. You want capitulation; you won't get it.
Quote:Kathleen Sebelius, his Secretary of Health and Human Services, before she was governor of Kansas, was Executive Director and then head lobbyist for the Kanas Trial Lawyers Association, a group who lobbied vigorously against any form of tort reform..
Just how tough do you think somebody like her will be in reining in trial lawyers in the interest of tort reform?
About as tough as Republican senators and congressmen will be on the insurance industry that pumps money into their campaign coffers. The Secretary of Health and Human Services has no power over the courts and can't pass legislation -- what is it exactly that you want her to do? The fact is that there is still no hard evidence that unnecessary lawsuits or excessive jury awards are a significant cause of increased health insurance rates, and limiting people's access to the courts further skews power towards big businesses and away from individuals. It should be considered and debated, but there is no reason why he or anyone else should be coming out full force for it without evidence.